Next, Wang Jinnian stabbed silver needles into Wang Xiao's body one by one.

At first, the opponent's speed was very fast, but later, it slowed down obviously. At the end, there was a cold sweat dripping on his forehead.

No matter whether the other party can rescue or not, ye Pengfei is surprised enough.

Suddenly, ye Pengfei's face changed.

Wang Jinnian took out a silver needle again, and then a remnant shadow passed in the air, and quickly applied the needle with a strange technique.

"It turns out that lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy! And ye Pengfei recorded it in the books in the ancient tomb last time. "

Although the other side only learned a little, but still let Ye Pengfei feel very shocked.

For a moment, Wang Xiao's face finally slowed down, all kinds of symptoms disappeared one by one, and even his ferocious face gradually became stable.


Wang Jinnian quickly closed the needle, and finally gave a breath.

"Ha ha, dragon flying and Phoenix dancing needling is a little interesting." Ye Pengfei laughs at the edge.


Wang Jinnian was shocked and looked at each other in disbelief. He was obviously frightened by the other's words.

"You How do you know this needling method? Who the hell are you? "

With a smile on his face, ye Pengfei said, "do you know that this needling method is very strange? I'm just an ordinary citizen. "

"No, it's impossible for ordinary people to know it."

"Well, I know not only the first form, but also all the three forms."

"Ah? There are three ways? " Wang Jinnian was shocked again.

Ye Pengfei yawned, his face was full of pride.

But Wang Jinnian said: "no wonder that your move just now is really wonderful. It can seal all the channels of Wang Xiao, but this needle can just cure the dampness and cold of the other person. It's right and wrong. Even if there is punishment, there is also treatment. I'm convinced by Wang Jinnian."

Wang Xiao's face also changed slightly. After a careful examination, he found that the cold and dampness in his body was gone. For a moment, he was so ashamed that he didn't know what to say.

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said, "well, don't think about thanking me. We are all Chinese medicine. We'd better think about how to deal with those little devils tomorrow."

"Pa Pa Pa!" Mu Han can't help but start clapping her hands and watching Ye Pengfei look full of worship again.

"Wait Are you the little doctor that president Zhao said before

The rest of the crowd looked at Ye Pengfei one after another. Although the other side just showed a little bit, it made almost everyone feel the superb medical skills of the other side. If the other side participated, the winning rate would undoubtedly increase greatly.

Ye Pengfei nodded faintly and said: "I'm really from president Zhao, but I'm not a miracle doctor. Tomorrow we'll talk with the Han doctors of the island. I hope you can give full play to each other and frustrate each other's spirit."

"That's great. With the addition of the little miracle doctor, we don't have to be afraid any more. I believe our Chinese medicine will definitely defeat them."

"Tut tut Is this what the Chinese medicine hospital in Huaxia looks like? It's really shabby to be shocked. "

All of a sudden, there was a sound full of strong wind at the door. Then, the two figures quickly came in. They were all very luxurious. They were the two members of the island Chinese doctors who arrived in Huaxia ahead of time.

One is Matsuda Jinjiu, and the other is Junichiro.

"What? This young man in his twenties is also a traditional Chinese medicine? Tut tut It is said that China is a mysterious country, but I think it is a declining country. Ha ha ha... "

Ye Pengfei said: "is that right? Since our country is declining, how can you still learn Chinese? And you are so fluent. Tut Tut, it seems that you have used a lot of effort. Why on earth do you work so hard? Is it just because of being cheap? "

"You Junichiro was furious.

But ye Pengfei continued: "what are you, you? I tell you, little devil, you island people are so arrogant with our country's things. Do you know how to write the word shame? "

Although Ye Pengfei's words are very direct, Wang Jinnian and others are relieved.

After all, it's really irritating for these countries to take Chinese civilization as their own.

As for Junichiro, his lungs almost burst.

"Asshole, how dare you insult our big island empire!" Ye Pengfei pointed to Ye Pengfei, very unhappy.

Ye Pengfei grabbed each other's palm and said: "I'm insulting. What's the matter?"

Another Islander finally couldn't see it. He cheered coldly: "I didn't expect that the Chinese nation should be so barbaric. What a country of etiquette is in vain."

Ye Pengfei was stunned. This guy's Chinese is even better than that person before.

But think about it. After all, their medicine is derived from Chinese medicine. If they don't learn Chinese well, they can't learn Chinese medicine well."Ha ha, the land of etiquette, it also depends on who is right. If you are a jackal, you don't need to be reasonable at all."

"Ha ha, OK, I can't say you, but I'm matsutada Jinjiu. Today I'm here to challenge you. Do you dare to fight?"

At this point, matsutada Jinjiu has a proud face.

"Of course, if you don't dare, it's OK. From now on, let the xuanhuzhai out and let our island Empire run it, because you don't deserve to call doctors in front of us."

"Bah, who do you think you are?" Wang Xiaodang even scolded.

But the corners of his mouth were slowly hooked, and he said with a smile, "OK, don't cry at that time."

"Ha ha, OK, since you are so arrogant, I will let you understand the power of my big island empire."

"How?" Ye Pengfei asked.

Just at this moment, two foreigners came outside.

"Doctor, doctor, please help my father. What's wrong with my father?"

This is a father and daughter. The man is old and the woman has white legs.

Ye Pengfei quickly released his consciousness and found that the old man had a heart attack. If he didn't get treatment in time, he might die immediately.

Matsutada's eyes narrowed, and he quickly came to the foreign woman and said, "I'm from the Han medical group of the island country. Give it to me."

"Han medical group, good. That's great."

Because Chinese medicine in island countries is more popular abroad than in China, it is undoubtedly more powerful in the eyes of European and American people.

"Well? Heart disease? "

The other side just took a pulse, then quickly checked out, obviously some skills.

"Don't worry, I can treat it." Matsutada Jinjiu slowly raised his head, then looked at Ye Pengfei, a face of disdain.


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