
This time, instead of smoking his own cigarette, ye Pengfei came to a Cuban cigar.

Of course, although their cigarettes are more precious, but others do not know, naturally there is no forced grid.

That's why Ye Pengfei asked the waiter to buy a cigar, holding Shen Yanbing in one hand and smoking a cigar in the other. He looked like a local tyrant.

"Big!" Without thinking, ye Pengfei grabs Shen Yanbing's little hand and pushes it to a big place.

Push a hundred thousand chips!

Shen Yanbing couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

This guy is a loser with a hundred thousand shots.

"Three, five, thirteen, big!" He Guan finished, looked at Ye Pengfei, and pushed 200000 chips in the past.

"That's the win?" Shen Yanbing's heart beat twice. The speed of winning money is really fast.

"Come again, or bet big! Little Bingbing, come on, let's push up the 200000 yuan! "

"Four, five, fourteen, still big!"

The Dutch official was a little depressed and pushed 400000 to Ye Pengfei.

"I'll go and win 300000 so soon?"

Shen Yanbing was a little excited, and his heart was full of fun.

Ye Pengfei laughs and then lets Shen Yanbing choose his own choice. At the beginning, he wins one, but loses two in a row. He is a little depressed.

Ye Pengfei blinked his eyes and said: "next, let's bet small."

"Well." Shen Yanbing naturally didn't want to have such bad luck, and then quickly pressed on, and finally won.

"Well, I'll listen to you next."

Soon, in less than a few minutes, ye Pengfei actually won every time, quickly from one million to more than 2.8 million, making Shen Yanbing almost like a dream.

Soon, the number of people around him began to increase. Because ye Pengfei won every time, many people began to think carefully and followed each other all the time. As a result, he's very pale.

It's nothing for him to bet alone, but if others bet, the amount of money lost will be large.

"Ha ha, I'm so lucky. I'll give in. Ha ha ha..."

Ye Pengfei roared with laughter, then said: "well, today, even the God of gambling, then come to the round dice."

What? Round the dice!

All the people were shocked by this.

The so-called encircle dice, that is to three points are the same, and also to specify a number in advance!

Once you win, it's a 1:15 ratio.

"A round of dice!" Ye Pengfei said lightly.

In other words, ye Pengfei will bet three 1's!

"Local tyrants, this kind of frankness is really stimulating our nerves."

"Yes, this kind of chance, unless it's luck, otherwise, how can it really throw three one."

"In addition, they are not vegetarians. How can they throw such points?"

And in the midst of all the discussion, ye Pengfei pushed out the chips on the table.

"All of them."


Even after Shen Pengfei was about to dissuade Quan Bing, he said: "when you know the rules, you should be strict? Why don't we think about it? After all, if you lose, there's nothing left. "

How to say, the other side also took a million out, Shen Yanbing is really a little distressed.

"Ha ha, didn't you come here just for a thrill?" Ye Pengfei didn't care, as if he didn't pay attention to the 2.8 million.

But at the same time, people also thought of a problem.

If the other side wins, the 2.8 million, according to the 1:150 odds, is it not to pay 420 million?

This is undoubtedly a gamble!

Of course, almost everyone thinks this is absolutely impossible.

So when ye Pengfei pressed on, no one followed suit, because it was totally impossible!

"Ha ha..."

He Guan just smiles and looks at Ye Pengfei like a fool.

Dice in his own hands, and can come to such a place to do he Guan, who has no ability?

As long as he doesn't want to, the dice in his hand will never become three ones.

Shua Shua!

Even though he began to operate, he was proud and disdainful.

At this moment, almost everyone was staring at it, almost without blinking.

As for ye Pengfei, he tapped the table with his fingers, a leisurely appearance.

Soon, he Guan pressed down the dice and slowly raised his hand. His face was still light.

In this way, many people are extremely nervous watching, the total number of dice, finally came into the eyes of the public.

"My God! How can it be

"Three one points, that guy actually guessed right just now!""Gambling! Is the casino really going to spend hundreds of millions this time? "

Seeing the three ones on the table, many people were totally crazy, and Shen Yanbing was even more furious.

“1:150! That's 420 million! "


The lotus official fell to the ground in shock, four hundred and twenty million yuan. With such a big problem, it was beyond his control as a small lotus official.

"Manager, no, there's something wrong with table 12."

The Dutch official immediately reported to the manager of the casino with a headset.

Ye Pengfei's eyes swept away and said quickly: "it's time for you to exchange chips."

The smile on the lotus official's face was stiff. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Sir, please wait a moment."

"Well, it seems that you are not sincere."

Ye Pengfei couldn't help but get up quickly and said, "I'll go myself."

"Sir, please wait!"

He Guan quickly stopped Ye Pengfei, slightly panicked and said: "Sir, there will be staff coming soon. After all, there is not so much money here."

"Steady him first."

In the headset, the manager quickly told the Dutch official.

The Dutch official immediately asked other staff members to gather some chips.

Others look envious, but Shen Yanbing seems to feel the seriousness of the matter.

After all, it's 400 million yuan. What if the other party wants to default or directly detain Ye Pengfei?

"This way, sir."

Finally, he Guan got the manager's order, let him take ye Pengfei to the secret room.

It's a special room for people with problems.

With a smile, ye Pengfei seems to have no fear at all, and takes Shen Yanbing to walk in the past.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a suit with several aggressive security guards quickly appeared in front of Ye Pengfei.

"Hello, sir. I'm the director of the second floor of the casino. Just now you won too much money at table 12, so according to the regulations, please follow us to the relevant places to go through the formalities. "

"Ha ha, isn't it? Bring so many security guards here, just want to go through the formalities? " Ye Pengfei suddenly laughed.


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