"This technique is a very advanced method. It should open up the vast majority of Qi channels in the body, so the technique is so superb."

Ye Pengfei said this means, a face of fear, because even ye Pengfei are difficult to detect.

About half an hour later, they came to the grave where the God of death buried the faceless three days ago. For some reason, ye Pengfei's mind suddenly flashed a touch of uneasiness.

"Here it is." Death quickly said a word, followed by Ye Pengfei quickly came to each other's grave.

"Well?" They immediately changed their faces and found that the tomb had been planed open.

"Is he not dead?" Ye Pengfei's eyes gradually narrowed, and the dangerous light was shining at the bottom of his eyes.

The God of death is also in the eye fiercely project cold awn of Sen Han, and ashamed way: "is I work not effectively, I should divide him into five parts, make sure he died thoroughly again bury."

But ye Pengfei waved his hand and said: "it's my carelessness. I didn't expect that the other party would feign death."

"In this way, we are in danger all the time. This faceless man is so powerful that he will find another chance to revenge." Death's vigilance.

Ye Pengfei said seriously: "don't worry, even if the other party is not dead, it is also seriously injured. In a short time, the other party can't recover. In this case, we must find a way to kill him."

Death is also very frightened, said: "this faceless person's own strength is very terrible, if coupled with the killer's means, it is really not ordinary people can deal with."

"In that case, your highness, please let me take off his head myself." Death immediately asked.

Ye Pengfei shook his head and said, "no, I'll send someone to watch him. But this guy comes from the most famous killer organization in the west, and he is the strongest one. He really poses a great threat. "

The God of death nodded and said, "Your Highness, now I believe many organizations in the world should know that you are still alive."

Ye Pengfei said calmly: "it's normal to know my news, but I'm curious about one point. I don't understand why the Hades didn't tell me that I was alive."

"Maybe the Hades had some other plans."

Ye Pengfei nodded and said: "maybe, well, let's leave now."


"Wait..." Ye Pengfei suddenly seems to think of something, immediately let the other party go back first, then disappeared into the night.


At the moment, Xu group, chairman's office.

Xu Shengbo is sitting in his office chair, with a cup of strong tea just made on his desk.

However, Xu Shengbo seems to be in a state of uneasiness.

The fourth day!

Four days have passed since the news of the Faceless Man's move.

But these four days, the faceless one seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"I must have thought more about it. After all, even the ghost shadow was killed by a pair of glasses. Could ye Pengfei be better than this faceless man?"

I don't know when, ye Pengfei suddenly raised his head and found that there was one more person in front of him.


Even if ye Pengfei was startled, his body was shaking violently.

"It's you!" Xu Shengbo saw the pair of black frame glasses, thought it was faceless finally appeared.

But soon, his face changed dramatically, and he said incredulously, "you Are you ye Pengfei

"Tut tut Boss Xu, why are you so timid? This is not the boss Xu I know. "

With that, ye Pengfei takes off his glasses and throws them to Xu Shengbo's desk, which makes the other party's heart jump wildly.

This pair of glasses, Xu Shengbo natural memory deep, it is a faceless thing, but now, but in the hands of Ye Pengfei, and the other side safe, Xu Shengbo naturally thought of a possibility.

The faceless man was killed by Ye Pengfei!

Suddenly, the breath of terror completely enveloped Xu Shengbo.

Even such a terrible super killer faceless are not ye Pengfei's opponents, then ye Pengfei's own strength is not against the sky?

"Boss Xu, I found a pair of glasses on the road a few days ago. Tut tut I don't know if boss Xu dropped these glasses

"No, I have good eyesight. I never wear it." Xu Shengbo can't help swallowing, and looks dangerous and flustered.

But ye Pengfei said with a cold smile: "in this way, it's my fault, ye Pengfei?"

Xu Shengbo's face changed slightly, and finally he simply let it go.

"Ye Pengfei, you don't have to beat around the bush. Since you come to me with this pair of glasses, you must have guessed everything. In this case, why fake it again? If you want to kill me, do it."

After all, Xu Shengbo is a hero of a generation. Even if he dies, he doesn't want to lose his integrity."Tut Tut, it seems that you are very disappointed now." Ye Pengfei joked.

Xu Shengbo took a deep look at Ye Pengfei and said: "indeed, because you and I are the hostile relationship between you and me. Since you are not dead, today is naturally my death."

"Very good. Boss Xu deserves to be boss Xu. He is really a hero of a generation, even if he wants to be admired."

"Are you praising me?" Xu Shengbo farfetched smile, as if ready to face death at any time.

Ye Pengfei suddenly asked: "before killing you, I want to ask you a question. You should have killed Xiao kaize's mother. Did you have an affair before?"

Xu Shengbo's face changed immediately. Unexpectedly, even this was seen by the other party.

"Yes, I did have a past with her, but the fox spirit seduced me. Well, before I die, I want to ask you a question, what is your real identity?"

because Ye Pengfei has been so mysterious for a long time that Xu Shengbo didn't know how many times he secretly investigated, and all of them were fruitless. Xu Shengbo was rather depressed.

However, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "identity? What identity? I'm just an ordinary person. "

"Impossible, you can't be just an ordinary person, your identity background must be quite strong, strong enough that even I don't have the qualification to know."

"Ha ha Well, since you are so confused, go to hell and ask the king of hell. That Lord knows everything, and it's normal to meet your requirements. "

The voice just fell, ye Pengfei's body suddenly moved.


Ye Pengfei is inspired by Xu Shengbo.


Let Ye Pengfei completely did not expect is, the other party unexpectedly at the moment rapid arms cross, blocked Ye Pengfei this blow!

But even so, the other side was still shocked out.


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