"Oh, isn't this Xiao Peng? Have you bought them all? " After seeing ye Pengfei, brother pox came over with a smile, just the expression, unspeakable contempt and disdain.

"Eh?" Ye Pengfei deliberately pretended to be stunned, then frowned and said, "how are you here?"

Pox brother male disdain smile, a garbage truck, or meaning to run to find sunset smoke?

But the migrant workers are doing well. They have money to buy cars! Even though it's just a garbage truck!

"I came here to find sister Xiyan." Brother pox smiles and goes to the BMW behind him. His chin is slightly raised. He seems to be saying to Ye Pengfei, see? This is our young master's famous car.

"Yo, BMW? Ha ha When did the driver change his career? "

Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick, deliberately smile to open a way.

"What? Driver? " Pox elder brother man's mouth corner fiercely smoked, this fellow unexpectedly said that he is only the driver?

But if you think about it, BMW is not affordable for these migrant workers.

However, before waiting for brother pox's explanation, ye Pengfei yawned again and drove impatiently, saying, "OK, OK, are you a car free man compared with me? In the future, be your doctor. Don't drive other people's cars all day to be a doctor! "

"You Brother pox was angry in his heart. He finally saw it. This guy thought the BMW wasn't his own and said he drove someone else's car to match it. He almost didn't piss him off!

"Boy, even you migrant workers can buy cars. Do you think I can't afford it? I tell you, this BMW is my master's! " Brother pox roared quickly.

"What? You said the car was yours? " Ye Pengfei looks very unconvinced.

"Not bad!" Pox brother man was originally a face lover. Now he is despised by Ye Pengfei. Of course, he wants to regain his face, so his voice is also very loud.

"Isn't it?" Ye Pengfei looks at him as if he is wearing colored glasses.

"You! Good! If you don't believe it, open your dog's eyes and see clearly! "

Pox brother man quickly took out the certificate of the motor vehicle from the car, pointed to the name above and roared: "see, Wang Shengquan! My young master is Wang Shengquan! "

Ye Pengfei deliberately glanced at the other party's certificate. Just when brother pox thought that ye Pengfei was about to change his confused eyes into shocked eyes, ye Pengfei turned his lips and said: "fake!"

"You! I'm not a grass

Pox brother man is completely defeated this time! He even wondered if this guy was playing with him.

Seeing the pox man about to get angry, ye Pengfei said solemnly: "it's not that I don't believe you. It's unbelievable. You said this BMW is yours, and I said What about the two Ferrari and Range Rover? "

"Ferrari? Range Rover? "

Pox brother man looked behind him along the other side's line of sight. Sure enough, he saw two brand-new luxury cars, which were staying here. Pox brother man was startled.

Then, when pox found that Ferrari was still Ferrari California, he almost screamed!

"My God, this Which rich man is this on a trip

Pox brother looked around quickly, and suddenly he was a little scared, because his family was just a well-off family, and a BMW was just the most entry-level BMW three series, just to come out and match people who didn't understand.

This kind of car can be bought for only two or three hundred thousand, while the Ferrari California needs more than three million. Plus the two million range rover, as long as pox man is not a fool, he will know that these people are the real rich second generation.

But ye Pengfei is really shameless. Even if he wants to make a joke, he has to look in the mirror.

"Boy, do you know how much these two cars are worth?" Pox brother male the same disdain, and continued: "even if you play for a few lives, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

"How many lives?" Ye Pengfei raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "do I need to work for several generations? What if it's cheap? "

"Ha ha." Pox brother man immediately looked at Ye Pengfei like a fool, and he was too lazy to talk to each other.

At this time, Zhao Bo and Brother Bear also slowly came out of the car, pretending not to know ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei immediately said in a loud voice: "Hello, those two brothers, are your two cars very expensive? How about selling it to me? "


Pox man almost laughed. A second-hand Garbage Truck buyer said he wanted to buy Ferrari California and range rover at the same time. Doesn't that make people laugh?

Sure enough, the next moment, the two young masters quickly face up.

"Boy, do you know how much my Ferrari California is worth?" Zhao Bo pretended to be very upset.

Brother Bear also snorted coldly: "boy, you can't afford this range rover. Get out of the way, or you'll eat your fist carefully.""Hey, hey Now you know that. " Pox brother man immediately cool, thought that two rich young have been angry, ye Pengfei is about to end.

It's just that soon, the pox man is stupid.

Because ye Pengfei suddenly walked past, and then quickly grabbed their collars and roared: "I want these two cars. Take out the key, otherwise, you know."

With that, ye Pengfei threw them to the ground.



They immediately fell on their knees and began to beg for mercy.

"Brother, please spare your life. We have eyes and don't know what to do. Please spare our lives!"

"yes, brother, we're wrong. We're really wrong. Please forgive us."

Seeing the two rich CHILDES start to kneel down and beg for mercy in the blink of an eye, brother pox is completely confused.

Next, the two quickly took out the key and handed it to Ye Pengfei like lightning. Then they ran away, leaving the pox man in a mess in the wind.

God, this What's wrong with the world?

It's just that two rich second generation were robbed. It's just These two people cooperate too much, right? It's just two eggs!

Pox brother man is puzzled.

As for ye Pengfei, he said with a smile: "Ferrari and Range Rover are mine now, and I didn't ask for any money. What I got is cool!"

Ye Pengfei extremely pretended to say, and then roared at the tall building: "sunset, down, brother drove a sports car to come over, take you for a ride."

"I don't like grass!" Pox brother male heart that angry ah, this guy is obviously robbed, OK? Actually said he drove a sports car to come here, do you want to be so shameless? Do you want to be so shameless?

Pox elder brother male even wants to hang Ye Pengfei up and beat him violently, but at the thought of the figure between them, he has to bear the impulse of his hand.

For a while, I couldn't help crying!


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