"Well, my second brother has always been stubborn, but I believe he knows it in his heart." Zhao Yu, as if he had no shame at all, talked to Ye Pengfei.

Zhao Tian didn't speak. He just bit his teeth and stared at Zhao Yu.

"Well, seeing that Xiaotian is OK, I feel relieved. I have something else to do. You can talk first."

But ye Pengfei said quickly: "brother Zhao Yu, etc..."

Soon, ye Pengfei caught up with him and left with him.

"I said, brother Yu, why are you so good tempered?

If I have a brother like you, I have to teach him a lesson. "

But Zhao Yu said helplessly: "ah, brother ye, you don't know. In fact, Xiaotian and I were picked up by our father. He was weak and sick from small body. Until he grew up, his body gradually got better. I let him from small to big, and he was used to it long ago."

Ye Pengfei was stunned. He didn't expect Zhao Yu to know that they were picked up.

Later, ye Pengfei and Zhao Yu bid farewell, and soon received a call from Shen Yanbing, who said he wanted to invite him to dinner.

Ye Pengfei is happy in his heart. Knowing what he is thinking, he smiles and agrees.

"Ye Pengfei, where did he go just now?"

When Lianyu saw Ye Pengfei, she asked.

Ye Pengfei said with a proud face: "it's natural to exercise. How can you be so lazy like you?"

"You Lotus jade heart that gas, usually lotus jade go to work is very punctual, this boy unexpectedly said oneself lazy?

"Ye Pengfei, I warn you that you are not allowed to run around today, or I will..."

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Pengfei quickly came to Lianyu and said with a bad smile: "I said xiaolianyu, it seems that you really can't extricate yourself from falling in love with me. OK, I admit that you have big chest, thin waist and long legs, but don't think that you have enough capital to be proud of yourself. You'd better not provoke me! Otherwise, ha ha... "

"What else would you do?"

As soon as the words came to an end, ye Pengfei held Lianyu in his arms.

"Ah Lianyu was immediately startled and said: "Ye Pengfei, you bastard, what do you want to do?"

Lianyu is scared at last. After all, she knows that ye Pengfei is always bold. Who knows what this guy is going to do.

Ye Pengfei said: "don't you let me follow you? I can promise you, but... "

"Die! You bastard, I won't let you succeed in any way. " Lianyu is pushing Ye Pengfei's chest, but she finds that she can't push it at all, and her heart is beating.

But ye Pengfei was shocked and said: "what makes me succeed Ah! I see. Hehe Xiaolianyu, did you think of those strange things? Xiaolianyu, I didn't expect you to be so obscene. "

"You! You are obscene. I'm really angry if you don't let go. "


Ye Pengfei slapped Lianyu on the butt, then let him go, and said with a smile: "xiaolianyu, goodbye, I will miss you."

With that, Shua disappeared.

"Hooligans!" Lianyu quickly covers her face. She rushes into the room and slams the door.

About half an hour later, ye Pengfei finally met Shen Yanbing.

At the moment, Shen Yanbing is wearing a sports shirt and a ponytail. She looks like a little Jasper, but because of her beautiful face, she has a high rate of turning back.

As for where the other party lives, it's a busy street, just a little noisy.

"Wow, lots of snack makers. Let's go and have something to eat."

For delicious food, ye Pengfei has always been open to all comers. Compared with the Zhao family's hospitality, ye Pengfei still thinks street snacks are more attractive.

If Zhao Yunting knew this, he would have to vomit blood with anger.

Soon, ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing ordered a meal at a stall. To Ye Pengfei's surprise, although Shen Yanbing is a tigress, she eats with a small mouth, which makes Ye Pengfei happy.

Suddenly, ye Pengfei moved in his heart and took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth.


Shen Yanbing's big eyes blinked and blinked, and then his face turned red with the speed visible to the naked eye. He gave Ye Pengfei a look of shame, which made him almost laugh.

"Ha ha ha This little girl has been teased by herself. "

Suddenly, ye Pengfei felt something strange behind him. He almost subconsciously glanced behind him. Immediately, he saw several big men in black vests, with a face full of flesh, commenting on Shen Yanbing's chest and long legs.

Ye Pengfei glanced at those people lightly, then disdained.

However, it was Ye Pengfei's eyes that immediately upset everyone. They all fell here and came over with a sneer.

"Tut tut This little girl's figure is really hot. Brothers, we can have a good night, hehe... "Ye Pengfei gave a cold smile and didn't look at these people at all, because is Shen Yanbing easy to provoke?

If you dare to provoke Shen Yanbing, isn't that for death?

"Hey, hey The little girl in the mainland is water spirit. "

One of them, with some scars on his face, quickly began to smile, but his Putonghua was obviously poor.

Obviously, these people often deal with mainlanders. At first sight, they know they are mainlanders.

Shen Yanbing frowned and said only one word: "roll!"

"Oh! I'm still a pungent girl, ha ha ha I like it! Don't worry, I'll let you fly later! Ha ha ha... "

In recent days, he is unscrupulous, especially when he looks like a stranger and lowers his head to eat.

Obviously, I think ye Pengfei is ready to be a turtle.

Shen Yanbing is also slightly angry. This bastard doesn't care about himself at all. It's too much. He was so gentle before, but now

Ye Pengfei is such a jerk. I will teach him a lesson later!

"I say it again, get out of here!"

"Well? Smelly woman, our boss let you play with is to give you face ~! How dare you talk to our boss? You are looking for death

With that, several younger brothers around the scar man were about to go forward to arrest people, but Shen Yanbing kicked them to more than ten meters away, and then they fell to a stall and smashed them to the ground, completely stunned the people.

"Damn, how dare you beat us both to death!"

The rest of the little brothers rushed up, and their mouths were howling, with a fierce look on their face.

Shen Yanbing was so angry that he made a sudden jump, one side spin kick, the other straight kick, and kicked them out like lightning.

The rest of them looked at each other and rushed over almost at the same time, but they were kicked to the ground by Shen Yanbing's Foshan serial legs.

"Go away!"

Shen Yanbing a violent drink, so that these people finally can no longer bear, almost rolling away.


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