Next, Shen Yanbing stopped talking, afraid that ye Pengfei would say something shocking again.

They follow along and find that Xu Hou and his men have entered a luxurious presidential suite.

Ye Pengfei saw that the door was opened first, so he decided that this suite was not opened by Xu Hou himself. Maybe someone had already answered it.

"Who is it?" Ye Pengfei was very confused and naturally wanted to find out.

Because the presidential suite is completely soundproof, it is impossible for ye Pengfei to hear what is said inside.

Shen Yanbing took a look at Ye Pengfei as if to ask what we should do now?

Ye Pengfei just smiles and makes a gesture of waiting.

After staring for more than ten minutes, the door finally opened. Xu Hou and his men left, as if they didn't notice Ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing at all.

"And now?" Shen Yanbing asked again.

Ye Pengfei mysterious smile: "nature depends on you."

"Depend on me? What do you say? " Shen Yanbing asked very puzzled.

Ye Pengfei came up to Shen Yanbing's ear and whispered something, but Shen Yanbing said with a straight face: "it's absolutely impossible to think of you as beautiful."

"I'll tell you to pretend you're going to die. You're a woman. Look at me."

Said, ye Pengfei immediately made a few enchanting action, make Shen Yanbing almost did not laugh.

"Well, since you are so good at acting, I'll give you the arduous task."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "I'm a man. What's more, you look so beautiful. If you don't act, it's not too wasteful. Well, I know you're grumpy, but you're beautiful, and you're super beauty, Shen Da beauty. How about you? Help me."

Obviously, this is a typical slap and a date.

For a moment, Shen Yanbing finally can't help the posture of Ye Pengfei. He is completely convinced, and has come to the room where Xu Hou and others left before.

"Dong Dong..." Shen Yanbing tries to keep smiling and knocks on the door.

Soon, there came a poor Chinese language, asking who it was? It seems that they are not Chinese.

Shen Yanbing immediately said in an extremely charming voice: "Hello, sir, can you open the door?"

For a moment, ye Pengfei could not help shivering all over, because such a posture was too attractive, especially Shen Yanbing, a super beauty. She was so enchanted that it was not worth her life.

The people inside were very upset, but when the other party opened the door and saw Shen Yanbing in a coquettish state, he could not help but Gudong and almost drool.

"Mr. Xu called me, sir."

Shen Yanbing's coquettish posture is extremely charming and exciting.

Hear the other party said is Xu Hou called, the other party immediately dispelled doubts, bin to give or such a super beauty, God, think, he is about to fly.

"This beautiful lady, please Come in, please

The man who spoke was a small, obscene looking young man. Especially after seeing Shen Yanbing, he almost didn't jump on him.

Shen Yanbing threw a wink at the man, which made the other party's bones almost crisp.

Soon, the door closed, and ye Pengfei took out his cigarette and smoked it silently. Until a moment, he slowly came to the presidential suite.


Ye Pengfei quickly pushed the door open, and immediately smelled a bloody smell.

"Ha ha..." Ye Pengfei smiles and quickly closes the door. He happens to see Shen Yanbing sitting on the sofa, while the man in the Nightgown is lying on the ground, covered with blood.

"I'll go, little Bingbing. You won't kill him alive."

Shen Yanbing looked at Ye Pengfei angrily and said, "I have my own discretion."

"That's good, but How did this guy offend you? " Ye Pengfei asked deliberately.

Shen Yan is cold and hums a way: "this sex wolf, want to move to me, it is to seek death simply."

Ye Pengfei's mouth, a few kicks in the guy's body, said with a smile: "brother, who's not good to provoke, but to provoke our Shen Da beauty, don't you find yourself uncomfortable?"

The young man who was beaten on the ground immediately raised his head and looked maliciously at Ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing. He obviously realized that he had been cheated.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile, "brother, you can't control your own brother. Can you blame me? What's more, I didn't hit you. "

Shen Yanbing can't stand ye Pengfei's sarcastic remarks. He quickly asked, "Ye Pengfei, what are you going to do next? Anyway, what I've done."

Ye Pengfei then said, "well, Miss Shen, it's up to me next. It's just Should you avoid it? "

Shen Yanbing just stares at Ye Pengfei, and then gets up and comes to another room.

When Shen Yanbing left, ye Pengfei sat on the sofa and said, "brother, what's your name? Let me introduce myself so that I won't do anything to you."The young man gave Ye Pengfei a cold look and did not speak.

"No? Ha ha I said, man, if you don't say it, I'll say you covet the beauty of that beautiful woman just now, and then I'll add oil and vinegar to it, hehe I'm afraid you will die miserably then. "

Sure enough, as soon as I heard Ye Pengfei's words, the man in front of me immediately changed color, as if Shen Yanbing's torment to the man was the existence that the man didn't want to mention at all.

Finally the other party couldn't help it and began to mutter a lot.

And looking at Ye Pengfei is like looking at a fool.

However, the next moment, ye Pengfei said coldly: "yes, I dare to scold me and my woman."

Ye Pengfei said this sentence in authentic Island Mandarin.

Young people look unbelievable, obviously did not expect that ye Pengfei can also understand the island Mandarin.

But just now he really scolded Ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing.

"Ha ha In this case, it seems that I have to let my woman know how you insulted her just now. I believe she will be very happy to let you suffer, ha ha... "

"Ah? No, I'm wrong. "

In the end, the man is soft and downcast.

But ye Pengfei sat on the sofa again. He didn't expect that Shen Yanbing's name was so good. Originally, he thought how to deal with this guy by some means.

"Well, tell me where you came from. Don't delay me."

The young man then said: "this gentleman, my name is Hiroki Kawashima, from the island country of Tokyo, is sent by Sanyue group on business."

"Well?" Ye Pengfei's eyes are awe inspiring. Isn't this group specialized in weapons?

"Ha ha, what do you do when I send you on business?"

"This..." Hiroki Kawashima immediately became hesitant, obviously trying to hide something.

Ye Pengfei chuckled, then stood up and said, "it's just that. It seems that I have to be a woman."


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