"Boy, I'm very brave. I've infuriated our chief, and I dare to laugh here."

Black Wolf and thunderstorm are the elite of the Dragon teeth special team. They are always very proud of each other. In addition, the two of them are just at the age of blood. When ye Pengfei provokes them, their anger rises naturally.

But ye Pengfei said: "what? Want to hit me? "

"Boy, it seems that if I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know our strength."

Wolf immediately raised his right hand, as if ready to start at any time.

Ye Pengfei lightly swept: "it seems that you like playing with knives."


As soon as the wolf's face changed, he didn't expect that the other side could see at a glance that the wound on his hand was caused by playing with a knife.

But the injury on his hand has been for many years. It's an old injury that ordinary people can't see.

But ye Pengfei said it all at once, so he could only prove one thing. The young man in front of him, who had been in the army, was familiar with this kind of injury.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be easy." Said the wolf, narrowing his eyes.

Ye Pengfei indifferent way: "a look to know you two often injured."

"Hum, this little injury is all from pediatrics, boy. In the last Chinese Legion performance competition, my uncle's palm was pierced by an arrow on the spot, and I didn't even blink an eyebrow."

Leng Peng fly indeed looked that the other side took out a little scarring, even if the hand is to move.

"Hum." Even though Cang langdang looked up and raised his chin, he said: "the year before last, thunderstorm and I participated in a military competition in Russia. We both rushed for a hundred miles, carrying more than 30 kilograms of equipment, and all 10 toenails fell off. We would not say a word at all."

"Wow, so powerful?" Ye Pengfei deliberately pretends to be shocked.

But the wolf was more proud and said carelessly: "not only that, in the last event, we also successfully won the gold medal, and also on the special war scar honor wall, which is the most beautiful medal for our special war soldiers, but also the most proud honor in our whole body."

Ye Pengfei's eyes flashed. He naturally knew the scar cavity of the Dragon teeth special team, because he came out of it and didn't know how many times.

Ye Pengfei clearly remembers that when he went to the scar wall, the worship in other people's eyes seemed to be the belief in people's eyes.

Of course, ye Pengfei did not pay attention to this at all.

Even at the moment to hear two people's words, but also a sarcastic way: "injured still so happy, quite silly."

Two eyes a cold: "boy, do not understand, do not talk."

But ye Pengfei stared at Tyrannosaurus Rex and said, "if I were fighting alone, I would not be hurt at all."

Ye Pengfei didn't lie. In the past, although Ye Pengfei would go to the wall every time, he didn't want to, but he always took care of his teammates.

"Well? What about thunderstorms and wolves? Why didn't you see it? "

Outside the city of Mu a face of anxious, is it not their own underestimate this ye Pengfei?

"Dad, why haven't they come out yet?" Mu Han asked quickly.

Mu City coughed a way however: "wait a little longer, came out immediately."

He naturally doesn't want Mu han to run to see it, because he will surely find the little action he made before.

But at the moment, on the side of Ye Pengfei, ye Pengfei suddenly said: "with you, do you want to go to the special battle scar wall of Longya special team? I didn't expect that today's Dragon tooth has fallen to such a level. "

"What did you say? Boy, you're so bold. Just insult us. How dare you insult our organization. "

"Wait!" Thunderstorm eyes on the side of a squint: "how do you know the Dragon teeth special team."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "if you go to the battlefield, you will only be cannon fodder on purpose."

"Damn, boy, I won the second place in the military combat competition. How dare you despise me?"

"Tut tut Can military combat be compared with real battlefield? I tell you, in the real battlefield, a move is a kill move, the purpose is to kill the opponent, not to get applause. It seems that you have been living in fantasy

"Boy, you said so much, do you think you are very strong? Do you know what a real battlefield is? If even the most basic things, how can we talk about the real battlefield? "

Ye Pengfei sneered: "as you say, you have to start from shooting in the battlefield?"

"This is the first step and the most basic one." Thunderstorm said very loudly, trying to win the argument.

However, ye Pengfei sneered: "I tell you, if it's in the Middle East, Africa and other places, those children who only have a few points can learn to shoot in less than five minutes. As long as they have guns and kill people, it's not a problem. Are you ready to let them shoot well?""What? I read more of your novels, don't I? You think you've seen a few movies and TV dramas, and then you talk about the battlefield with me. Do you have a hole in your head? " Thunderstorm is very uncomfortable to say.

Ye Pengfei shook his head helplessly and then asked, "have you ever been to the battlefield? It's not acting. "

This time, the thunderstorm completely muddled, because he did not go to the battlefield.

Ye Pengfei looked at them and said with a cold smile: "seriously, if we are playing the game of life and death at this moment, you are already two corpses."

As soon as the words came to an end, ye Pengfei's legs flashed out.

Bang bang!

Thunderstorm only felt the huge force coming from both legs, then the sharp pain suddenly hit, making the thunderstorm plop back to kneel on the ground, full of horror.


Before the thunderstorm even made any response, his head was heavily hit by the butt of the gun, and then the sound of the bullet loading, the dark hole, also aimed at his forehead.

"To die!"

The wolf on the side was surprised and angry, but he was easily caught by the other side and twisted. The other side screamed and almost broke his bone.

Then, in front of his eyes, a military knife was already against his throat, stinging and bleeding, making his face become infinite panic.

Originally, they thought that the other side was just a person who could fight a little. How could they know that the other side was so terrible? In the twinkling of an eye, they easily subdued them and almost didn't scare them on the spot.

For a moment, they were cold all over and sweating all over.

This is the first time for them to feel real fear. Their eyes are full of panic, and even their bodies are shaking violently, and their faces are pale.


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