At a glance, the Demon Lord saw through what was wrong with the skeletons and beasts behind him, because they seemed to be directed by someone.

In addition, along the way, many areas still have the smell of burning. How can the devil not know what's going on?

"So, these skeletons are all after you?"

There was a burst of anger in the devil's heart. You know, before the devil, they all regarded these skeletons and war beasts as their own things.

"You not only destroyed those skeleton war beasts, but also wanted to use your self as a shield?"

Demon Zun angrily looks at Ye Pengfei. At this time, he is passed through the armor by the shell, just like a string of gourds hanging in the air.

What's more, it always lags behind Ye Pengfei.

In addition, demon Zun is only tens of miles away from the skeletons. Even if he doesn't know how to use any means, he can feel the threat brought by the skeletons.

It can be said that as long as those skeletons accelerate a little, they can catch up quickly.

"Yes, although you have no accomplishments, the physical strength is OK?"

Ye Pengfei looked at the devil with a smile, and naturally said.

The demon Zun was shocked and lowered his head directly.

Ye Pengfei's words just now are very plain, but the devil knows that this guy means something.

"Is it true that he knows that he can re cultivate himself?"

The devil's heart became more and more complicated in an instant. He didn't notice that the spirit shell deliberately lagged behind Ye Pengfei by several positions.


A skull war beast suddenly accelerated, more than ten miles distance blink of an eye, demon Zun was directly hit by the skull war beast.

The demon Zun didn't show the slightest bit of performance, on the contrary, it was the skeleton war beast that was smashed a horn.

Ha ha...

there was a smile on the corner of Ye Pengfei's mouth, and then Lingke accelerated back to Ye Pengfei.

"What do you want to do?"

The demon Zun looks at Ye Pengfei as usual. Although the skeleton war beast is very fast, its impact is also very strong. But it's a pity that the demon Zun is stronger and has not been hurt at all.

"I haven't thought about it yet," said Ye Pengfei naturally, but he took the evil spirit seriously.

"But," said Ye Pengfei, "if you are here, you can't fight, but you can't die."

I'm very...

even the devil, at this time, I can't help but feel the impulse to say rude words.

When did you ever act as a shield for others?

However, at this time, even if the devil is dissatisfied, it seems that he can do nothing.

Demon Zun humiliated closed his eyes, secretly vowed in his heart, once let him back to the peak, he will be ye Pengfei broken into pieces.

But no matter how much resentment in the devil's heart, now, he can only do one thing honestly.

As long as there is a skeleton fighting beast speeding up, he will be immediately pushed out by Ye Pengfei to make a shield.

Don't say, the human shield of demon Zun really works.

At least, those speeding up skeletons and beasts were blocked back by the demon. Besides, he suffered a lot of injuries.

Ye Pengfei with the devil in the small world, in the back is countless skeletons in the chase.

The devil is hanging on the shell of the spirit, and his resentment is hard to calm.

It's a pity that at this time, what he said did not have the slightest deterrent. What ye Pengfei should do is still what he should do.

I don't know how long I ran, but ye Pengfei suddenly looked back at the skeletons.

"Run so far, they really don't know tired?"

Ye Pengfei laughs strangely. Suddenly, the unexpected premonition in his heart comes again.

The next second...

the devil was directly thrown out by Ye Pengfei...


The first few skeletons were smashed in an instant!

See this scene, ye Pengfei is also unavoidable some smack tongue.

To tell the truth, he didn't expect that the devil was so hard.

"But that's good for me."

Ye Pengfei waved, and the spirit shell picked the devil back again.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you do this to me."

The devil was very angry, his face turned red, and he was full of killing.

However, ye Pengfei directly ignored his words.

The spirit shell takes the devil to the sky, and when it reaches the sky, it releases the devil directly. Then, the shell also followed a free fall.

"Are you special?"

this is the second time that the Demon Lord has uttered rude words. He really can't help it.

To tell you the truth, the devil has never been so wronged as he is today.

If... If the demon Zun can have a little power now, he will not hesitate to find Ye Pengfei to fight hard, and will not consider not to fight at all.However, mozun has no freedom of action at all now, and can only be at the mercy of Ye Pengfei.

The warlord fell from the sky and directly killed several skeletons and war beasts, although this strength is nothing to the warlord. However, the devil also felt dizzy.

"Come again"

"stop, I'm going to tear you up."


The demon Zun fell to the ground again, smashing a big hole, dizzy.

Before the evil Lord could react, the spirit shell took him to the sky.

"Stop, believe it or not...

" bastard...

the devil swore that he would kill Ye Pengfei.

However, that is the future. Now he is the weapon of Ye Pengfei.

Every roar represents that the devil is lost by the shell.

Time and time again, the devil passed out.

Half of it is a surge of Qi and blood. Now I can't carry it. The other half is Qi.

Tangtang devil, at the moment directly by Ye Pengfei to play between the shares, how can not gas?

"Hehe, have you fainted?"

Ye Pengfei is very happy at this time, just like a devil.

"It's OK. Go on. Anyway, whether you faint or not, the result is the same. "

Ye Pengfei waved his hand, and the shell roared and rose up again.

Poor devil, even if he fainted, he could not escape bad luck.

There are more and more pits on the ground, and the shell gradually loses its joy.

For the shell, the freshness is gone.

"Come on, take this guy and change places."

Ye Pengfei glanced at the devil like a dead dog and said with a smile, "do you really think I don't know anything?"

With that, ye Pengfei flew away quickly.

The spirit beast and the skeleton battle quickly opened the distance.

The skeletons and beasts behind him continued to chase.

Ye Pengfei did not know that all this was watched by a pair of deep eyes behind him.

However, those eyes didn't seem to come out immediately.

"Well, let's have a rest here and wait until our Lord devil wakes up."

After running for a distance, ye Pengfei suddenly stopped.

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