In the villa, ye Pengfei laughs when he hears Xiao Ruxue's question.

"If you want to find a woman, I don't know how many people in the world will crush their heads and wait to get into my young master's bed. Is my young master still short of a girlfriend?"

"Cut! Just blow it Xiao Ruxue immediately sneered.

Bingqinlan always does not know how to talk with Ye Pengfei.

Even ye Pengfei joked, she was lack of interest, as if she was still intoxicated in her own state of mind.

Ye Pengfei said: "director Bing, you should be my girlfriend."


Bingqinlan finally recovered, and then hummed coldly: "I want to be beautiful!"

Xiao rushue also said quickly: "Ye Pengfei, you dare to come up with Xiaolan's idea. Xiao rushue was very happy, but then she thought that the reason why Ye Pengfei lives in his villa now is because he is his own driver.

If it's not a driver, he has no reason to live in his villa. If ye Pengfei doesn't live in his villa, who will help her and Xiao Lan cook in the morning?

"President, what's the matter? Is there a problem? "

Lianyu saw Xiao Ruxue's look change and asked quickly.

Xiao Ruxue is a face embarrassed way: "I also want to let Ye Pengfei when two days more driver?"

"Ah?" Lian yudun was shocked, hesitated for a while, and then said: "president, if you want Ye Pengfei to continue to be a driver, does Uncle Zhang need to be dismissed?"

In fact, Lianyu is taking retreat as a way to advance, because she knows that with Xiao Ruxue's temperament, she is definitely not willing to dismiss Uncle Zhang, an old employee.

Xiao Ruxue was very embarrassed. She rubbed her eyebrows and said, "let me think about it."

Lianyu quickly poured a glass of water for Xiao Ruxue, and then cautiously said: "president, didn't we discuss before and let Ye Pengfei go to the marketing department? Is it because there are other reasons that make the president very difficult? "

Xiao Ruxue took a look at Lianyu, then said awkwardly: "it's mainly Ye Pengfei who lives in my villa now."


Lianyu was scared on the spot and lived in the president's villa. What's the rhythm?

So soon, this ye Pengfei will be the president of the adult, and then the two cohabitation?

Seeing Lianyu's shocked look, Xiao Ruxue said with a smile: "what do you think, dead girl? Although Ye Pengfei lives in my villa, you can't think about it. The main reason is that the guy cooks delicious food. In terms of cooking skills, he is absolutely first-class! I want him to cook for me

Lianyu was relieved. She covered her small chest and said, "president, you are scared to death. I thought you took a fancy to Ye Pengfei. After all, you had a bad impression on him before."

"Don't worry, even if all the men in the world are dead, I won't like him!"

Lianyu thought about it, then suddenly she said: "yes, President, why don't you do this? Uncle Zhang will continue to be the president's driver. However, ye Pengfei will be responsible for the trip to work in the afternoon and the trip to work in the morning!"

Xiao Ruxue rolled her eyes and said, "in that case, what would Uncle Zhang want to do?"

"You just say Ye Pengfei is your relative. Now he lives in your home! Considering Uncle Zhang's age, let Ye Pengfei do it for him? "

Xiao Ruxue thought about it and finally said, "OK, that's how it is going to be done."

In half an hour.

"What? I'm going to be transferred to the marketing department as a clerk? "

Ye Pengfei immediately foolishly, quickly said: "I am a veterans, and did not learn any economic management, nothing, you transferred me to the marketing department to do?"

Ye Pengfei's head shakes like a rattle.

"Ha ha, the marketing department is full of beautiful women, and there are many fresh graduates who come to the company to apply for jobs, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and National People's Congress. They are all beautiful and talented students. Do you really not think about it?"

Xiao Ruxue immediately throws out a bait way.

Ye Pengfei's heart was slightly hot, and he quickly changed his words: "Mr President, I've decided that if I don't go to hell, I'm going to sell something? I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I seen pigs run? Marketing department, right? OK, I've decided! I'll be the younger brother of ice director in the future! "

Ye Pengfei's vulgar words made Xiao Ruxue want to laugh.

Immediately, Xiao Ruxue will inform bingqinlan of this matter, and send an email to the other party, just let bingqinlan give ye Pengfei a little color to see, a good beating.

Bingqin orchid had an opinion on Ye Pengfei and immediately said that she would follow suit.

As for ye Pengfei, he thought quickly in his mind: "in case I become a supervisor, I don't know if I can follow the rules They are all top students in famous universities. Hey, hey It must be great to dive. "


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