Shua Shua!

On the street, two people, one before the other, kept flying by.

Roadside scenery is still, pedestrians in a hurry, but did not notice the two abnormal.

But two or three minutes later, death suddenly stopped and his face changed.

Because the enemy disappeared somehow.

But he has always controlled his tracking range at about 50 meters, and the other side has also been in his own field of vision, and now suddenly disappeared, finally let death realize the danger of this character.

Soon, ye Pengfei received the other party's SMS, and then his face sank.

"Even death can't follow. This killer is really powerful."

Ye Pengfei can't help but become a little anxious. He's not afraid to fight against the guy himself, but he's afraid that the other party will fight against the people around him.

"Well? Ye Pengfei, why are you not happy? " Xiao Ruxue said with a small mouth.

Ye Pengfei immediately said: "where ah, I am happy, really, Xiaoxue, you are so kind to me, I wish I could kiss you."

"Well, poor mouth."

At the moment, in a manor of Xu's group.

Xu Hou suddenly came to Xu Shengbo's office and said in surprise: "Dad, did you invite a super killer from abroad?"

"What's the problem?" Xu Shengbo sitting in the president's office chair, a face of you calm.

Xu Hou took a deep breath and said, "Dad, if you kill that ye Pengfei, I absolutely agree with you. It's just Dad, can you see in my face, don't do it to Ruxue. "

"Well?" Xu Shengbo immediately changed his face, and said angrily: "Xiao Hou, you disappoint me so much. I have told you many times that we should focus on our career and our future grand plan. But you are not as good as Xiao Ruxue or Xiao Ruxue all day long. Tell me about you. You are not even as good as Xiangyun."

Xu Hou also felt very ashamed, but still said: "Dad, I'm sorry, in fact, I also want to forget Xiao Ruxue, but Xiao Ruxue and I grew up together, more than ten years of classmates, even the university is together, I really have a very special feeling for her, I can't control it."

"Enough, if you go on like this, what else can you do?"

But Xu Hou suddenly said: "Dad, I like snow with all my heart. Why can't you help me? Are you so cold-blooded? Ha ha When mom left so early, did you just focus on your career? "

"Enough." Xu Shengbo slapped on the table and roared, "do you know what you're talking about now?"

At the moment, Xu Hou was obviously very excited. He also said in a loud voice: "Dad, ye Pengfei is powerful. You know, we used to hire so many killers, but we were not killed by each other. Even the Miao Dao was killed. Now how can that killer beat Ye Pengfei?"

"Hum, do you think the killers you invited are ordinary killers?"

But Marquis Xu said, "no matter how powerful, can ghosts be powerful? You know the strength of ghost. I'm sure it won't be inferior to that of Ye Pengfei. "

With that, Xu Hou also quickly looked at the ghost behind him, as if he was not generally confident in his strength.

Xu Shengbo's eyes also fell on ghost's body, but said seriously: "ghost's strength is really not comparable to that of ordinary people, otherwise, you think I will leave him to protect you."

But Xu Hou said: "in this case, send the ghost out and kill Ye Pengfei directly. There's no need to invite any killer. Let the killer go back and forth from where, so as not to be crushed by Ye Pengfei."

However, as soon as the other party's voice fell, a slight sound came out of the air.


Then, hiss.

The blood light is blooming!

The ghost on the side suddenly gave out a scream, and its face was extremely twisted.

Then, he lowered his head, but found a huge blood hole in his chest.

As if, the ghost was born with what pierced the general.


But Xu Hou saw a pair of glasses inlaid on the wooden door not far away.

It's mixed with some blood, and pieces of internal organs!

That is to say, the other party actually penetrates through each other's body.


At this moment, Xu Hou was almost scared to the ground.

Because it's so terrible, it's more terrible than sniper bullets.

A pair of glasses can pierce a person. Is he still a person?

In fact, not only Xu Hou was stunned on the spot, but also Xu Shengbo was startled.

As a hero, ye Pengfei has been in the market for so many years. He has never seen any way of killing people.

But a pair of glasses will be able to kill people, it is too scary.

"So Who is the murderer? "The two quickly scanned the room, but found no one at all.

Originally thought ghost's strength already very formidable, but compared with this killer, is completely the dregs.

Wait Killer?

Two people look at each other quickly, both can see a touch of shock from each other's eyes.

"Could it be that Is that the killer they just mentioned? "

Because the other side does not accept what Xu Hou said, so when the ghost is about to be killed, in order to prove his strength?

"Xiao Hou, go out." Xu Shengbo is also scared, but since it is the other side's hand, Xu Shengbo is frightened, but also very uneasy.

This kind of killer is usually moody, who knows if the other party will suddenly kill them.

At that time, I'm afraid Xu Shengbo won't close his eyes.

Until he made sure that Xu Hou really left, Xu Shengbo looked at the air around him and said, "great killer, I know you have come. Please come out and see me."

To ensure respect, Xu even uses English.

"Great Tut tut I like this adjective

I don't know when, somewhere behind him, a middle-aged man with a leather jacket and a beard appeared in front of Xu Shengbo, which made Xu Shengbo startled.

Because this man is right behind him.

If the other party wants to kill himself, does he have no resistance at all?

"Hello, Mr. killer."

Xu Shengbo tries to challenge his emotions, turns around and says with an unnatural face.

And this person is no other than the white foreigner Ye Pengfei met in the restaurant.

In between, the white man first smiles at Xu Shengbo, then goes straight to the wooden door not far away, takes down his glasses, then wipes them with his paper towel, and puts them on his face again.

The corner of Xu Shengbo's mouth gave a fierce puff. Well, now he can almost be sure that the foreign white man in front of him is absolutely terrible.


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