
Yuechi sand's face changed greatly, and even felt hot.

I didn't expect that as soon as they met, the other side began to attack directly. For a moment, two eyes in the air met and sparks flashed everywhere. It seemed as if the swords were drawn, and the atmosphere became extremely depressed.

However, judging from the current situation, Xiao Ruxue undoubtedly has the upper hand, because the other side has hit the other side twice in a row.

"Miss Xiao, I didn't expect you to be so good that you are proficient in Dao Mandarin?"

Yue Chi Sha said with a smile that his eyes were full of sharp cold awns.

Before Xiao Ruxue spoke, ye Pengfei suddenly stood up and said in fluent Island Mandarin: "that's natural. Not only our president, but also our employees of Xiao's group! Let me tell you, our goal of Xiao's group is to open up the whole island country and even monopolize your market completely. "

I'll go!

Ye Pengfei's words completely changed people's mind.

Before Xiao Ruxue just hit the face, here's Ye Pengfei stand out again?

The most important thing is that people speak the island language so smoothly, as if it were really an island people.

Kawashima Huimei and yuechisha are angry. Unexpectedly, this guy is even more arrogant than Xiao Ruxue. When he opens his mouth, he will clamor to monopolize their market.

"Ha ha What's this Yuechisha asked deliberately, as if he took the other side as a small role.

However, ye Pengfei quickly stepped forward, grabbed each other's small hand and said: "Hello, miss yuechisha, I'm not an employee of Xiaoshi group. Tut tut This hand is really slippery. Er, no, I mean, if Miss yuechisha needs anything in the future, she will be on call. "

Say, ye Pengfei grasps the hand of the other party to touch, return a side to show ambiguous smile, continuously blink an eye.

Yuechisha almost didn't feel dizzy. She wanted to kill him here. But she wanted to get rid of him, but she found that she couldn't get rid of him at all.

"Well, ye Pengfei." Xiao Ruxue is a little dissatisfied, because the pond sand is also very beautiful that month. Obviously, the other party is trying to take advantage of others.

Ye Pengfei released the other party, then gave her a business card and said with a smile, "if Miss yuechisha wants to repair the pipeline, or drive on behalf of the driver, or find a doctor, it's OK."

Around some old drivers almost to laugh, followed by many men are laughing in a low voice, it is obviously associated with something.

As for Yue Chi Sha's muddled face, he didn't know what they were laughing at.

Even Xiao Ruxue doesn't understand, so he comes to Ye Pengfei and asks.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "well, since everyone doesn't understand, I'll tell you about it."

"Once upon a time, a father asked his son," my son is good. What do you want to be when you grow up? ". The son said, "Dad, Dad, I want to be a pipe repair worker, or a doctor, or a teacher or a driver." As a result, the father immediately said, "well, have you been peeking at my computer lately?" Even though his son was dejected, he admitted his mistake: "Dad, Dad, I'm wrong. I'll study hard in the future. Well, Dad, please hire a tutor for me in the future. Oh, yes, I want a girl."

As a result, many people immediately understood the scene and began to laugh.

As for Xiao Ruxue, although still don't understand, but from each other's wretched smile immediately judge, the other party must be talking about something unclean.

Yuechi sand is undoubtedly the most angry one, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, but it just didn't happen.

"Ah? Look, Ye Ting international is from he Changxiong

Soon, he Changxiong came here with a tiger's step. Then he said hello to everyone one by one and nodded to Ye Pengfei.

Yue Chisha then said to Xu Shengbo, "Mr. Xu, are all the people here?"

Xu Shengbo glanced at the crowd, nodded and said, "it's just mayor Qiu. It's strange that he used to arrive on time."

"Well?" Xu Shengbo's heart suddenly clattered, and then quickly said to Zhao Tian: "Xiaotian, ask if the old mayor is here?"


Soon, when Xu Hou left and came back, he didn't look very good.

"Dad, it's not good. Uncle Qiu said that he had made a mistake and couldn't take part in the ribbon cutting ceremony."

"What?" Xu Hou's face changed. "He obviously refused. Why is that so?"

Zhao Tian is secretly relieved. After all, he is the future father-in-law, but he always likes Xiao Ruxue. He doesn't want to get married.

"Miss yuechisha, the old mayor can't attend because he is ill. Let's start now." Xu Shengbo quickly came to yuechisha and whispered.

Yuechi Sha's eyes were awe inspiring: "how did you promise me that the other party would come before, but now you have changed your mind. Mr. Xu, you let me down this time."

Zhao Tian had no choice but to say: "it's really my fault this time. I didn't expect that he would change his mind about snacks.""Mr. Xu, with the support of the mayor's government, the situation is quite different from that without the support of the other party. In the future, our plan will get twice the result with half the effort."

"But I can't help him to change his mind. Can't I make it hard?"

"Ha ha What about hard ones? "

"Ah? Miss yuechisha, are you crazy? Does he represent the government? Touch him, you Sanyue group don't want to mix here. "

"I don't believe it. He has no family. If he doesn't want his family to be born, he will cooperate with us, otherwise Ha ha. "

Xu Hou's heart beat hard. He didn't expect that the other party was so cruel that even the mayor's relatives dared to move.

As for ye Pengfei, although a little far away from each other, but the dialogue between the two let Ye Pengfei fully into the ear.

"What a vicious little girl. She's very aggressive by all means. Haha..."

"Miss Xiao!"

Suddenly, he Changxiong came to Xiao Ruxue's side and said with a smile, "Miss Xiao, I heard that the old mayor came back here to participate in the establishment of the alliance. Why didn't I see the old mayor?"

"Ha ha, maybe the other party has something else."

"So it is." They look at each other and smile. Everything is silent.

After a while, many people will be invited to join the formation ceremony of shayuechi alliance.

Many people have taken seats one after another. Ye Pengfei naturally has a seat, but he is not with Xiao Ruxue.

Because there are so many people in the square, it's completely black.

Ye Pengfei felt confused and didn't understand what these Sanyue group people were going to do and how they got so many people here.

When ye Pengfei looks puzzled, suddenly, ye Pengfei is stunned.

"Su You Li? Why is she here? "


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