"What? General manager, President Why cut me off? " He Feng was afraid at last, but the president himself gave the order, which was almost the death penalty.

Ji Changxiong said with a cold smile: "because although you are an old employee, you have almost no performance, and you are ganging up to attack the company's outstanding newcomers. Now that the company is in a critical moment, don't you feel ashamed to do so? Now I announce that Tang Rou is the director of public relations department. "


Everyone was in a daze immediately. Director ah, darling, how long has Tang Rou been here, and he became the director of public relations department directly. If it goes on like this, it's OK.


He Feng was in despair.

Ji Chang Hsiung did not give them any way to survive. He said with a straight face: "the list of layoffs will come down immediately. This is the result of many high-level discussions of the company. You will go to the personnel department to go through the formalities later. Don't try to make trouble. Otherwise, the company will call the police directly."

With that, Ji Changxiong nodded to Ye Pengfei and left.

Everyone's face changed. Ji Changxiong nodded to Tang Rou's boyfriend?

Could it be that Does Tang Rou's boyfriend have a background?

Tang Rou is also a face of ignorant force, my God, she is now the director of yeting group.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Rou came back and said, "brother ye, let's go outside."

Ye Pengfei nodded and knew that the other side had a lot to ask, so he left with the other side.

"Rourou, congratulations on your promotion so soon." Ye Pengfei congratulated with a smile.

But Tang Rou said shyly: "brother ye, if I didn't have your relationship, no matter how good my performance is, I can't be the director. Brother ye, can I invite you to dinner?"

Ye Pengfei thought and said, "well, let's go and see Uncle Tang then."

"Mm-hmm, brother ye, you wait for a while, I'll clean it up, and then come out."

About ten minutes later, when Tang Rou appeared in front of Ye Pengfei again, ye Pengfei was completely shocked.

Her upper body is a white sweater, and her lower body is a black pencil pants,

such a simple match, but it outlines her perfect body, and her whole body is full of youthful and lively atmosphere, which is too pure and attractive.

"Gudong..." Ye Pengfei couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He was fascinated.

"Brother ye, what are you looking at?" Tang Rou sees that ye Pengfei stares at her body and swallows saliva. She is almost shamed to death.

"Cough Well, let's go. "

However, when they came out of the building, they found Xiao Ruxue waiting there in silence.

Tang Rou's face immediately changed, and her heart was very sad. She really thought that ye Pengfei had come to find her, but unexpectedly, she was with Xiao Ruxue. That is to say, they must be looking for general Ji.

"Rourou, you wait for a moment."

Ye Pengfei says a word to Tang Rou, and then goes straight to Xiao Ruxue.

"Xiaoxue, I'll take you back first. I have something to do later." Ye Pengfei said very frankly.

But Xiao Ruxue said seriously, "no, I'll let Mr. Sun send me. Go ahead and don't let Tang Rou wait for a long time."


Ye Pengfei slightly embarrassed, how to listen in the ear, Xiao Ruxue seems to match them in general.

"Be careful, Xiaoxue. I'll be back early this afternoon."

Looking at the back of Ye Pengfei and Tang Rou gradually leaving, Xiao Ruxue looks complicated, and even feels a little lost in her heart. However, she quickly calls Ji Changxiong.

"Well, Rourou, let's go." Ye Pengfei said very intimately.

Tang Rou was a little uneasy and said, "Mr. Xiao, she just agreed?"

Ye Pengfei blinked his eyes and said, "what are you afraid of? She and I are not married. She doesn't have so many rights to manage me."

"Oh." Tang Rou answered, but her face turned red. Because the other side said that, is it in disguise that he is interested in himself?

Originally, Tang Rou had a feeling for ye Pengfei. After hearing this, her heart beat faster and faster. For a time, her ears were red.

In this way, they walked side by side and looked like a couple.

Soon, they came to the snack street not far from Binjiang University.

"Brother ye, this shop is very good. We used to eat here when we were at school." Tang Rou's eyes are soft, and she seems to recall some past events, especially when she comes to eat with Ye Pengfei, which makes her feel very happy.

"Since you praise me so much, I'll have a good taste."

A moment later, when ye Pengfei tasted a few mouthfuls, he said: "I'll go. This dish is very good."

"Shall we come often after that?"

Tang Rou subconsciously said this sentence, but soon blushed again. After all, this kind of words sounds like two people are lovers.Fortunately, ye Pengfei didn't seem to realize this, which made Tang Rou a little relieved.

"Yes, but it will be your treat then." Ye Pengfei deliberately teases the way.

"Woo woo Brother Ye is so mean. " Tang Rou said with a shy voice, but her eyes were incomparably charming and attractive.

"Well? Sister Tang

All of a sudden, a voice of surprise and excitement sounded on the side, which immediately startled them.

they immediately looked up and found that there was one more person on the side.

This man is wearing a blue sportswear, with thick glasses, ordinary appearance, holding several shorthand books in his hand, a look of Xueba.

"Ah? Hou Tao? Why are you Tang Rou lost her voice immediately because she was a super Xueba of Binjiang University. She even dabbled in Sanskrit and oracle bone inscriptions. Many people adored this Xueba very much.

But Tang Rou has also heard some messages, saying that Hou Tao has been secretly in love with himself. He has been waiting under the dormitory several times just to have a look at her, which makes Tang Rou very embarrassed.

"Xuejie, I'm so excited not to see you. By the way, how was your old one? Did you change it? Why has it been a flight number all the time? And, Xuejie, what are you doing here? "

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes. Of course, he came here to eat. What else can he do?

Tang Rou was also ashamed and said, "my number has been changed a long time ago. I came here today to have dinner with my friends."

"Oh, so it is. What's your new number, please save it for me." Hou Tao continued to say excitedly.

"Well, this I don't think so. " Tang Rou is smiling. In fact, she is saying politely. It seems that she is saying, Xueba, you are a good man.

However, Hou Tao said with a proud face: "Xuejie, are you afraid that I can't remember? It's OK. Xuejie, you just have to say it once, I promise, and write it down every second."


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