When returning to the villa, Bing Qin Lan was still applying the mask.

See ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue return, hasten to urge Ye Pengfei to cook.

Ye Pengfei heart that depressed ah, looked at the next time, are more than nine in the evening.

"Why don't you two cook for so long? Have you been waiting for me to come back?"

Xiao Ruxue has a red face. Because she ate the food Ye Pengfei cooked, she didn't even bother to order takeout. She wanted to rely on Ye Pengfei all day.

As for bingqinlan, she used to cook by herself, but like Xiao Ruxue, since she saw Ye Pengfei's top cooking skills, even her own cooking was despised.

"Ye Pengfei..."

Bingqinlan nibbles her lips, looks at Ye Pengfei seductively, and says something coquettishly.

Results bingqinlan this expression, Xiao Ruxue and ye Pengfei can't help but get goose bumps at the same time.

"Xiaolan, you are another iceberg of our coal group, but what did you look like just now?"

"Ah? What happened to me just now? "

Bingqinlan quickly convergence expression, as if the flattery in the bone were almost inspired.

Ye Pengfei coughed quickly and said: "it seems that your illness is quite serious. Come to my room tonight and I'll help you to treat it once."


Xiao Ru Xuehu asked: "is the disease more serious? what do you mean? Xiaolan, are you sick? "

Bingqin orchid shows a pair of hard to say appearance, ye Pengfei is quickly way: "other people's privacy, you don't ask."

Xiao Ruxue said quickly: "what privacy? What do you mean when you go to your room for treatment? "

Ye Pengfei rolled his eyes and said, "she got acupuncture for this disease."

"Acupuncture?" Xiao Ruxue's face was surprised, and then he seemed to think of something. He couldn't help exclaiming: "it won't be the kind to strip off."

Bingqinlan almost didn't die of shame, because ye Pengfei had seen all of her last time, but she had some special characteristics. Thinking about it, she had an impulse to strangle Ye Pengfei.

"What do you think?" Ye Pengfei said solemnly, "xiaoxuexue, you have a terrible idea. What do you usually think? Who says acupuncture should be stripped off? Just take off your coat. You need to keep your underwear."

"Oh." Xiao Ruxue was finally relieved, but still quickly said: "Ye Pengfei, I warn you, you don't want to take advantage of Xiaolan, and even if you want to treat, I must accompany you all the way, and you will never have any chance to succeed."

Ye Pengfei immediately cried out: "president, when did I become a big sex wolf? It's a big injustice."

Xiao Ruxue was too lazy to pay attention to him, and then he puffed his mouth again and said, "go and cook."

When ye Pengfei saw Xiao Ruxue like this, he was so cute that he wanted to kiss her.

Of course, ye Pengfei is still pretending to be very aggrieved, and cooking obediently, which makes Xiao Ruxue feel a great sense of achievement immediately.

"Look at your arrogance

Of course, what she doesn't know is that her impression of Ye Pengfei has quietly changed.

When the meal is ready, Xiao Ruxue and bingqinlan are again filled with emotion, tearful, really delicious!

Ye Pengfei laughed and said that he was a top chef in the world. He made the two girls roll their eyes. Of course, he was a little suspicious.

After all, ye Pengfei let bingqinlan into his room, and then prepared for acupuncture.

Xiao Ruxue insisted on following in, saying that she would supervise nearby.

Then bingqinlan takes off her coat and shows her great mind, which makes Xiao Ruxue look silly.

"My God, Xiaolan, do you usually have breast enhancement?"

Xiao Ruxue stares at her big round eyes, because she thinks her figure is good enough, especially satisfied with her chest.

As a result, after seeing bingqinlan's Weian mind, all kinds of envy and jealousy happened in an instant.

Next to Ye Pengfei, he said with a smile, "Xiaoxue, your standard is enough. You don't need to be any bigger."

Said, ye Pengfei pretended to look at Xiao Ruxue's chest, a pair of obscene appearance.

Xiao Ruxue immediately hugs her chest and stares at Ye Pengfei: "don't look!"

"If you don't look, you don't look. It's not that you don't have to look."

With that, ye Pengfei quickly turned his head, his eyes fell on bingqinlan's chest, and his heart immediately became hot. It was so big and white. It was so hot!

"You! God, ye Pengfei, you have nosebleed again

Xiao Ruxue looks extremely disgusted. He obviously thinks that ye Pengfei must have thought of something obscene.

Bingqinlan almost didn't feel dizzy and said quickly: "Ye Pengfei! If you want to cure the disease, hurry up! "

Ye Pengfei laughed awkwardly. Then he took out the silver needle and said, "well, in the process of treatment, I need to use my Yang Qi to regulate the excess Yin Qi in your body, so I'm afraid you will have some reactions at that time, but all this is normal. Don't panic later!""Oh."

Bingqinlan naturally didn't know what ye Pengfei's words represented, just oh.

Next to Xiao Ruxue is also a face of doubt.

"Yang Qi, Yin Qi? What's the reaction? "

After a while, ye Pengfei began to put needles on bingqinlan's body surface!

At first, bingqin orchid didn't respond, just said that the Qi of Jiangning night really entered bingqin orchid's body.

But soon, the face of bingqinlan changed.

Because those Yang Qi, has quickly come to her abdomen, and began to hook those Yin Qi, complete Yin and Yang intersection, the result of bingqinlan pretty face Shua red.

just feels as like as two peas, and is even the same as before. Even now, there is a man and her.

Bingqinlan suddenly thought of what ye Pengfei had said before and said quickly: "Ye Pengfei You, what did you do to me, why did I... "

Bingqinlan really can't continue to say, because these words are difficult to say.

Xiao Ruxue didn't see it for a moment, so she quickly asked: "Xiaolan, what's the matter? What's wrong? "

Ye Pengfei coughed and said: "because it's the harmony of yin and Yang, it's a bit like that between men and women And it's pure Yang Qi and Yin Qi. It's very strong. "

Voice just fell, bingqinlan suddenly called out, and then quickly shut up, can't help but die of shame!

Next to Xiao Ruxue is also a red face, and then turned his head to Ye Pengfei said: "you this boy will not be intentional, right, how can there be such a cure? How long will this last? "

Ye Pengfei subconsciously glanced at bingqinlan's pants and said seriously: "it's not wet yet. We have to wait!"


On hearing this, one of the two women's faces could not be reddened any more! Bingqinlan is even more ashamed to death!


Xiao Ruxue scolded quickly, covered her face quickly and ran out immediately!


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