Ye Pengfei stayed in Meng Xiyan's rental house for a while, because he thought of the wonderful couple in the afternoon, he walked around the living room and balcony for two times, only to find that several men's clothes were drying on the balcony, and there were several cigarette ends in the toilet.

With a frown, ye Pengfei knows that there is another young girl in the rental house. Has this wonderful couple not considered Xiao Yan's feelings?

"Brother Peng Fei! What are you looking at? " Mengxiyan came to the balcony, a face of doubt, but then, mengxiyan immediately silly.

"My God, this How can there be men's clothes on this balcony? "

Meng Xiyan's face is muddled and forced. He even has a cry in his voice. He is obviously scared by the sudden situation.

Ye Pengfei smiles helplessly, then pulls Meng Xiyan to the living room and sits down with the other party.

"They didn't talk to you this afternoon? Like texting and calling? " Ye Pengfei quickly asked, and motioned to the other side to have a look at the mobile phone.

Meng Xiyan quickly takes out his mobile phone and looks for it. He shakes his head wrongly.

"There were no missed calls, no text messages that I didn't browse, and that sister didn't inform me." With that, Meng Xiyan lowered his head.

"In that case, it should be a cut before a play." Ye Pengfei chuckled and then asked, "what do you do as a roommate? Have I told you before? "

Meng Xiyan looked like a memory, then frowned lightly and said, "it seems to be a salesman, but he usually comes back very late."

Ye Pengfei nodded, subconsciously put his hand into his trouser pocket, as if he was groping for something, but because he thought of the little girl, he had to stop.

As for Meng Xiyan, she was in a good mood, but now she looks sad. When she and the woman rented a house together, they agreed that they could not bring the opposite sex here.

As a result, at noon today, when she came back with Peng Feige, she saw that the other two were still doing it. If Peng Feige didn't block her eyes in time, she couldn't sleep at night.

"Brother Peng Fei, my heart is in a mess now. It must be very inconvenient for that man to live here."

Meng Xiyan immediately cried, and now she likes Ye Pengfei a little bit, which naturally repels other members of the opposite sex.

Ye Pengfei really wants Meng Xiyan to move to him, but he is afraid that the other party will misunderstand him.

Suddenly, ye Pengfei's eyes brightened.

"Xiaoxuexue's villa is so big that she doesn't have any popularity to live alone. If Xiaoyan also lives in xiaoxuexue, wouldn't it be convenient. Of course, it would be better if I lived there myself. "

Ye Pengfei thought that although the latter possibility was extinguished by him like lightning, the former possibility was not impossible.

After thinking about it, ye Pengfei immediately tentatively asked: "Xiaoyan Do you want to move out to a villa? "


Meng Xiyan stares at Ye Pengfei for a long time, but his cheeks are blushing and his hands are intertwined. He says nervously: "brother Pengfei, I I'm not that casual. "

Ye Pengfei understood for a moment, and some of them could not laugh or cry.

"Xiaoyan, you misunderstood that it's not with me, but with me A friend, a young woman, a few years older than you. "

Originally, ye Pengfei wanted to talk about the president, but he was afraid of Meng Xiyan's scruples, so he said he was a friend.

Meng Xiyan is first Leng Leng, and then a face is not from more red, all want to find a ground seam to drill in.

Just Meng Xiyan heard that it was Ye Pengfei's female friend, and then became a little nervous, subconsciously some exclusion.

After all, they live in villas. They must all be rich Bai Fumei. She is a little girl from an ordinary family, and she will live there at that time. She has no common language. How embarrassing it is.

And most importantly, Meng Xiyan doesn't want to be compared by the other party!

Ye Pengfei naturally does not know what Meng Xiyan thinks, but since Meng Xiyan is in a dilemma, ye Pengfei has to give up and try to solve the problem of the wonderful couple.

The first thing to do is to investigate them.

If these two people are serious people, it's OK. If they are not serious, ye Pengfei doesn't mind letting brother violent bear take certain measures to let them move out.

Worried about Meng Xiyan, ye Pengfei said that he would wait for them to come back, ask about their situation, and then decide to leave here.

Of course, the meaning of asking naturally includes some warning and threat elements.

Meng Xiyan's heart is warm when he sees that ye Pengfei cares about her so much.

And the other side also bought her so many clothes, although Meng Xiyan has refused, but the other side is a little bit overbearing, and also deceive themselves, let Meng Xiyan can't help but be ashamed and angry.

But even so, Meng Xiyan's heart is actually very happy.

In this way, they waited until more than nine o'clock. Meng Xiyan's roommate finally sent a text message to Meng Xiyan, saying that her boyfriend might stay here for a few days. Now they are playing with friends outside and don't go back in the evening.Sure enough!

Meng Xiyan is a little angry and shows the message to Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei is also a little angry, but also live a few days, live your sister ah!

My young master's sister, how can you look at me!

After that, ye Pengfei instructs Meng Xiyan to have a good rest at night. He will solve the problem, and then asks Meng Xiyan to call him no matter what.

Don't worry about being bullied so quickly.

Ye Pengfei felt that Meng Xiyan was really cute when he tried to be brave. He shook his head helplessly.

Finally, under Meng Xiyan's reluctant eyes, ye Pengfei walks out of the room with his previous big and small bags, and tells Meng Xiyan not to send them away. He goes back to sleep and pays attention to them at night.

"Yes, yes." Meng Xiyan is very clever, eyes have been falling on Ye Pengfei's body, as if wish never to leave each other.

Ye Pengfei was also reluctant to give up, but he finally went downstairs.

"Ye Shao!"

Suddenly, brother bear came forward from afar, looking respectful.

Ye Pengfei was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Brother Xiong smiles awkwardly. Seeing that ye Pengfei is carrying big and small bags in his hand, he comes to carry them quickly.

Ye Pengfei did not stop, took out a cigarette in his mouth, and then lit it.

Seeing that there was no one around, brother Xiong whispered: "Ye Shao, there is news about Zhang Heyuan. Liao Zhi did go to Zhang Heyuan's home this evening, but when he came back, he felt like a bird in shock. After I got the news, I went to Ye Shao and didn't see anyone there, so I guessed whether it would be here, and then I came here directly. "

Ye Pengfei spat out his eyes and said with a smile, "why don't you call me?"

Brother violent bear laughed and said: "originally I was afraid to disturb Ye Shao's good deeds, but after thinking about it, how could ye Shao be such a person, so I'm not going to take the leaves back. "

Ye Pengfei is a smile, directly step out of the step, next to Brother Bear is quickly follow.

Until a moment, ye Pengfei suddenly asked: "what happened to you before?"


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