"Well, if I don't come, you guys won't even know how to die later." The tone of the silver haired man is proud, and his posture is also high, which makes several people in front of him very uncomfortable.

"To build up other people's ambition and destroy our prestige, just now we were several people, but he didn't dare to come out and hurt him. How could you say that we would die? Are you kidding? "

"Stupid!" Silver haired man a cold drink, almost did not give this person to gas fainted.

"Fengshenyu, don't go too far. You dare to call me stupid."

"Isn't it?"

Fengshenyu's body suddenly revealed a powerful Qi, locking the other side completely, making the other side's face change immediately.

"Well, you all leave. I'll take care of this."

"Well, since you are so confident, you can play by yourself. Let's go."

Soon, a few people will leave quietly, and the silver haired man fengshenyu is down the stairs, and light way: "well, you can come out."

Shen Yanbing immediately looks at Ye Pengfei. However, when ye Pengfei hears the other party's voice, he is stunned for a moment, and then almost doesn't laugh.

Helplessly shaking his head, ye Pengfei stands up from behind the sofa, and Shen Yanbing naturally follows.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to come."

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Then, they hugged each other, which made Shen Yanbing's face confused.

"You're looking for the cold autumn." Fengshenyu opened his mouth immediately.

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "yes. Where are people? "

Fengshenyu glanced at Shen Yanbing beside Ye Pengfei. Ye Pengfei just said with a smile, "it's OK, I'm not myself."

Shen Yanbing's lips moved, but he didn't open his mouth after all. But these three words undoubtedly made Shen Yanbing's heart warm and seemed very warm.

"Qiu Yihan is from Tangmen. Now we are here to take her away."

Ye Pengfei and Shen Yanbing look at each other. Then they remember that Qiu Yihan came from Western Sichuan before. I didn't expect that he would be taken away now.

"In this way, the identity of the cold autumn is certainly not low."

After all, the people who came to look for them were all so powerful experts, and they didn't know how terrible the Lord's family was.

"Yes, she is the granddaughter of the contemporary Tang clan leader."


Both of them have changed their faces. They are very good indeed.

"By the way, what about people?" Ye Pengfei asked quickly.

"Don't worry. I'll have her brought right away." Feng Shenyu stares at Ye Pengfei and says, "by the way, what about the others?"

Ye Pengfei light way: "all in."

Shen Yanbing took a look at Ye Pengfei, then said: "you talk, I'll go out for a while."

After waiting for the other party to leave, Feng Shenyu said excitedly: "Your Highness, I finally see you again."

Ye Pengfei also said with emotion: "it's good to be alive. Sooner or later, we will have a day of revenge."

"Yes, as long as your highness is here, everything is not a problem."

"Have you settled your family's grudges?"

But ye Pengfei remembers that fengshenyu was not named before in the Tang clan. It was just because he was framed by the Tang family and even chased and killed by thousands of miles. He also broke his arm. Now his arm is a special arm made for him by a crazy woman.

There are all kinds of hidden weapons, poisons and lethal power. Of course, they are also your opponent's cards.

"Ha ha Since they want my life, I can't keep them. Now they are all killed by me. "

Ye Pengfei was relieved and said, "no wonder you can stay so long."

When ye Pengfei left Mu Han's home, he met a mysterious man who was very fast. Now, it should be them.

Later, ye Pengfei talked about the recent situation, including a trip to the island country, which made Feng Shenyu's face changed immediately.

"There's something else."

"That Gui Zun is really powerful, but sooner or later, we will repay him."

"And the queen? At the beginning, we were chased and killed, but we didn't care about it at all. When we looked back, we never heard from him again. "

"I don't know. I'm still looking for it." Ye Pengfei said a little lonely.

But soon, ye Pengfei continued: "now Catherine has found out that there is a list of many people who dealt with our dark royal court. The storage place of this information is a bit tricky. I'm afraid only you can crack it. I didn't expect that we met today."

"When will it start?"

"Half a month later."


Soon, before leaving a few people back, at the same time always autumn cold also was brought here.

"Brother ye? Captain ShenAutumn cold suddenly excited, even if she did not get any harm, but after all some fear of these people.

"Tang Yu, did you just hand over the young lady? Don't forget who we are

Tang Yu was fengshenyu's real name before, but after the other party was framed, fengshenyu followed his mother's surname and wanted to leave Tangmen, but these people still used to call each other Tang Yu.

Feng Shenyu sneered: "don't forget who is the leader among us. All of you have to listen to me. This is the decision of the leader of the Tang clan."

"Tang Yu, you are too aggressive."

"Well, I don't want to talk with you. Let people go."

These people this just very uncomfortable will autumn meaning cold to put back.

"Brother Ye." Autumn cold came to the front of Ye Pengfei, is a sigh of relief.

"It's OK." Ye Pengfei quickly comforted, afraid of what the other party suffered.

Qiu Yihan thought about it and said, "brother ye, in fact, they are all very good and have not hurt me. They just say that I am a miss of the Tang family and let me go back with them."

Ye Pengfei said seriously, "if you are really a member of the Tang clan, will you go back?"

"Ah? Is what they say true? My hometown was originally in Xishu. Is it Tangmen? " Autumn is cold and unbelievable.

As soon as these people of Tang clan heard the cold words of autumn, they immediately became proud.

"Tang Yu, do you see that? The first lady has voluntarily admitted her identity. "

Autumn cold horse way: "no, I'm not what Tangmen miss, you recognize the wrong person, I don't know you."

Obviously, Qiu Yihan doesn't want to admit this identity.

Several people's faces immediately changed, but the woman with hair on her head said quickly: "Miss, I saw it last night. You have our Tangmen's exclusive mark on your body. It's easy to identify it. It's at your waist."

Autumn cold body immediately tremble, because her waist does have such a mark, she thought it was a birthmark before.

The edge of the Ye Pengfei really can't see past, when even stand out.


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