The president's wife, who was surrounded by the crowd, came to the stage, and after some deliberation, she finally opened her mouth.

"Huaxia is a beautiful country. I am very honored to be here. Today is an exchange meeting between Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine. But before that, I would like to thank Mr. ITO Zhengyi, the Chinese medicine doctor of the island, for he has treated the stubborn diseases that have plagued me for most of my life, and he has also shown me the magic of Chinese medicine of the island. Therefore, my purpose today is also very important It's very simple. It's for the island medical group. Come on

Pa Pa!

The audience began to applaud again. Although the other side supported the islanders, the Chinese compatriots were very confident. They thought it was just a small idea to defeat the islanders.

As for the islanders, with the support of the president's wife, they all look up and hold their heads high.

On the other hand, many doctors in xuanhuzhai are listless.

Only Ye Pengfei didn't care, because he believed that as long as he took the lead, he could abuse these islanders and doubt their lives.

Later, the host said the opening remarks.

Originally, it was a seminar, but later, it became a competition.

"Well, now I'd like to introduce to you the members present from the Chinese Medicine Department of the island. The first one is xiaotai Morita, who has the title of ghost doctor. The second one is Sakurano Shenxia, who has the first talent of the Chinese Medicine Department of the island. The third one is shiichi Ito, the current medical God of the island. Welcome."

Pa Pa!

Soon, after everyone's clapping, they all looked at Ye Pengfei one after another. Obviously, they wanted to know who we are going to be in China.

Even the host took a deep breath and then said, "we in Huaxia will be represented by Ye Pengfei, a disciple of Xu Miaozhen who is the first miracle doctor of Huaxia and is known as saihuatuo. In addition, the other side asked for one person to fight for three Chinese doctors in the island country. "


This words, people almost burst the pot, obviously did not expect, the other party should be so arrogant.

But the host didn't know much about ye Pengfei, and really didn't know how to introduce him.

"Dr. Ye Pengfei, are you sure you want to continue your previous conditions?"

Even if the other side is more powerful, the host can hardly believe that the other side can be one against three.

However, ye Pengfei is extremely clamorous, Zhang said: "just a small area, what powerful doctors can come out, I am enough alone."

"Baga." One of the doctors from the island medical team was angry.

The rest of the people were also angry. It didn't seem that xuanhuzhai was so big and wanted to send a young man out. Could it be that only such a young man could defeat their island medical group?

In fact, matsutada and Junichiro Koizumi know about this, but matsutada has already worshipped Ye Pengfei as a teacher, while Junichiro Koizumi thinks that this is a shame for their medical team, and naturally dare not say more about ye Pengfei.

So when ye Pengfei came out, people on this side of the island were all shocked and were guessing who the other side was?

Before coming here, they have been thinking about how to defeat president Zhao and Wang Jinnian.

But now it's true that ye Pengfei is on the stage, which will undoubtedly completely disrupt their plans.

"It's really unreasonable that a young man in his twenties can have any skills. It's an obvious contempt for our big island empire. Well, I'll teach him a lesson later in the competition."

Naturally, there was all kinds of anger on the side of the delegation, and they began to clamor.

Two miracle doctors take a look at Ye Pengfei. Even if they frown, they feel that the other side is not qualified to be compared with them. Only Sakurano Shenxia looks at Ye Pengfei in surprise. Obviously, they have some interest in Ye Pengfei.

"Well, don't be so cocky. I'm going to go back to breakfast."

Ye Pengfei's relaxed face almost made many islanders angry.

Even the miracle doctor, whose name is ITO masichi, is getting gloomy. Obviously, ye Pengfei's words angered him.

Because both sides have prepared in advance, according to the regulations, the first scene is acupuncture.

This is what ye Pengfei is good at!

The person on the other side of the island is xiaotai Morita, known as the ghost doctor of the island.

The other party was wearing a black robe with a red ribbon on the cuff, which looked gloomy.

"Tut tut Boy, you will soon know that the Chinese medicine of our island is very good. "

The other side sneered a few times, looking at Ye Pengfei was full of contempt, as if he didn't pay any attention to Ye Pengfei.

Because medical skills require a lot of experience, he obviously thinks that the other party must be hyping.

The competition is about to start, and the public did not expect it at all. Just below, Xu Hou and others have been staring at this side, as if they have been expecting something.

"Next, patients." The host said quickly.

Just after the words, an old man lying on the mobile bed was pushed out slowly.They all looked at each other and found that their eyes were empty and their limbs were stiff, just like a vegetable.

The onlookers immediately asked, "is this a vegetable?"

Ye Pengfei's eyes also fell on the old man's body, but found that the other side's brain is normal, also did not receive any impact.

Suddenly, ye Pengfei was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the patient was surprised and lost his three spirits.

Chinese people talk about three souls and seven spirits. Once the three spirits lack any soul, they will become like a vegetable.

Could it be that Is it someone who does it on purpose and then uses it against himself?

Ye Pengfei quickly looks at the ghost doctor Morita xiaotai over there, and finds that the other person's face is dignified, and then shows a state of shock.

"It seems not."

Thinking of this, ye Pengfei immediately said to the patient's family: "excuse me, you are the patient's..."

"He's my father." The middle-aged man has a listless face.

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "is your father suffering from this symptom recently?"

"Why? Doctor, how do you know? " The surprise on the other side's face, seeing that the other side is so calm, can it be cured?

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "let me ask you if your father has been to a grave or something recently."

"Ah? Doctor It's amazing. My father did go there the day before he fell ill. Is it because my father fell ill and went to the grave? "

Under the stage, an Islander immediately began to satirize.

"In what age, they even talk about tombs and so on. It seems that the doctor from China has a false reputation."

However, the ghost doctor on the stage said with a smile: "the old man really lost his three spirits, but my ghost doctor can call his three spirits back, ha ha..."

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes. Before, this guy was scared. Now he started to pretend.


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