Shua Shua!

At night, in Xiao Ruxue's villa.

A shadow of Taoist kept passing, rising and falling, and then entering the dark.

"Report, number one is in place."

"Number two is in place."


Several figures in the dark sent signals to the distance one after another.

On Lin Xuehai's side, he immediately gave the order.

"Remember, you have three minutes left, and if you can break the limit, I'll be happy."

Originally, Lin Xuehai thought that it would take about five minutes, but he thought that maybe the limit could go up a little bit, and the earlier it ended, the smaller the risk.

"I understand!"

Several people received the order, immediately ready to burst into the villa.

Although time is pressing, it should not be difficult for them to find something.

However, several people are preparing to rush in, suddenly, a sense of extreme danger suddenly hit.

Then, someone in the northwest immediately fell into darkness, like a pocket on his head. Next, with a bang, the stick hit his head and immediately fainted.

"The devil's son, the devil's son, the devil's spirit, and the devil's devil, don't look at the Buddha, who am I?"

As for the other person he is in charge of, he is like Spiderman in the movie now, adsorbed on the wall, which ordinary people can't do at all.

However, before everyone climbed up, the crazy monk jumped up and pulled down his collar.


Crazy monk will be a sack, but also a stick down, directly knock each other dizzy.

"Yeah, I've solved another one. I've done a lot of good to Buddha. Haha, haha..."

Similarly, several people in charge of magic knife, Captain Jack and death were also killed quietly. They looked at each other and then quickly hid in the dark.


"It's three minutes. Why haven't you come out yet?" Mucheng deliberately said a word, after all, the other side said before is three minutes, seems to a few members are very confident.

Lin Xuehai's face is not very good-looking, but still said with a smile: "this thing must be hidden more secret, maybe there are secret doors and so on, maybe you can find it soon."

In this way, soon, the time will reach five minutes.

Mucheng said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I haven't come out for five minutes, hehe..."

Lin Xuehai's face changed slightly because he seemed to feel that something was not right.

"Number one, what's the situation now?" Lin Xuehai asked quickly.

However, there is nothing in it.

Mucheng said, "maybe they turned off the earphone. Let's wait."

In this way, the time went by, until eight minutes later, even Mu city can't sit.

"What's going on? Why is there no movement? "

"I'll show you."

Soon, the people who were compensated came back, and of course, there were a few people who were knocked unconscious.

"What's the matter?" Mucheng, Lin Xuehai and others immediately changed their faces.

And Lin Xuehai is to see to Mu City, brow tight wrinkly way: "Ye Pengfei is not to leave, how these people are still knocked unconscious?"

I've called my daughter before. It's really my daughter's place. " Mucheng is also very muddled.

"What's going on?"

Soon, Lin Xuehai let people wake up these unfortunate people.

"What have you been through before? How can you be dizzy? "

Several people looked at each other and quickly talked about what happened before. Unexpectedly, everyone was beaten.

"A few waste people don't even know that they are close to you. If they want to kill you, you will be finished."

"I'm sorry, drillmaster. We are incompetent, but these people are too powerful. We are not rivals at all."

"Hum, you are the elites in our special forces. Since you are all powerful, it seems that these people must be mortals."

"By the way, who are those people?" Lin Xuehai suddenly asked.

Several people look at each other and say they don't know at all.

Lin xuehaidun said: "it's just that. Now it seems that there must be other experts around Xiao Ruxue. I didn't expect that all eight of you were knocked unconscious by each other. It's really terrible."

At this time, a few people suddenly found that there was a small note on them.

"Well? What is this? "

When several people lifted the note and saw the handwriting on it, they were immediately confused.

"You are the devil's son and the devil's son. This is the ticket for the Western Paradise. Take it well and don't give it away."

Everyone's face was muddled. I didn't expect that the other party was so mischievous.

"How can it be? Tomorrow I will take people to forcibly snatch back the nanowarhead treatment in Xiao Ruxue's hands, and make them look proud.""Enough, don't you know they're warning us now? If we dare to move, are you not afraid of these people fighting back? "

"Magic knife, where are my duck intestines and tripe? Get up to me now. "

Because he had just killed the "devil's son and devil's son", the crazy monk was so enthusiastic that he asked the devil's knife to continue to make each other's hot pot, while the public enjoyed the delicious food he made.

As the protagonist, ye Pengfei has also prepared the medicine soup for mu Han, and has also blown it. After confirming that it is not hot, it is sent to each other's small mouth.

Mu Han suddenly blushes, sips, looks extremely shy, of course, also very moved.

"Well, let me do it myself."

Can't help but bathe hot breath, because the other side is too hot.

Later, without the consent of the other party, he grabbed the small bowl from the other party and began to drink.

Just very soon, Mu Han has some regrets, because the feeling of the other side feeding herself is really warm, so warm, so touching.

But now, Mu Han can't help getting angry.

Finally, ye Pengfei broke a cup of warm water for her.

Mu Han said seriously, "thank you, ye Pengfei. It's really troublesome for you to take care of me. That Now I think I must be ok if If you are busy, go back first. "

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "is it so late now? Are you willing to let me go? This bed is also very big. I think it's OK to sleep for two people. "


On hearing Ye Pengfei's words, Mu Han's pretty face immediately turns red at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Did ye Pengfei mean that he wanted to be with her

But they haven't determined their love relationship yet, and it's their first time.

"That Brother ye, we Are we too fast, others It's my first time. I'm so nervous. "


Ye Pengfei immediately muddled force, he had just wanted to tease each other, did not expect the other party even seriously.

And also said that it was the first time for me to blush. Could it be that The other side is not against herself and her

"Cough That I'm just kidding. " Ye Pengfei was really afraid of the other party's misunderstanding, so he quickly explained.


Suddenly, Mu Han is so embarrassed that she doesn't know what to do. She just feels that she's too shameful. She even says it's her first time. For a moment, she can't wait to cover her face.


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