The speed of the bullet is very fast, and the sound of dada keeps ringing, which makes the first sense door burst into pieces.

With a smile, the crazy monk took out a cigarette, lit it on the red pipe, and smoked it leisurely, which seemed extremely pretentious.

But the guards at the door have all been killed by death at the moment, which makes the crazy monk who has come back to God look confused.

"I'll go, death. You'd better keep two for me."

Death turned his head and glared at the crazy monk: "we are here to save people. Don't forget that your highness is still in danger."

The crazy monk just grinned and dared not make fun of him. Later, he and death continued to break through other responsive doors.

Because two people, a cold weapon, a hot weapon, almost no obstruction.

At the same time, they found that there were more and more people in front of them, obviously because of the noise they made, which attracted the attention of the enemy.

And now, in the luxury suite of the underground world.

"Tell Lord ITO that someone broke in with Gatling on his shoulder, and he couldn't resist the north gate. These people were premeditated and obviously prepared ahead of time. "

"eight GA, these * * pigs, dare to ignore my mouth hill, tell the ghost, no!" All dead, dead, dead. "


The other side nodded quickly, then said: "Mr. ITO, their strength is very strong, now they have reached the fourth line of defense, I'm worried..."

"The strength of GUI Zun is not what you can imagine. Pass on the command."

Soon, the man left, and the news came that it was Lord Guizun, who was ready to make a move, so that Lord ITO could plan strategies here and stay in Diaoyutai.

Itou Takata only raised his chin. "It's natural that the ghost is allowed to give up. But for insurance purposes, all of you have * * been sent to me. It is imperative that these pigs stay. If you run away, you will wait for the doctor's experiment."

Those little brothers around, have color, and then, without each other to remind, all rushed out.


"Well? What about people? "

Those guards who have been tracking Ye Pengfei's three come to a corner, but they disappear in the blink of an eye.

But that is to say, in the moment when everyone was stunned, suddenly the light flashed and everyone screamed.

It turned out to be a flare prepared by magic knife.

Suddenly, these people all closed their eyes and felt dizzy.


Puff, puff, puff

The blade in Ye Pengfei's hand is like the scythe of death, harvesting all those who are in front of him.

Everything is just between the electric flame and flint. The speed of Ye Pengfei and the magic knife is very fast. The light of the knife is flashing and the blood is raging.

Finally, ye Pengfei and magic knife almost stopped at the same time, the ground is already a corpse.

"Well? Why is there no sound? "

In the command room, ITO and others heard that these people were still taking small steps, but in the blink of an eye, there was no sound.

And this is precisely because the jammer on Ye Pengfei's body works, so that even if these people are killed and scream, xiaotai ITO and others can't hear them at all.

"Osaka Jun, please answer if you hear me. Osaka Jun, please answer if you hear me."

After calling several times without sound, the little leader finally realized that it was wrong.

"Lord ITO, maybe they've all been killed." The other side is very ashamed to say.

"A bunch of trash. Can none of you, except GUI Zun, stop him? "

"Mr. ITO, this is the most powerful expert we can play now, but It's still not their enemy. These people are stronger than ever. " On the side of a person look extremely dignified way.

Ito xiaotai face gloomy way: "so, before they are deliberately hidden strength?"

"yes, these Chinas are really very * * cunning."

"Well, I don't care what you do, you must leave them here. Otherwise, if you let the Dharma protector blame you, you won't want to live."

"Your call, my Lord."

Just at this moment, someone pulled the phone.

When answering the phone, the other party has been submissive, appears extremely respectful, until a moment, just like heard some news, a face of shock.

"Damn it! Maybe we underestimated the enemy from the beginning. Where's the devil

"My Lord, I can't get in touch."

Make sure to give them an order: "I can't stop all the people from going out.


At this time, the battle between the mad monk and the God of death has become white hot.

I don't know when, the crazy monk's heart suddenly sank, and he was immediately shocked and said, "death, be careful, the ghost is coming."Death's face changed slightly, and it seemed that he also felt the gloomy breath from all around.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

Strange laughter, like ghosts, can tear people's eardrum.

Suddenly, the breath of ice cold, as if to penetrate into the human body.

"Be careful." At the same time, his body almost retreated dozens of meters away.

Not far away, several ghostly figures rushed to the crazy monk almost at the same time.

Although the speed of the God of death can be avoided, the crazy monk can't retreat at all. Of course, because of his high defensive power, or the other party didn't want to retreat at all.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

The strange cry rang out, and then the eight figures almost killed at the same time, and patted the crazy monk's head at the same time.

Bang! ~

the dull sound makes people tremble. However, there is no terrible scene in imagination. The crazy monk is still intact, and even can't help evoking a sneer at the corners of his mouth.


In an instant, the shadow flashed by, and the golden light burst out, and shot at the ghost.

Suddenly, it was like penetrating something, but there was no blood on GUI Zun's body.

Then, the crazy monk also moved, his body suddenly ejected, leaving a shadow in the air, and constantly attacking the ghost.

Shua Shua


GUI Zun's figure kept retreating, and even fell into the wind as soon as he saw it. It was really beyond GUI Zun's expectation.

In fact, this is also a plot between the two!

It creates the illusion that one of the two escapes and the other cannot escape.

Then the crazy monk used his unique skill of Shaolin, golden bell cover!

As long as you can't find the cover door of the crazy monk, Guizun won't hurt him!

Take advantage of this gap, death will be strong shot!

Even if you can't kill each other, you can shock each other!


They immediately joined hands to attack GUI Zun, forcing each other to retreat. They must be very angry!

But the crazy monk said with a smile, "little devil, it's too late to beg for mercy now! Ha ha ha... "


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