
At the command, many people in black came in droves.

The sound of rapid steps sounded, followed by the cold forest, making all around into a knife net.

But ye Pengfei is still standing in the same place, his eyes are lazy, as if he didn't put these people in his eyes at all.

"To die!"

Seeing that ye Pengfei was so big, everyone was furious and rushed to kill him.

Finally, ye Pengfei moved!

The sole of the foot heavily stepped on the ground, and the whole person jumped out.


Ye Pengfei's body spins in the air, his big foot falls suddenly, and falls on the chest of a man in black again.

Bang bang!

The man in black immediately seemed to be hit by a Dongfeng truck. He flew out in a flash and vomited blood. It was not until he hit the container 30 meters away that he quickly rebounded back. His body was completely arched into a shrimp.

Second kill!

Ye Pengfei's body falls to the ground, but Lianyu almost stares out of her eyes.

"My God, that's too much."

But this is just the beginning. After the man in black was solved, ye Pengfei's body flew out again. This time, he flew up three legs and kicked them off again.

"Get up!"

Ye Pengfei raised one person with both hands and threw them into the air, at least five or six meters high, almost not scared to death.


Ye Pengfei suddenly flew up, kicked out with both feet, and immediately kicked them out.

Not far away, Lianyu was already stunned.

"This guy After all... "

Seeing that ye Pengfei was so powerful, all the others were shocked.

What a pervert!

Even the blind man had a dignified face. Even if he could not see it, he could feel it clearly.

"Ha ha, I can't help fighting!"

With a sneer in his mouth, ye Pengfei looked extremely disdainful.

Xia Yingluo's face is gloomy. With a rebuke, she rushes up with several people around her, and ye Pengfei is almost attacked.


With a cold smile, ye Pengfei is still extremely arrogant.

Xia Yingluo finally couldn't help it. In an instant, the long knife in her hand fell down quickly.

Of course, it's just her feint. The real killing move is the string in her hand.

She believes that with the cooperation of herself and several people, ye Pengfei will surely be able to suffer a lot!

Boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, three mountain knives fell on Ye Pengfei's body, making everyone look shocked.

"It's arrogant of this guy not to dodge."

Just the next scene, but almost did not let people stare out.

Because after these three long knives fell on Ye Pengfei's body, they couldn't enter any more. It was like cutting on steel.

This How is that possible?

"It's a kind of Qigong! You can protect your body. I didn't expect that this boy would even know this. "

Not far away, the blind man beside Zhao Tian said this sentence solemnly.

Because he is a master himself, he naturally knows the existence of this kind of Qigong.


In the middle of everyone's stupefaction, ye Pengfei takes the two blockers in front of him to the river, while Xia Yingluo's sword is blocked by Ye Pengfei.

"It's pretty good, girl." Ye Pengfei said frivolously.

"To die!"

The strings in Xia Yingluo's hands were stabbed out like lightning, and she showed no mercy at all.

However, ye Pengfei just a cold smile, two fingers quickly stretched out, heavy phase.


To Xia Yingluo's horror, there was a surge of force coming from the sharp string, and it went down his wrist into his five internal organs.

A puff of blood spurted out, and Xia Yingluo flew out in the blink of an eye.

After solving the three people in front of him, ye Pengfei once again flashed in the air, turned around and kicked them out.

"It's your turn."

Ye Pengfei grinned at other people in black and rushed out like lightning.

A minute later, all the people in black were lying on the ground and wailing constantly. They were brutalized by Ye Pengfei. They were not searched many times. Everyone was covered with blood.

Until ye Pengfei stopped, Zhao Tian's mouth yanked. Obviously, today, ye Pengfei's hand completely scared him.

But he was still calm, because there was a blind uncle around him, so he didn't believe it. Blind uncle couldn't beat Ye Pengfei?

At the moment, ye Pengfei rubbed his wrist, then swept his eyes to the blind man and said with a smile: "I knew your strength was very strong from the beginning when I saw you. In the manor, you have been hiding your strength, but it's a pity that you met me today."Voice just fell, ye Pengfei moved, with a lightning, thunder in the air.

Boom boom!

A series of leg shadows completely enveloped the blind man.


As soon as the old blind man's face changed, his body quickly retreated to avoid his opponent's attack, and then another broken guzheng appeared in his opponent's hand.


The other side plucks the string, condenses the sound wave of true Qi, spreads quickly, making Ye Pengfei's eyes awe inspiring.

The strength of this sound wave is invisible, but its lethality is amazing. It is like a war drum, a golden horse, constantly pounding.

Boom boom!

The real Qi energy keeps flying, and ye Pengfei has to let Lianyu find a place to hide.

Soon, not far from a warehouse, there are traces of each other, and the speed of each other's playing is also faster and faster. The sound of sonorous, endless, it is ambush!

Until the final high-key piano sound, the whole warehouse could not bear such a sound wave shock and collapsed.

"Ha ha ha Uncle Yun is so powerful. This time he's dead! " Zhao Tian's eyes were excited, as if he had seen the victory in front of him.

Boom! ~

all of a sudden, there was a sudden explosion of murderous gas.

It turns out that at the moment, ye Pengfei was splashed by the dust before the collapse. He looked a little embarrassed.

Ye Pengfei is angry, because at the moment, how can his image go to pick up girls?

So at the moment when the murderous spirit burst out, it seemed as if a song of the dead had been played, and everyone was shocked.

Zhao Tian was stunned, because ye Pengfei was so terrible at the moment.

"Ha ha, it's a little interesting."

The blind man laughed, as if he had made up his mind so far. Suddenly, when he patted the guqin, all the remaining strings were broken, and only one string appeared in the blind man's hand.

"It's the end of you."

The blind man suddenly turned the string into a bow and arrow. He held the string and narrowed his eyes.


Ye Pengfei's eyes brightened. The blind man had such a move.


All kinds of powerful sound waves quickly gathered together, as if they were about to rush over.

However, ye Pengfei just a cold smile, in each other's extremely frightened expression, blink of an eye to each other's front, a palm will each other's hands guzheng into powder.

All kinds of condensed energy disappeared in the blink of an eye, and ye Pengfei's next palm also successfully fell on each other's body.


The old blind man vomited blood, and his body flew out in an instant.


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