Before coming to Binjiang City, yuechisha naturally did an investigation on Xu Shengbo.

Information shows that Xu Shengbo has a son who has an engagement with the youngest daughter of the old mayor.

But they don't know each other has a daughter, and this daughter even has an engagement with a big family in Beijing. It's unexpected.

"Hum." After Qian Zixuan saw Ye Pengfei, he gave a cold hum, obviously a little upset.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "xiaoxuanzi, what are you humming? When you see my young master, you don't come here to say hello."

"You Qian Zixuan heart that anger ah, very uncomfortable way: "you this quality, also have the qualification to come here."

"Yo, Ben Shao has an invitation, but it's you, Qian Zixuan. You can't come in person."

"Damn, you can come. Can't Qian Zixuan come?"

"OK, you're good. Then take out the invitation and have a look?"

"You! If you ask me to take it out, I'll take it out. Who do you think you are? "

Qian Zixuan a little guilty, because he really did not invite, and is uninvited.

"Well, well, if you don't have it, you won't be driven away. What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei spits out a puff of smoke ring, a face of light clouds.

Qian Zixuan almost didn't vomit blood.

"Ye Pengfei, I tell you, don't be complacent, someone will clean you up one day."

Ye Pengfei continued to puff, lightly said, "good, good, Qian Zixuan, you arrogant look, it can be compared to half of Shakespeare."

"Well? Half of Shakespeare? What do you mean

Qian Zixuan is about to ask, but ye Pengfei has turned to leave.

"Half of Shakespeare? Isn't it true that the boy can't fight me, so he wants to praise me for being less? However, how can I compare with Shakespeare's realm? It's not bad if I can have half of Shakespeare's realm. Hehe... "

"Well? It's not right Qian Zixuan's face suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something. He almost burst out of breath.

Half that's shabby, isn't it?

"I don't like grass! Ye Pengfei, I'm not finished with you. " Qian Zixuan was furious.

"Well? How many leaves Suddenly, another acquaintance came here. It was Li Jingtang, whom ye Pengfei had not seen for a long time.

"Oh, it's brother Li." Ye Pengfei also smiles.

"Hey, hey Ye Shao, there are many beauties in the girls tonight. My favorite is Suyou pear. Tut Tut, that figure is not to be said. "

"Come on, come on, look at your wretchedness."

Later, the two entered together in a high-profile way. It was built in a luxurious way. People quickly came to a huge round square through small bridges.

The well-dressed ladies and gentlemen swam among the crowd, and the waiters began to socialize with drinks and snacks.

The establishment of the alliance naturally needs to build momentum, and there are a lot of people attending the banquet tonight, which is extremely lively.

Li Jingtang is very serious on the surface, but he always says that his thigh is white and his chest is big beside Ye Pengfei. He hears that ye Pengfei is full of black lines.

Just when Qian Zixuan came here, seeing this situation, he sneered: "a group of bumpkins."

"Well? Boy, why are you croaking? " Li Jingtang was immediately upset. He had heard the other party talking about ye Pengfei before. Now he stood up.

Qian Zixuan eyebrows a pick way: "a little gentleman demeanor all have no, also want to join our circle, it is a dream."

Qian Zixuan raised his head haughtily and arranged his collar. Fortunately, he had changed into a rather expensive dress before, and his whole temperament was also raised. Unlike Ye Pengfei, he dressed too casually.

"Wow, handsome."

Immediately, a girl came to Qian Zixuan to chat up with him. After all, Xu Shengbo had already said the identity of the other party, and many people wanted to come and climb up.

Li Jingtang rolled his eyes and said, "that little white face is a gentleman."

It's a pity that Qian Zixuan doesn't pay attention at all. After all, he comes from the capital. The crowd makes Qian Zixuan enjoy himself very much, and even starts to talk about his precautions at this kind of banquet.

Finally, the skills of accosting those celebrities are mentioned.

Many people began to praise each other, thinking that the young and the big from the capital is Niuniu.

Qian Zixuan's whole body began to become light and floating, as if to fly.

"Ye Pengfei, who else, remember?"

Ye Pengfei just laughed and didn't bother to talk to each other. He soon joined the circle. Then he picked up a generation of red wine and sipped it. Then he came to the two beautiful ladies. Just for a moment, he made the two women giggle. Then he easily asked for the contact information.

Li Jingtang is also good at picking up girls. He soon brings back a girl from another place. It's also easy, which makes people confused.

Why are you still standingWhen ye Pengfei and Li Jingtang come back, they see Qian Zixuan's face burning.

"Ye Pengfei, you!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ruxue comes to Ye Pengfei, blushing.

"What's the matter?" said Ye Pengfei

Xiao Ruxue stares at Ye Pengfei and says angrily, "didn't you often ask girls before?"

Ye Pengfei was a little embarrassed and said, "how? Is Xiao Xuexue jealous? But ah, I can tell you the truth, girls usually take the initiative to ask me out. "

Xiao Ruxue rolled her eyes and left soon.

After a while, ye Pengfei and Li Jingtang casually found a table to sit down.

Not long after, Kawashima Huimei came over, but also came to the table of Ye Pengfei.

Ye Pengfei raised his head and said with a smile, "it's Miss Hui Mei. How come? Are you going to pick me up? I'm sorry, miss yuechisha, your host, has already made an appointment with me in advance, so remember to make an appointment in advance next time. "

Kawashima Huimei forced to endure the anger in her chest. Her eyes twinkled with sharpness, but she was patient after all.

"Ha ha, Mr. Ye, the tableware is in a mess. Tut Tut, it's a western table."

Li Jingtang on the side immediately said sarcastically: "why do the Oriental devils talk about the Western devils?"

Kawashima said: "Sir, please pay attention to your words. After all, those who appear in the villa today are all celebrities. If you don't understand etiquette, I don't mind teaching you."

"You Li Jingtang's eyes were cold, and he was obviously angry.

Kawashima continued with a smile and said, "most of our country has a college degree, so it's not as bad as some people. As for the arrangement of tableware, almost everyone can, even my three-year-old nephew can."

"As for your Chinese guests, tut tut It's said that the status is noble. I usually give it to my servants. Today, I see that it really deserves its reputation. "

On hearing this, Li Jingtang was almost not blown up.


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