Hearing the scream in the bathroom, ye Pengfei immediately had an indescribable sense of achievement.

Then Bata, again the smoke point, a pair of extremely pretend than the appearance.

"My God

In the bathroom, bingqinlan's voice was obviously full of excitement and ecstasy, as if he could not help but laugh.

Because she didn't think her change would be so big!

It's not just the skin that's getting better. It's like acupuncture once, and she's several years younger!

Until a moment, bingqinlan quickly came out of the bathroom.

"You've got two talents."

Bingqinlan's face is obviously with joy, but when she saw that ye Pengfei was still smoking, she almost didn't faint with anger.

"Ye Pengfei!"

Bingqinlan glares angrily, and finally refreshes his view on this guy. As a result, this guy starts to smoke in the twinkling of an eye. How can bingqinlan not be angry?

Ye Pengfei turned his head, looked at bingqinlan and said with a smile, "yes, it's really beautiful. It's worth the millions."

"Millions?" Bingqinlan said with her mouth curled, "just blow it."

Ye Pengfei pretended to vomit a mouthful of eye circles, and said with a smile: "it's not that I'm expensive, it's really worth so much. If you rely on other means, whether it's taking medicine, injection or other plastic surgery, it's impossible to reach the level that I can help you, because I start from the inside of your body, which is not comparable to those scalpels. OK, now you are beautiful White, I have to go. "

With that, ye Pengfei quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait..." Bingqinlan said quickly, "that Won't you help me? "

Bingqinlan's tone is a little confused.

Ye Pengfei turned his head and said, "I used too much of my true Qi to get rid of those evil Qi for you before. If I treated you again, the effect would not be very good. Come back tomorrow night. I have to go back and have a rest."

"Oh, all right."

Bingqin orchid will ye Pengfei to the door, originally want to say thank you, but this guy before but see her body, for a time, thank you two words, how also can't say from the mouth.

Until ye Pengfei left, bingqinlan said angrily, "it's your fault first. You can't blame me for being impolite."

Walking in the distant corridor of Ye Pengfei, a hook mouth.

"This little girl has a lot of character, but I like it."

In the evening, ye Pengfei and little nurse Meng Xiyan talked for a while, but the topic obviously began to upgrade, more and more ambiguous and close, let Ye Pengfei heart straight joy.

The next day, ye Pengfei seldom had a good sleep because he didn't go to work.

But at about eight o'clock, Xiao Ruxue suddenly called Ye Pengfei.

"Ye Pengfei, where are you now?"

Xiao Ruxue tries her best to make her tone gentle. In addition, her voice is sweet, so this moment is particularly tempting.

Ye Pengfei a Leng, this Xiao Ruxue today is how, tone how so gentle, unscientific ah.

"I've just got up and I'm going to wash. What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei asked with some vigilance.

Xiao Ruxue hesitated for a while, and then she said with embarrassment: "that I'm hungry now. Can you help me cook a meal? "

"Ah?" Ye Pengfei almost thought he had heard wrong.

Xiao Ruxue really thought that he was his royal cook. He asked him to cook for her several times, and ye Pengfei was really drunk.

"Ah, what? Anyway, I'm hungry now. Come and help me cook Xiao Ruxue was too lazy to put on any more, and said in a tone of command.

Ye Pengfei immediately silly eyes, then extremely wronged way: "I know, president."

Xiao Ruxue snorted, but after she hung up the phone, she quickly waved her little fist, and slowly started to smile.

And on the other side, ye Pengfei's anger, this little girl even pretends to be a public servant!

"Too much!"

If you didn't see that the other party was a little pitiful, and that the other party was Xiao Dachun's relative, you would not have agreed to kill Ye Pengfei.

"You are cruel!"

Half an hour later, ye Pengfei arrived at Xiao Ruxue's villa.

Today, Xiao Ruxue is dressed in a floral dress with long hair like a waterfall and plain face. It's amazing that ye Pengfei has been staying for several seconds.

"What are you looking at? I haven't seen a beautiful woman!" Xiao Ruxue rolled her eyes.

Ye Pengfei immediately said: "I've seen a lot of beautiful women, but I've never seen such a beautiful one."

"Poor mouth

Later, ye Pengfei made breakfast for Xiao Ruxue. Xiao Ruxue was still full of praise. After it was over, Xiao Ruxue made some preparations and said, "Ye Pengfei, I have decided that in addition to you being my driver, now I want to hire you as my royal chef. How about a thousand yuan more for my salary?"Xiao Ruxue looks forward to Ye Pengfei, and even makes herself a little cute.

However, ye Pengfei didn't seem to see Xiao Ruxue pretending to be cute. He rolled his eyes and said, "for this thousand yuan, I will have to wait on you sooner or later. Why?"

Xiao Ruxue was speechless, but he still pretended to be seduced and said, "what's to serve me? You're just frying two dishes. What's more, I'm eating with you, and you can save money."

Ye Pengfei didn't even think about it and said, "no! If I help you cook in the evening, I've already wasted a lot of time. If I help you cook in the morning, I'll have to sleep at least one hour less. What's more, you used to order takeout? Or eat out? "

Xiao Ruxue sighed and said pitifully, "I'm tired of eating, and the food you cooked is so delicious. Of course, I can't get used to it any more."

Ye Pengfei really can't stand Xiao Ruxue's coquettish tone. He knows that the other party is intentional, and he still can't bear it.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment, but I still can't promise you."

"Well What if they let you live in my villa? " Xiao Ruxue suddenly throws out this heavy bomb, which immediately makes Ye Pengfei's heart beat abruptly.

"True or false?" Ye Pengfei's breathing is a little short.

"Well thought! I'm just testing you, but I didn't expect that you are really trying to make up my mind. "

Xiao Ruxue immediately changed her face and looked contemptuous.

Ye Pengfei grinned, but the other side was right, because just now he was really moved by the other side's words.

Later, just as ye Pengfei was about to leave, Xiao Ruxue suddenly asked.

"Ye Pengfei, Ye Ting international, have you heard of it?"

When saying this, Xiao Ruxue has been staring at Ye Pengfei's eyes, obviously want to see something.

Ye Pengfei heart jump, I go, this little girl's intuition is not so keen!


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