"Go away, crazy monk!" Death suddenly cried with a smile.

At the same time, the figure of death, like a ghost, stopped in front of the crazy monk.


With a flash of golden light, he hit GUI Zun again, because his speed was so fast that the other side couldn't escape! But even so, this move still did not cause any damage to Guizun, but it undoubtedly delayed the next attack of Guizun.

In fact, the purpose of the crazy monk is the same. The longer he stays here, the less strict he is to them.

This ghost Zun's strength is too strong, even if the mad monk and death join hands, they are almost not opponents of each other!

"Withdraw!" Finally, the mad monk and death use their escape skills and prepare to leave quickly.

But even so, the crazy monk's back was still hit by a terrible knife light, and his body flew.

"Crazy monk!"

Death's face changed, but after landing, he gritted his teeth and said, "go!"


On the way, many guards came after him, but they didn't stop him at all under the breakout of death and crazy monk.


In situ, ghost Zun suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood fog. At the moment, he also has a lot of injuries. Even if he wants to chase, he can't do it at all.


"Death, crazy monk, what's your situation?"

As soon as they got out of the bag ring, Catherine's voice suddenly rang out of their ears.

The God of death turned his head to see the crazy monk who was in a coma. He said in a low voice: "Catherine, we met GUI Zun on the road. The strength of the other party is too strong. You and I have been injured, but the crazy monk's injury is obviously heavier than mine. Now we are in a coma."

"What! You met GUI Zun halfway. Well, now you evacuate quickly. If you meet your royal highness, come out together. "

"Have you not heard from your royal highness?"

"I don't know now, but I don't think I'm in any great danger. Since you've met GUI Zun, you must have won a lot of time for your royal highness."

But the God of death suddenly changed his face and said, "I can't beat him with crazy monk. Now he must mobilize a large army to deal with his royal highness."

Katherine was also a heart jump, then said: "you must hurry back, now they have sealed the four exits."

"Don't worry, we will come back alive."

At the moment, the underground world is in chaos. The sound of footsteps, guns and all kinds of sounds gather together. In a word, chaos!

"Lord ITO, Lord Guizun has hit an intruder hard. Now he has come back."

Ito nodded and said, "what's the situation now? Have all the people outside solved it?"

Even if the man lowered his head, he said uneasily: "report to Lord ITO, Lord GUI Zun, it seems that he was injured."

"What?" Ito's face suddenly changed.

Because I know so much about the strength of xiaotai ITO, it can be said that there are only a few people in the world who can hurt him, but I don't want to be hurt tonight.

"Mr. ITO, we can't determine their location now, because their shielding device is the latest high-tech product, and our technicians can't solve it at all."

"A group of losers, our Sanyue group is the top group in the island,. Since you can't even crack a small shielding instrument, you hill people can all die. "

Finish saying, the other side a kick will kick to the other side, complexion a gloomy.

At the moment, there are hundreds of people searching in the passageways outside, which makes the underground world chaotic.

The reason is that many laboratories were damaged by Ye Pengfei and magic knife, and the experimenters occasionally ran out and ran away.

"Get out of the way, Dr. Panasonic is injured."

Suddenly someone exclaimed at the exit, and then several people in white coats lifted out a bloody old man.

Suddenly, everyone was angry.

Because Dr. Matsushita, in their eyes, is a highly respected type.

After a while, the road separated automatically, and Dr. Matsushita was quickly evacuated by medical staff.


"What about people? Why do people disappear all of a sudden? "

In the command room, Mrs. ITO yelled and scolded, showing great anger.

At this time, someone suddenly said, "my Lord, even GUI Zun has tried to find them, but these people seem to evaporate suddenly and can't be found at all."

"No way! I don't believe it will disappear out of thin air. Come with me and I'll find them myself. "

Then, with a large army, she began to command the search on the spot.

About ten minutes later, someone finally came to report that they had found the situation.Ito xiaotai face gloomy way: "go, see exactly what situation."

In normal times, they have to wear protective clothing when they enter the laboratory, but now the laboratory has been damaged, so whether they wear it or not is the same.

"Here it is, my Lord. There are some bodies here."

Ito xiaotai quickly walked past, and then her eyes shrank.

"It turns out that Dr. Matsushita! So the people who went out before Could it be that... "

All of them realized that they had been cheated.

Dr. Matsushita and his assistant who went out before, that's the enemy!

"Chase me! You must take them down to me. If you let them escape, you will wait to meet my anger. "

In this way, people have to play ten thousand spirit, to find Ye Pengfei and others.

"Mr. ITO, there is a message from Mr. GUI Zun that the direction of escape is not to the four gates, but to another exit."

"Another exit? How can I only know that this commercial building is an exit? "

The reply person also quickly said: "Lord GUI Zun said that Liang Mingguang was pretending to attack, just to buy time for ye Pengfei and others. We were all cheated. They didn't go to the four exits, but went to other places."

"So it is!"

Ito xiaotai's eyes flickered. Maybe only this one explanation can make sense.

"Well, quickly find me Professor Sasaki who is in charge of building this commercial building."


At the moment, ye Pengfei and his three men are all relieved after they have been chased by many guards.

This also depends on the magic of the magic knife that easy to look, finally passed.

"Brother The air here is very strange. I feel suffocated. I can't breathe at all. "

Ye Pengfei quickly took out a very small liquid oxygen bottle from his body and brought it to Tang morying, which was Catherine's thought in advance.

Next, as long as through this pipe, then, they are safe!


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