In the dark elevator, ye Pengfei caught Xiao Ruxue's chest in a panic. When he recovered, he was almost not scared to death!

"Mr. President, you must forgive me. I didn't mean to! All this is a misunderstanding

Ye Pengfei quickly explained aloud in his heart, but he didn't mean to let go at all.

As the president of Yamei group, Xiao Ruxue is also ashamed and angry, and doesn't know who met her there.

But because the other side has not let go, Xiao Ruxue immediately angry, quickly grasp the other side's hand!

Why? This hand is rough, man's?

Recalling the position of Ye Pengfei before, Xiao Ruxue would like to strangle Ye Pengfei alive.

This asshole! How dare you grab your chest!

However, before Xiao Ruxue gets angry, the elevator shakes again.


The crowd screamed again.

And Xiao Ruxue is instinctive grasp Ye Pengfei's hand, the same ah called up.

Ye Pengfei's heart is happy. He pulls Xiao Ruxue into his arms. With a bang, Xiao Ruxue bumps into Ye Pengfei.


Xiao Ruxue is so angry that he dares to eat her tofu.

Ye Pengfei quickly deceived Xiao Ruxue and said in a low voice, "president, that was a misunderstanding just now!"

"I misunderstood you!" Xiao Ruxue lowered her voice, but she was still afraid of being heard by others, and almost didn't die of anger.

Ye Pengfei was afraid that Xiao Ruxue would retaliate, so he immediately said in a loud voice: "everyone take out their mobile phones and use them as lighting!"

They finally became calm and took out their mobile phones.

Of course, Jiangning night also quickly let Xiao Ruxue go to prevent the little girl from getting angry.

Xiao Ruxue was very angry, but now so many female staff are watching. What if she and ye Pengfei get into trouble and are misunderstood.

"Damn Ye Pengfei, Miss Ben will never end with you!"

Xiao rushue gnashes her teeth, but she has to swallow her anger for a while. However, when she thinks that the other party has grasped her chest and stayed for such a long time, Xiao rushue really wants to kill people!

Then there was a blush on the face, just like a ripe peach, delicate and lustrous.

As a result, her skin is white, her hair is curled up, and her jade neck is exposed in front of Ye Pengfei's eyes, which makes Ye Pengfei's heart beat suddenly.

"Why do you suddenly feel that xiaoxuexue is so attractive that you can't hold it."

Seems to feel the eyes of Ye Pengfei, Xiao Ruxue quickly raised his head and glared fiercely.

Because the elevator broke down, people also complained for a while. Finally, they suddenly asked, how did male employees suddenly appear in the company?

Soon, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Pengfei's face.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "Hello, everyone. My name is Ye Pengfei. I'm going to move into the marketing department and become a staff member."


People's eyes fell on Xiao Ruxue again.

Xiao rushcheton felt a lot of pressure, because she always hated men, so there were no male employees in the company. Now there is one more, so people are very curious.

And everyone is quite clear, if not for the president's approval, the other party certainly can't enter here.

Xiao Ruxue was drunk when she thought about it. She didn't want to answer this question, but now what should she say?

At this time, the elevator door suddenly sounded the sound of knocking.

Then, some workers quickly asked if anyone could hear the speech. After all, the beautiful president of Yamei company was in it. If something happened, who could afford it.

Xiao Ruxue finally calmed down and immediately responded in a loud voice, saying that he and others were inside, and asked the staff to rescue them quickly.

The outside staff immediately said: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, we will start maintenance now, and make sure you are all rescued!"

Soon, the sound of metal collision came from the elevator, and people were waiting in it.

As time goes by, what makes people confused is that the elevator has not been opened, on the contrary, it has been dragged longer and longer.

Trapped in the elevator, are some female employees, heart bearing capacity of nature is not so big, soon some people began to panic.

"Why haven't you opened it? How long has it been?"

"Yes, it's been at least 20 minutes. Why can't it open?"

"Hello, people outside, are you well?"

Soon, the person in charge outside said quickly, "Mr. Xiao, the elevator seems to have a big fault. We will ask professional personnel to come quickly. Please don't worry!"

"What? "Big trouble?"

All of them were in a panic. In a moment, they seemed to fall into an ice cave.

What's the big problem? If the elevator shakes again, will they die here.Even Xiao Ruxue's face has changed a little. She's in her prime now. She has her own company. She hasn't even been in love yet. How can she die like this?

At the same time, the other clerks all raised questions one after another: "what do you people do for food? When you have trouble, you have to invite professional people to come. What do the people in the building support you for?"

"If you are not going to save us, who can take the responsibility?"

The people inside are constantly scolding, while the people outside are also under great pressure, but they have to persuade each other to try their best to calm down the anger of the people.

Xiao Ruxue was worried about whether she would die here, but then she thought about it. She picked up her mobile phone and found that it was almost ten o'clock.

"No, the meeting is about to start."

Xiao Ruxue is in a hurry. If this time is delayed, all the itineraries will be disrupted. After that, she has to shoot again. This is not what Xiao Ruxue wants to see.

And in the time when everyone was bored, all of a sudden, they only heard a harsh voice.

"Zhi --!"

It was like the sound of metal friction, and then a light came in.

People's hearts are like a flash of hope.

Then, more powerful metal friction sound is produced.

The door of the broken elevator was torn open by life!

This scene, and before ye Pengfei came in, quite similar!

But before at least there is a point of focus, and now, this person is forced to open the elevator door and pull open.

However, after finishing, they found that ye Pengfei had already disappeared from the elevator.

For a moment, the elevator people's hearts suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning, at the same time, their backs also shivered!

"Is it Have you met a ghost? "


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