"Marquis Xu, I'll give you a chance to let them go. I won't kill you!" Ye Pengfei said with a gloomy face.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Hou immediately laughed: "Ye Pengfei, up to now, do you think you are still qualified to talk about the conditions with me?"

"Ha ha..." Ye Pengfei sneered and said: "then you try. I promise you will be the first to kill you before you hurt them."

"Yes? In that case Then why don't you do it? Why don't you come and save your little beauty? What are you worrying about? "

Xu Hou doesn't seem to care at all. Instead, ye Pengfei is not sure. He stares at Xu Hou with his eyes.

"Tut tut It seems that our royal highness is really angry. He doesn't want to kill me. Hehe... "

Seeing that ye Pengfei didn't seem to have any action, Xu Hou said: "now, I'll let your little beauties wake up and let them see you for the last time."

Soon, Xu Hou pulled off their masks, and they were finally sober.

"Well? Brother ye

"Ye Pengfei!"

After Xiao Ruxue and Tang Rou see ye Pengfei, they can't help crying out.

"Hey, hey You two, don't forget me? "

Xu Hou seems to have completely changed a person, issued a strange laugh.

"Ah? How are you, marquis Xu? " Xiao Ruxue is very surprised. He never thought that the other party would kidnap him.

"Xu Hou, what's the matter with you? How could you kidnap me? "

But Xu Hou sneered: "Miss Xiao, are you still willing to ask me now? Don't you understand that you are responsible for all this? "

Xiao Ruxue said with a disappointed face: "Xu Hou, shopping malls are like battlefields. If you lose, you will lose. But with your ability, you can still rise up. I didn't expect that you would become like this. I thought we could be friends in the future. Now Ha ha... "

"Enough, Xiao Ruxue, if you are disappointed, you will be disappointed. Anyway, your seriousness has never been me. I tell you, I just want revenge. Do you understand?"

To the back, Xu Hou almost roared out.

At this time, ye Pengfei with a deep mouth airway: "Xu Hou, I know you want revenge, now I give you this opportunity, let them go, all against me."

"Ha ha ha Ye Pengfei, do you think I'm stupid? With your strength, I can't kill you at all, but don't be happy too soon. What do they have? "

With that, Xu Hou quickly turned their chair, but the back was full of explosives.


As soon as ye Pengfei's face changes, Xiao Ruxue and Tang Rou also find things on each other's chairs and change color one after another.

"See? Dynamite? And it's remote control. As for the way of remote control and remote control, hehe hehe I won't tell you. As long as you know, they may be killed at any time now. Ha ha ha... "

"You! Xu Hou said, "what do you want?"

"How? Hey, hey Ye Dashao, don't be so anxious. How about we play a game? "

"What game?" Ye Pengfei's eyes are cold.

Xu Hou Gaga said with a smile: "it's very simple. Let's have something exciting."

"How exciting?"

"Russian Roulette!"

Ye Pengfei's heart beat hard. This kind of game is all about playing with life. The rule is to find a revolver, put a bullet in it, and then let the clip rotate. The players in the game shoot at their temples with a pistol. If they don't have any problems, they will change each other until someone dies.

"Oh, by the way, I certainly can't play it myself. You and Miss Xiao or Miss Tang will play it. The game won't end until one of you dies. Gaga..."

Ye Pengfei's head can't help roaring, while Xiao Ruxue and Tang Rou are pale.

"Well, now it's time for you to test the love between you and see who you will choose. Ah, ah, one is a beautiful schoolgirl, who likes your neighbor's little sister, and the other is your fiancee, tut tut Who would you choose

Xiao Ruxue and Tang Rou are nervous, but Xiao Ruxue finally calms down and says, "let Tang Rou go. Ye Peng and I fly to play this game."

"Huh?" Xu Hou's eyes narrowed gradually, as if this was not the result he wanted to see.

Tang Rou also quickly said: "Mr. Xiao, let me come. I'm just a small staff member. You're the president of a big company. Many people are looking at you. I hope that if something happens to me, please take care of my family in the future. "

At the end, Tang Rou's tears fell from her eyes.

"Ha ha ha I forgot to tell you that I didn't say you were allowed to choose. Although you two gave way to each other at a time of crisis, which moved me a lot, my name is Ye Pengfei. Do you understand? Ha ha ha... "

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ruxue and Tang Rou looked at Ye Pengfei.Obviously, they all really want to know what ye Pengfei thinks.

Xu Hou immediately said with a smile: "well, ye Pengfei, it's your choice."

Ye Pengfei's eyes have been between the two women, until a long time, finally made a decision.

"I choose xiaorou."


Because according to Xiao Ruxue's idea, Tang Rou is an outsider. According to Ye Pengfei's temperament, she will definitely keep her, but she doesn't want to. The other party chooses Tang rou.

As for Tang Rou, she felt a twinkling of pain.

"Brother ye, I'm not afraid of death." Tang Rou's eyes are sad because she has long been unable to extricate herself from falling in love with Ye Pengfei. She always thinks that one day she will be able to stand at a certain height and tell Ye Pengfei that she likes him.

But today, when ye Pengfei chooses to let her take the risk, he can't help feeling very painful in his heart.

As for Xiao Ruxue, she naturally doesn't want Tang Rou to replace her.

"Ye Pengfei You... "

"Marquis Xu!" Ye Pengfei immediately interrupted Xiao Ruxue's words and yelled at Marquis Xu: "I hope you can keep your promise."

"Hey, hey Ye Pengfei, it seems that you don't know your own situation? As I have said, you are not qualified to negotiate with me at all. "

Soon, Xu Hou untied the rope on his opponent's upper body, but the rope below had fixed him on the chair.

"Ye Pengfei, I tell you, don't take any chances. Otherwise, if the explosives on them explode, how boring it would be, Gaga..."

Tang Rou said quickly, "OK, let's start. I hope you can release Mr. Xiao later."

Xu Hou eyebrows a pick way: "really is a brave girl next door, you can rest assured, as long as you don't force me, I don't mind to accompany you to continue to play."

Soon, ye Pengfei took out a gun from his body, walked to him and said, "Ye Pengfei, remember Don't play tricks


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