Xiao Ruxue called and said in a coquettish tone that she was hungry. Brother Xiong and Zhao Bo, who were next to her, bared their teeth. They obviously wanted to smile, but they didn't dare to.

Ye Pengfei even busy way: "there are two friends in the side."

"Ah?" Xiao Ru was startled when she was shocked. Does that mean that her coquetry was heard?

"Cough Well, I'm really hungry. When will you come and help me cook? Now I just want to eat what you cook instead of ordering takeout

Xiao Ruxue quickly changed her tone, but she still wanted to ask.

Ye Pengfei's head immediately fell a few big black lines, the edge of the bear brother and Zhao Bo said with a smile, and then said aloud that they had something to do, they left first.

Ye Pengfei was speechless and said quickly, "Mr. President, can't you learn how to cook by yourself?"

Before Xiao Ruxue heard the sound of the two people leaving, she quickly said, "but I'm usually so busy that I don't have time to learn how to cook. Moreover, if I cook, I will delay a lot of time."

Ye Pengfei with a serious mouth airway: "no way!"

"Please." Xiao Ruxue's voice is like glutinous rice. Unspeakable coquetry, let Ye Pengfei heart that hot ah.

"For the last time! How about one last time? " Xiao Ruxue is coquettish again.

Where will ye Pengfei believe her words? I'm afraid he will go this time. I promise to call him tomorrow morning.

"I don't believe it. I won't be fooled."

"You Xiao Ruxue was angry immediately, but soon she turned her eyes and said softly, "what if I leave you to stay with me?"

"Ah?" Ye Pengfei's heart was very hot, and he found that he was a little excited.

At the same time, he also found that he almost lost his immunity. For a moment, he was depressed.

"Mr. President, that You don't mean it Ye Pengfei asked with a little expectation.

Xiao Ruxue immediately thought of the little dog who used to live in the villa yard. It seems that she lives in a small house outside. If she lets the other party go then

No way!

If ye Pengfei turns over, I'm afraid he can't eat any more delicious food!

Finally, Xiao Ruxue clenched her teeth and said quickly, "if you want to stay with me tonight, you should cook at least five meals for me."

"What! Five meals Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said, "well, you live here. Can you help me cook five more meals? I just need clothes to reach out and food to open my mouth. "

"Well." Xiao Ruxue also felt that her condition seemed to be a little too much, but she soon recovered, and then said: "I'm a girl! If you're a boy living in my house, of course you have to have conditions. "

"Cut, so big, still girls, you think you are still in school?"

Xiao Ruxue

After thinking about it, ye Pengfei continued: "if I have an intention for you, or I'm chasing you, it's almost the same. The problem is that now it's you who ask for me, not me who ask for you. So if I stay with you for one night, I have to cook five meals for you. Don't you think it's unfair? "

"Well What do you say? " Xiao Ruxue's tone suddenly weakened a lot.

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said: "in fact, if I stay with you for one night, you will ask me to cook for you tomorrow morning, and I will help you cook delicious food, which will make you feel happy and save time. But I just stayed for one night, and I didn't get any benefits."

Xiao Ruxue turned her eyes and said: "but you and I are under the same roof. Do you know that since I moved to this villa, no man has ever entered here, let alone lived here. Once you live here, don't you feel happy?"

"Che, do you think I'm diaosi? I'll tell you, all the women I've been with are gorgeous beauties, and none of them is worse than you, so you don't want to seduce me in this way. "

"Cut, just blow! But what do you have to do to agree? " This time, Xiao Ruxue seems to be determined to pull Ye Pengfei to be his royal chef.

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "well, if I help you cook a meal, you have to allow me to take a leave."

"What! You You want to be lazy again Xiao Ruxue immediately said angrily.

Ye Pengfei said: "it's not that I want to be lazy. If I go out, I'm usually working. I'm very busy now."

"What are you doing? Is there anything more important than work? "

"It's more important than work."

"You Xiao Ruxue was obviously defeated, and finally only got the way: "five meals, one time off."

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and bargained: "two meals at most! And I want to sleep in the morning, so you can't let me cook for you. "

Xiao rushcheton looked like she was about to cry. Then she said, "why don't you stay here at night and help me cook the next day?"

"Well." Ye Pengfei's heart is beating slightly, because it looks very tempting.After thinking about it, ye Pengfei pretended to be embarrassed and agreed to Xiao Ruxue's request. Of course, he was also looking forward to it.

"Well, come and help me cook. I'm almost hungry."

Immediately, to convenient hang up the phone, just at the moment of Ye Pengfei found that breathing was slightly short.

"I went to live with the president. I'm so excited."

Ye Pengfei can't help it now, quickly took some things, and after half an hour, finally came to Xiao Ruxue's villa.

Seeing ye Pengfei coming, Xiao Ruxue is also worried because she is afraid that ye Pengfei will do something bad.

But ye Pengfei pretends to be very unwilling, and tells Xiao Ruxue repeatedly that he doesn't want to come!

Xiao Ruxue's heart was so angry that she finally had the courage to let Ye Pengfei live in her villa. As a result, the villain thought that he had suffered a great loss.

"All right, stop talking nonsense and cook quickly."

After dinner, Xiao Ruxue was still full of praise, but she blushed at the thought of what happened next.

"You live on the first floor tonight, but ye Pengfei is not allowed to go up the stairs because it's a restricted area. Do you understand?"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "if you live in such a big villa alone, aren't you afraid of the ghost of a villa? After all, there are some horror films and so on, but they are often shown. "

Xiao Ruxue was flustered, but he said angrily: "don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Pengfei immediately wants to laugh, did not expect that this little girl is actually afraid of this.

In the evening, ye Pengfei successfully lived here in Xiao Ruxue, but to his surprise, bingqinlan took the initiative to send him a text message, asking why she didn't come to help her acupuncture at night.

Ye Pengfei a Leng, he unexpectedly will give ice qinlan acupuncture things, all to forget.

Suddenly, a scream came from upstairs, and ye Pengfei rushed out like lightning.


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