"Who are you! When did it show up here? " Several white eyes vigilant, staring at Ye Pengfei, heart a awe inspiring.

When they entered, there was no one here at all, but now they suddenly appeared, and they were totally unconscious. How could they not be surprised?

Ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly and said: "since you started to come in, I have come in. Unfortunately, you are too stupid to find me until now."

"You Several white people are not happy, but feel extremely shocked.

Because before they really did not find each other, this is undoubtedly a rare master, but also a peerless master!

"My God, it's him

At this moment, Suyou pear immediately excited.

But she knew that ye Pengfei was very powerful, and she would have such powerful medical skills. Subconsciously, she felt that ye Pengfei was his Savior. She rushed to him immediately and said in a loud voice, "help me."

Ye Pengfei was stunned, and all of them were ignorant.

Because Su You pear is too excited, and full of joy, a very excited look.


Suddenly, the foot of Su You pear slips, and the whole person pours directly at Ye Pengfei. The direction is exactly where ye Pengfei is.

Ye Pengfei immediately stay, no way, had to throw the goblet in his hand, conveniently will Suyou pear into his arms, the next moment, before the goblet fell into his hands again.

Ye Pengfei sipped the wine again, and his face was full of pride.

But this time, ye Pengfei saw Su Youli's face again, an extremely beautiful young woman.

The faint fragrance of virginity makes the corners of Ye Peng's mouth start slowly.

This woman's facial features are very delicate, her eyebrows are thin, her eyes are big, and her long eyelashes are twinkling, which makes her very lovely. The pink lips give her a charming taste.

Charming, pure, contradictory collection, no doubt add a touch of charm.

"Naked pear." The middle-aged woman quickly called and ran over.

The four white men, with gloomy faces, immediately warned, "Sir, please call them out. We can promise you to leave."

No doubt everyone who can enter this cruise ship has an unusual identity. They don't want to offend others.

Su You pear immediately raised his head, showing poor eyes, that look, I believe any man to see, absolutely can not bear to give Su You pear.

Ye Pengfei was very happy. He looked up at the white people over there and said with a smile, "if you want to hand it over, you can."


Su Youli was silly at that time, and immediately became extremely depressed and sad.

People pray for you like that, but you don't know how to be compassionate. It's too much.


The next second, ye Pengfei continued to open his mouth, making Su You pear's heart suddenly raised again.

"But you also have to ask the lady in my arms whether they agree or not, right?"

A few white complexion a change, Su You pear is a little shy, because at the moment she is really lying in each other's arms.

But Suyou pear was originally strongly attracted by Ye Pengfei. Several times before, the other party refused. This time, the other party suddenly wanted to protect her. Suyou pear took a deep breath and suddenly boldly hooked each other's neck.

"That is, I I'm not going back. I'm going to be with him. "

After that, Su Youli found her cheek hot, because she wanted to pretend to be a lover with Ye Pengfei, but she found that she was so ashamed.

As for ye Pengfei, he was immediately silly and said that this little girl would not fall in love with her at first sight, so she wanted to rely on herself.

"Cough Well, as you can see, people don't want to go with you at all, do they? In that case, go away, and don't make me do it. "

"Well, since you insist on stopping me, don't blame us for being impolite."

A few white people sneered, and then quickly came over.

But ye Pengfei just patted the fragrant shoulder of Su You pear and said, "baby, since you trust me so much, let major general Ben clean them up."

As soon as the words fell, a white man flew towards Ye Peng like lightning.


The fist struck out like lightning, making a terrible sound.

With a cold smile, ye Pengfei raised his hand to make a fist.


The man screamed, and the whole man flew out.

Then ye Pengfei kicks out, and the leather chair under him slides quickly. The three white people get back to their senses and immediately fly to the top. However, ye Pengfei's body is in a flash, and he has already come to the top of the leather chair, and his long legs kick out.

Pa Pa!

All of them were hit by Ye Pengfei's leg whip and quickly fell. Everyone had to vomit a mouthful of blood to fall to the ground. They looked extremely miserable.Ye Pengfei laughs. Then he lowers his head to Su Youli and says, "OK, beauty, get up quickly. You are so attractive. It's unbearable."

Sure enough, Su Youli found something strange under her body, and her face turned slightly red. Then she awkwardly got up from ye Pengfei, which made the middle-aged woman on the side look confused.

If it is known to others, it must be in the news.

"Ha ha Don't look for it

When ye Pengfei saw some white people touching something at their waist, he quickly felt out some guns from his body, which made several people shocked.

"You guys, you are not allowed to carry weapons here. How dare you bring this thing? If I tell you, ha ha..."

A few people suddenly face a change, because if people find out, they may have to go to see God.

"Let's go."

Finally, a few people had to get up, forced to leave.

Ye Pengfei, however, chuckled and threw it out. Only when the guns fell to the ground, their faces changed wildly.

Because those guns were all pinched out of shape and became scrap iron.

This guy Are you still human?

At the thought of this, several people looked frightened and almost ran to the door.

Also until now, ye Pengfei just said with a smile: "if you want to take these two women, you can, you have to ask me if you agree with me."

The middle-aged woman quickly stepped forward and said, "thank you, sir. Thank you very much."

Ye Pengfei waved his hand and said, "it's a little help. After all, we've met a few times. It's nothing to help."

Su You pear immediately happy, looking at Ye Pengfei, eyes full of small stars.

Naturally, ye Pengfei could feel Su Youli's eyes. He just took out the goblet on the table and sipped it. Then he said, "ask me a question, you You came to the auction, too? "

The middle-aged woman's eyes flashed a touch of vigilance, but Su You Li glared at a pair of beautiful eyes and said: "yes, you too?"


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