"I need more blood. As long as you can satisfy me, I can promise to help you build an invincible army and dominate the abyss."

Xu Ying said confidently, "you also see the skeletons and beasts in this seat. Although there is no intelligence, they are the best and most loyal fighters. "

Fearless of death, even if you know you will die, you will rush up directly without hesitation.

In a sense, these skeletons are really the best fighters.

Unfortunately, this is not attractive to Ye Pengfei.

"You call me as a monk, don't you really trust me to have such a skeleton army?"

Ye Pengfei said curiously, but there was a trace of banter in his eyes.

"In my opinion, this is nothing at all."

"As long as you can come out, it's OK. The matter of the abyss has nothing to do with you."

Virtual shadow is very calm said, ye Pengfei in the heart is incomparable contempt.

Look what that is?

Although Ye Pengfei didn't know whether Xuying had been abused by some demons in the abyss before, he was sure that the other party's integrity must have fallen to the ground.

Such a person, for his own sake, even regardless of the safety of the abyss, ye Pengfei can still count on it to keep its promise after it comes out?

With a sneer in his heart, ye Pengfei continued to say: "I think you have said that to many people before? No, it should be, to a lot of abyssal war beasts? "

Ye Pengfei will not forget the existence of those skeletons and beasts.

"They're just a bunch of low-level idiots."

Xu Ying snorted with disdain, and then seemed to realize something, "you are different from them. I like a monk like you very much. If I can come out, I may have to have a good talk with you. "

Ye Pengfei sneered again in his heart. Fortunately, he had a good conversation. I'm afraid he didn't want to work hard.

"Yes? How can you appreciate me so much? Have you forgotten your previous embarrassment

Ye Pengfei laughed and said: "the more impolite I am to you, the more you appreciate me. Are you a bitch?"

The whole world fell into silence, and ye Pengfei could even feel a strong sense of killing.

Ye Pengfei instantly laughed, "you that words, still keep to have predestined relationship person to say."

With that, it means to leave.

"Don't go. I really appreciate you. How can you believe what I said?"

The virtual shadow was in a hurry and said again.

I don't know how many thousands of years no one has been born in this world. As the well deserved master of this heaven and earth, Xuying naturally knows that it is very difficult for anyone to enter this heaven and earth.

Even if the skeleton Warcraft told it, the door had been opened.

But there is still an intuition in my heart, that is, even if the boundary door appears, it will not help.

"Well, let me see."

Ye Pengfei stopped and began to meditate.


at the same time, on the other side, the skeleton Warcraft gets the command of Xuying and starts to come back.

The spirit shell took the demon Zun to chase and kill these skeleton war beasts. All the way, the skeleton war beast turned a blind eye to the spirit shell and went to the mountain desperately.

Originally, Lingke intended to expand the results of the battle, but on the way, he suddenly received the idea of Ye Pengfei.

Immediately, the spirit shell threw the demon to a mountain in the distance, and then quickly rushed to the mountain.


after pondering for a moment, ye Pengfei said, "well, you should try to prove your sincerity. After all, those who used to listen to your slander have become skeletons. "

In the dark, the shadow was startled, but then calmed down.

"Well, there are a lot of abyss fighting beasts there. If you like, I can give them to you to command."

The abyssal war beast living on the high mountain is the only living creature in the whole world.

If these abyss war beasts are gone, it means that the virtual shadow has no source of blood.

Ye Pengfei can also see that those abyssal war beasts are specially left by the other side, probably because they want to rely on these abyssal war beasts to continue to breed, so as to provide a steady stream of needs for themselves.

"It's a big deal," said Ye Pengfei. "This guy is really bold."

However, because of this, ye Pengfei is more vigilant.

In the end, all the living creatures were taken out, and the picture was not small.

"Well, I'm not welcome."

Although Ye Pengfei was alert in his heart, he didn't show the slightest sign on the surface, and even followed the other party's words."OK"

the other party answered, and then ye Pengfei saw a walking abyss fighting beast in the distance, all over falling to the ground and twitching. Then, the flesh and blood of the whole body was sucked clean and became a skeleton.

The whole mountain was filled with blood.

Ye Pengfei looks at all this without expression, as if these have nothing to do with him.

Several skeletons appeared in front of Ye Pengfei and seemed very respectful to him.

"Now, do you believe in your sincerity?"

Xu Ying asks again, tone is quite a bit oppressive, probably still have a little uneasy in the heart.

This is the last food. If ye Pengfei can't be convinced, he won't think of it in his whole life...

Ye Pengfei shakes his head...

"what do you mean? Are you trying to tease me? "

Xu Ying was angry again, with a trill in his tone.

If you are cheated, the loss will be great.

"You just turned these abyssal beasts into skeletons. How do I know they will obey my orders?"

Ye Pengfei snorted coldly, "what if you are lying to me?"

"Shouldn't you be more careful in such a deal?"

"You're right. I'm wrong about you."

The tone of Xu Ying's voice softened a little bit, but it fell into Ye Pengfei's ears, but he almost didn't laugh.

At this time, the other side has been red eyed gamblers in general, all the assets are gambling up.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to let it stop again.

"I've asked them to follow your orders. You can try to direct them."

Before long, the sound of virtual shadow came again.

Ye Pengfei nodded and waved to the skeletons and beasts. The skeletons and beasts came to Ye Pengfei obediently.

"Go and kill all the other skeletons and beasts."

Ye Pengfei's first command to the new group of skeleton war beasts almost didn't let the virtual shadow jump up, "what are you doing?"

"Nature is to test whether what you say is true or false," said Ye Pengfei innocently.

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