"Yes, at least you have a father who has been caring for you, but I have nothing." Ye Pengfei a sad smile, perhaps is recalled the past, eyes are full of grief.

"No, I've been..."

Before Xiao Ruxue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Pengfei: "well, now you know my true identity, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Ruxue's complexion was complicated, her lips trembled, but she could not say a word at all.

Ye Pengfei said with a bitter smile: "at the beginning, you said that if the man in black took off his mask, he might be the hero of the world in your mind, but now you can see that I am not a hero of the world. To put it mildly, I am really a murderer."

"It's true that you and I are not from the same world. That's why I keep hiding my identity and don't want you to know, so that you won't get involved in it."

Ye Pengfei said quickly: "no, ye Pengfei, you can see that you are a very kind person who has done a lot for us. You You... "

"It's just my surface, you know? Just in the morning, I killed several people, because they threatened my safety, so I had to kill them. But look at me, even if I killed people, I can still be so calm. Do you think you can stand me now? "

"That's why you must have your reasons."

Xiao Ruxue stubbornly thinks that ye Pengfei is definitely not like this, but seeing the other party's indifferent eyes, he is very afraid and terrified.

"Now I just want to know why you always want to protect me, even if I used to do that to you."

Ye Pengfei sighed: "because that's what I owe you. Four years ago, I owe you a favor."

"Ah? So we've known each other before? "

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "you've given me blood once before."

"What! That man Unexpectedly It's you Xiao ruxuedun was struck by lightning. He seemed to understand everything in an instant, and even could not speak easily.

Ye Pengfei is calm way: "yes, that person is really me, this is I owe you."

"No wonder Hey, no wonder I cut your wrist last time. That's what I said to you

"Yes, because at that time, you had been frozen by the cold. It was the only way. The reason for all this was that you gave me blood transfusion. I remember that at that time, I lost a lot of blood in my body. The doctor also told you the consequences of blood transfusion for me, but why did you insist on doing so?"

"Have you ever thought that the consequence of doing so is likely to be death?" Speaking of the last sentence, ye Pengfei's voice trembled and even choked.

Xiao Ruxue said bitterly: "at that time, I didn't expect so many posts like forum, so I came here, because the blood is too special, only I can save you, I can't watch you die, but fortunately, we all live to now."

"But the problem is, since then, you have changed, the whole person has become ruthless, which is the consequence of inheriting my blood, and even the friends after you have gradually disappeared."

Xiao Ruxue said with a smile: "I don't regret it at all, and I like myself very much. I'm very smart and decisive, but it's you. It's sunny and warm at ordinary times, but what kind of person are you?"

"You are a silly woman."

"I don't know if I am stupid or not, but you are willing to guard me for so many years. Don't you think you are more stupid if you try every means to keep me from knowing?"

"That's just my promise."

"Is it?" Xiao Ruxue's mouth slightly tilted, warm heart, even if the other party is really heinous, but at least Xiao Ruxue see ye Pengfei, is so warm and intimate, always want to protect her.

"There's another question. You said that the dark court was destroyed. What's the matter?" Xiao Ruxue actually inquired about it, but she didn't know exactly what it was.

"Well I'm afraid we have to start from before. "

Immediately, ye Pengfei talked about the destruction of the dark king's court, and Xiao Ruxue was confused.

"Miss sella once said that you have a girl you like. Is this girl also in the royal court?"

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "yes, she did half of her work to establish the dark royal court."

"Well Did you have something to do with her when you were hit last night? "

"Well, she's gone." Ye Pengfei said with slight heartache.

"Sorry." Xiao Ruxue looks at each other heartache appearance, also follows heartache.

Ye Pengfei said with a bitter smile: "people are no longer there. Maybe That's life. "

Xiao Ruxue took a deep breath: "Ye Pengfei, anyway, I hope you can put down the past and live in the present, OK?"

"Put it down? I'd like to, but since I set foot on this road, I've been doomed to be killed all my life. It's not easy to put it down. ""Ha ha ha..."

Not far away, suddenly came the sound of wild laughter.

"The dark king, unless you are dead, you want to put it down. Are you a fool? Ha ha ha... "

As soon as the words fell, the tall buildings on the coast suddenly appeared dark shadows, which quickly surrounded Ye Pengfei and Xiao Ruxue.


Ye Pengfei's face changed slightly, but soon he found that a figure appeared quickly in the dark.

"Ha ha, if you want to keep me, I'm afraid you have to pay a price."

"Let's go."

Ye Pengfei grabs Xiao Ruxue and takes it away, while the shadows rush up one after another.

It's just that ye Pengfei's face is so light that he seems to treat these people like air.

But Xiao Ruxue felt very afraid and knew that these people must be enemies.


These figures immediately launched an attack, and their faces were full of cruelty.

However, just when they rushed to the front of Ye Pengfei, a terrible breath burst out in an instant, directly shaking these people out.

Then, a mysterious man with a bloody robe, a scythe on his back and a strange totem on his face appeared in front of the public.

"What! He is Hell Shura

As soon as they felt the fierce murderous spirit, the people who came to besiege almost fell to their knees, and they could no longer resist.

"They are the four chief ministers of the dark court!"

However, the hell Shura just swept away his red eyes, and suddenly the thunder and lightning flashed, which made those shadows tremble.

"Hell Shura, no matter how powerful you are, do you think you can stop us with so many of us today?"


Each other's mouth only said this simple word, and then, the whole person rushed out.


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