Shen Yanbing's face changed when he received a call from his subordinates.

No. 6 spy is the undercover who is sent to the drug lords camp to find clues. At the moment, Shen Yanbing's face is naturally not good-looking when he hears the other party's accident.

"Where are the people?" Shen Yan asked with a very dignified face.

There was a hoarse and heavy voice on the phone: "north shore wharf."

Shen Yanbing took a deep breath and then said, "I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yanbing looked up at Ye Pengfei: "I'll go to the north bank."

Ye Pengfei frowned and said, "about that drug lord?"

Shen Yanbing nodded, his face a little pale.

"I've fallen into five special cases before. I didn't expect this time..."

Speaking of this, Shen Yanbing's voice was choked, obviously feeling very remorseful.

Ye Pengfei thought about it and said, "I'll go with you."

Because Shen Yanbing has not calmed down at the moment, and he and Shen Yanbing have a commitment, so he decided to go to the accident site to have a look.

Shen Yanbing nodded and said thank you. Then he rushed over with Ye Pengfei.

This No. 6 special agent, who is young, looks similar to Ye Pengfei, but his body is cold and has been put on the quayside in a bag.

After Shen Yanbing saw the No. 6 special, he couldn't help crying.

A few policemen on the side are also sad and indignant!

"These drug lords are so arrogant!"


Ye Pengfei suddenly lit a cigarette, and vomited his eyes and said: "they have no fear! Because they know that if you don't have enough evidence, you can't take them. "

"Yes, these drug lords are indeed armed with the law. Do they really think we are afraid of them?"

"The drug lord should be the sixth master." Ye Pengfei suddenly said with a smile.

Everyone nodded, but Shen Yanbing said quickly, "don't mess around. Since the country has made laws, it's absolutely not allowed to use lynching! Otherwise, what's the difference between us and those gangsters! "

Another middle-aged policeman quickly said: "yes, we all know that the drug lord is the sixth master, but if we don't find enough evidence, then even if we arrest him, he can still get out and continue to be at large!"

Ye Pengfei had no choice but to smile. If he had, he would have killed the sixth master with one knife.

Perhaps seeing ye Pengfei's idea, Shen Yanbing said again, "if you don't kill all those people, even if you die, you will continue to have a seventh and eighth master. So even if you kill the sixth master, it's useless."

Ye Pengfei frowned. He didn't think of this before. It seems that the professional is really different!

But these six masters dare to move even the police. They are very brave.

Soon, they take away the body of the spy, and ye Pengfei sends Shen Yanbing home.

I didn't expect that this little girl lived in a high-end community, and I didn't know her family background.

"Ye Pengfei, promise me one thing, OK?" Shen Yanbing suddenly whispered.

Ye Pengfei was stunned and then said, "what's the matter? What's that look like? "

"No more lynching." Shen Yanbing looks directly into Ye Pengfei's eyes.

Ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing looked at each other for a while and finally lost the battle.

"Well, as long as I don't touch my bottom line, I try not to use lynching."

Shen Yanbing suddenly became angry: "you deliberately want to be against me!"

Then, Shen Yanbing quickly thought of the ambiguous scene before, and could not help blushing.

Ye Pengfei was also slightly embarrassed, and then said: "well, if similar things happen again in the future, I'll give them to you, but first of all, if it comes to senior officials' rights and so on, they can't be punished, then don't blame me."

"You have to trust the government!" Shen Yan said with a straight face.

Ye Pengfei laughs. If it wasn't for the battlefield, maybe he would still be sincere. But after too many ups and downs, ye Pengfei feels that he has become more sophisticated.

"See you later."

Ye Pengfei waved, turned and put his hand in his pocket. His eyes were deep, as if he remembered something.

Shen Yanbing looked at each other's back, silent for a long time, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Until her side, suddenly someone asked her, who is that person, Shen Yanbing just reacted.

"Ah? Zhang sickle, how did you come back? " Shen Yanbing's surprised look seemed to have a look of surprise.

Zhang sickle is a young man. He is several years older than Shen Yanbing. He is handsome and tall, but his eyes seem to be proud.

"I miss you. I can't do it." Zhang sickle blinked his eyes and said in an ambiguous tone.Shen Yanbing rolled his eyes and said, "again, I've told you many times. I told you not to use such a joking tone. We used to be playmates, but now we've all grown up. Do you understand? "

But the young man said with a bad smile: "I'm not kidding. I really miss you. Of course, there's another good news. Maybe Will we be colleagues? "

"Ah? "Colleagues?"


At the moment, ye Pengfei is walking on the street, looking thoughtful.

Too much has been done today, too much lynching has been used.

But in fact, ye Pengfei does not regret it!

Because he is no longer a soldier, from the moment he retired, he has integrated into the river and become a man of the river!

Since I am in the river and lake, I will repay you with kindness and revenge!

If you encounter unpleasant things and unfair things, ye Pengfei will never be soft handed.

Shen Yanbing is a people's policeman. She has her mission and code of conduct, but ye Pengfei also has her own code of conduct!

It's not that I don't believe in Shen Yanbing, but that it's very difficult for some people who hold power to bring them to justice!

For example, Zhang Heyuan, because his father is the vice mayor, ordinary people can't move!

Suddenly, ye Pengfei's mobile phone rings. Take it up and have a look at Xiao Ruxue. He doesn't even need to know what Xiao Ruxue is going to do when he calls.

Sure enough, as soon as I answered the phone, there was a sweet and coquettish voice.

"Ye Pengfei, people are hungry. When will you come back to help them cook?"

Ye Pengfei can't help but feel hot and dry all over, because Xiao Ruxue is very beautiful. Suddenly, he is coquetry with such words, which a man can't stand.

"Cough Well, you wait. I'll be back in a minute. Twenty minutes at most

Soon, ye Pengfei rushed back to the villa.

But when he saw the figures in the villa, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Because bingqinlan also came here!

"What's the matter?" Ye Pengfei was completely confused.


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