Xiao Ruxue and Xiao Ruxue are surprised. They don't understand why the other party wants to do this. But they still nod their heads to express their thanks. They are guessing the identity of the other party.

At this time, Xiao Jiansen bribed Tian rushen, but he didn't give it to you? I tell you, if you don't do a good job today, don't do it later. "

"Ha ha..."

Tian Jiansen sneered: "director in charge, don't think what you usually do, we don't know, I tell you, now the leader has spoken, I think you don't want to do is you."

Having said that, Tian Jiansen immediately pulled out a number and quickly threw it to Guan Rong, saying, "OK, you go on yourself. You can do it yourself in the future."

Guan Rong received a phone call, heart suddenly have a bad feeling, but still quickly put in the ear, the result is to hear a let him feel like a bolt from the blue news.

"What did you say? I'm fired. Shit. Do you know who's behind me? How dare you! When I get back to the capital, you'll be finished. "

The other side seemed to be stimulated, constantly yelling, and seemed extremely arrogant and domineering.

Tian Jiansen gave him a pitiful look, then went to the other side and said coldly, "Guan Rong, do you know who opened his mouth to deal with you this time?"


The other side immediately whispered a name, which made the other side's purchase pale.

"Well, Mr. Ye, Miss Xiao, I'm really sorry about this."

But ye Pengfei said with a smile: "we also want to thank you for your help."

"Ha ha, it's just a little help."

At this time, Xiao Ruxue suddenly walks up to Guan Rong and slaps the other side in the face, directly pumping the other side to the ground.

"You You dare to hit me

But Xiao rushue went over and quickly kicked out her high-heeled shoes, hitting the other side's crotch again, almost killing the other side.

"Cough Mr. Ye, I have something to ask for you. Come with me. "


Soon, ye Pengfei followed him to a remote place.

Ye Pengfei said: "well, Mr. Tian, I don't know who is going to help us."

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, my host is from Beijing, and I believe you will meet soon. Besides, she also said that you owe her this time, and you must pay her back in the future."

Ye Pengfei couldn't help but be more puzzled. He didn't understand who this man was. Even Guan Rong said that after class, it was really powerful.

Is it Qin qinger?

It's really possible to scorn the thought of doing these things with the energy of the Qin family.

"Mr. Tian, let your master rest assured. I will pay back the favor, but it's impossible for me to make a personal commitment to Ye Pengfei. Even if I don't want to sleep with her, it's absolutely impossible. I'm a big yellow boy, precious..."

Tian Jiansen's mouth yanked fiercely. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Mr. Ye, you are so humorous."

Ye Pengfei seriously said: "you don't know my past distress and how many people want to sleep with me, which makes me very upset at ordinary times. Well, now that you have said these two things, I hope your host will remember, ah, people are handsome, sometimes it's also a burden."

Tian Jiansen


Re answer hall, Xiao Ruxue has arranged everything, fake Wu Bufan also came to the scene, and put forward the best more publicity, to ensure the popularity of the film.

See ye Pengfei, the other side secretly nodded, said hello.

But Xiao Ruxue is very surprised. She always feels that Wu Bufan's attitude has changed. She seems to be very willing to devote her time to film related work.

Until the end of everything, Xiao Ruxue came to Ye Pengfei's side and said in a soft voice, "you guy, have you done something secretly again?"

"Ah? Yes? Xiaoxue, what are you talking about? " Ye Pengfei tries to blink his eyes and is a strong peddler, which makes Xiao Ruxue unable to laugh or cry.

But Xiao Ruxue also knew that this guy would not admit it even if he was killed, but it was so touching.

"Hey, hey You mean Wu Bufan. This guy, I taught him what is handsome before. I didn't expect that he was very talented. He knew that he would gain more approval if he worked hard. Now Wu Bufan is on the road. "

Later, after cleaning up the mess here, ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue return to the company.


"Miss, it's done." In a luxury business car, Tian Jiansen replied respectfully to his owner.

"Well, what did ye Pengfei say?"

On the phone, the voice is crisp and lazy, especially attractive.

Tian Jiansen said awkwardly: "that Mr. Ye is a very humorous person. He said, "I'm sure he will pay back your kindness, but...""Just what?" Luotang on the phone began to become curious.

"I can't say that, miss."

"Ha ha Just say it's OK. After all, this is what ye Pengfei said. It has nothing to do with you. "

Tian Jiansen just said: "he said it's OK to be human, but if you want him to make a promise or sleep with the host, you can't do anything..."


Luotang almost sprayed, and then giggled.

"What a funny little man, cluck But how does he know his gender? "

"Well, he's really humorous. He also said that many women want to sleep with him, but he's still a big yellow boy, and he's so handsome and precious. It's just that too many women annoy him."

"Cluck, cluck What an interesting man, ye Pengfei. What kind of man are you? Ha ha It's really exciting. "

For a moment, Luotang seems extremely happy, as if if as long as you think of each other, you will have no worries.

Xiao group, marketing director's office.

"Hum You know how to come to me Bingqinlan is very wronged and sad.

Ye Pengfei immediately coaxed: "well, well, you are my woman. How can I forget you?"

"The women around you are dazzling one by one, but they are all ruined now. How can they compare with those little girls? Hum, I don't believe it."

"Who said that you are a broken flower and a broken willow? You are still a watery little beauty. Let's see how I punish you."

Soon, to convenient by Ye Pengfei fell to the ground, a kiss.

"Well Well... " Bingqinlan struggled for a while at first, but gradually he let the other party take it. However, they were just ready to release.

Suddenly, a phone rings, Bing qinlan takes it up and looks at it. Mr. Xiao is stunned.


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