The rain on the street is constantly scouring the ground.

Through the dim sky, Zhao Xingguo saw the neon lights on both sides from the foggy glass window.

As a politician for many years, Zhao Xingguo has already developed a mood of happiness and anger, but when he saw the heavy rain outside the window, his brow was tightly wrinkled.

"This rain, from early in the morning until late in the evening, there must be another flood in Linqing county."

"Yunfeng county is close to Beiming mountain. It used to slide all the time. It can be solved if the road is blocked, but the safety of the people can't be ignored."

"There is also Nanshan County, where there is a remote village. Children have to walk for at least one or two hours to go to school. This heavy rain spreads all over the northwest area of Binjiang City, and it will definitely be affected there."

"Young master, you are always so worried about the country and the people!"

The old man with white hair in the driver's seat shook his head helplessly, but his eyes to Zhao Xingguo were obviously very close.

In fact, Zhao Xingguo is in his forties this year, but the old man with white hair has been following Zhao Xingguo's father since he was young, and then called him young master Zhao Xingguo, and got used to it.

Zhao Xingguo shook his head helplessly and said, "how can we be concerned about the country and the people? Most of the time, I'm just a politician. Even though I know that there are many things I need to do immediately, I can't do it or manage it! "

"If you become mayor, it will be different."

Zhao Xingguo's face slightly changed, then said: "the mayor's matter, the government naturally has arrangements, we don't talk about it."

But the old man with white hair said with a smile, "since it's an election, that's what we mean. Isn't the government made up of many officials?"

Zhao Xingguo was speechless and then sighed helplessly.

Because whether they can become mayor or not depends on the big man who supports them. The most direct manifestation is the number of votes.

"Young master, it's time to gather together the virtuous."

The car stopped steadily at the door of a teahouse.

Zhao Xingguo gradually narrowed his eyes and subconsciously raised his chin. Looking at this old but obviously charming teahouse, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Didn't the stranger say how many floors apart from waiting in Juxian house?"

"No, he just said he was in Juxian."

Zhao Xingguo frowned. At this time, the old man with white hair got out of the car and came to the door of Zhao Xingguo and opened the door.

Zhao Xingguo just got off the bus.

However, the next moment, a sudden voice, suddenly sounded from the car, almost did not scare Zhao Xingguo fainted!

"Vice Mayor Zhao! Ha ha Are you really a good official concerned about the country and the people? "

"You! When did you get in the car? "

Zhao Xingguo's face was full of panic, and even his body was shaking.

Similarly, the old man with white hair also looked at Ye Pengfei like a ghost. He was so shocked!

This old man with white hair is a super expert. He is not only Zhao Xingguo's driver, but also Zhao Xingguo's bodyguard. Over the years, the old man has read countless people and met many capable people.

But as strange as ye Pengfei, it is unheard of!

If the other party stabs Zhao Xingguo's body in the time he does not observe, then Zhao Xingguo will surely die!

At the thought of this possibility, the old man with white hair can't help shivering!

"Martial arts practitioners!"

Finally, the old man with white hair seemed to think of the possibility. Looking at Ye Pengfei, he was obviously more scared.

Ye Pengfei, however, raised his eyebrows. His eyes fell on the old man with white hair. He said with a smile: "you have at least 40 knife wounds on your body, three gunshot wounds on your shoulder, waist and thigh, and stubborn diseases on your feet. It hurts every rainy day! And it's been four years at least. "

The white haired old man's face suddenly changed!

Zhao Xingguo, on the other hand, quickly looked at the old man with white hair, and his eyes filled with tears.

"Mr. Sun, what he said is true?"

The white haired old man nodded difficultly, then looked at Ye Pengfei, his eyes were sharp!

"I don't know how you found out about me, but if you want to hurt my young master, I will die with you even if I fight for this old bone!"

The old man with white hair has a fierce voice and momentum. Looking at Jiangning night, he is full of indomitable spirit, as if he is determined to die!

Ye Pengfei was shocked!

I didn't expect that the old man with white hair should be so loyal to the Lord!

For a moment, ye Pengfei said with goodwill: "I am the one who contacted you?"

Two people suddenly a Leng, and Zhao Xingguo also quickly way: "that you lead me out, in the end want to do?"

Ye Pengfei laughed and said, "let's talk upstairs. It happens that I have to meet a friend."

"Friends?" Zhao Xingguo frowned.


Ye Pengfei was already five meters away and walked slowly towards the teahouse.Zhao Xingguo's mouth gave a fierce puff, and then said: "Mr. Sun, I always thought that even if those people in the Jianghu were no more powerful, there was a limit, but today's young man completely opened my eyes."

The old man with white hair, named sun Lao, quickly wiped the sweat on his head, then sighed helplessly: "it seems that I am really old."

"But this young man is upright and walks straight. He should have been a soldier, not an insidious man!"

Zhao Xingguo also nodded slightly and said, "if you want to take my life by such means, I'm afraid it's easy. This is an interesting young man!"

Speaking of the latter, Zhao Xingguo's face is already full of smile, obviously looking forward to this young man.

At this time, ye Pengfei has entered the teahouse.

This teahouse is simple in style and elegant in decoration, but it is very cold and almost deserted.

No, not nearly. It's true that there's no one.

The person Ye Pengfei is looking for is the owner of this teahouse!

A young man full of killing spirit!


Former Changfeng team members, ye Pengfei's comrades in arms and brothers!

At that time, Changfeng team was very popular and invincible, almost no one could stop it!

However, because of the interests of the political factions in the army, many members were withdrawn and eventually retired.

Qi Feng is the victim of these interests, so he finally returned to his hometown Binjiang City, his son inherited his father's business, and became a teahouse owner!

The three words "Ju Xian Ju" are the beautiful memories Qi Feng has always mentioned.

Just at the moment of Juxian Curie, but full of wine!

In the past, the sharp young man had disappeared. Instead, he was a slovenly man with a mixed face and beard, who was extremely decadent and kept pouring wine into his mouth while holding up his glass!

Ye Pengfei can't help changing his face. What happened to Qi Feng?

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