"Eighteen million is not much?"

Liu Xiangyun quickly winked at Ye Pengfei and motioned him not to be brave.

After all, with Wu Feng's style of being in the limelight, if you stand on the opposite side of him and the other side does not fight for a higher position, you will never stop.

There is also a little girl on the side, secretly pulled Ye Pengfei's sleeve and winked at him.

Ye Pengfei is very happy. This little girl, named Tang Rou, looks very sweet. She has a beauty mole on her face, short hair and a little bad personality. But she is undoubtedly a beautiful girl of school flower level.

It was this girl named Tang Rou who said she would bring her big white rabbit candy.

However, at the thought of the big white rabbit, ye Pengfei couldn't help looking at Tang Rou's little white rabbit.

Although Tang Rou is a child and a little short, a pair of peaks and hills are particularly spectacular. What a typical child!

And just as ye Pengfei was daydreaming, not far away, Wu Feng immediately cast an extremely disdainful look in his eyes, and then said with a smile: "brother Ye seems to be very confident? I don't know how much performance I'm going to win this month. "

How to motivate?

Ye Pengfei eyebrows pick, is ready to boast Haikou, next to Liu Xiangyun, but the moment came, pull Ye Pengfei to go outside.

At the corner of Wu Feng's mouth, there was a touch of disdain: "I only know how to put flowers on my mouth. When I want to show my real ability, I can't do anything."

Outside, in the office area.

"Sister Xiangyun, why are you pulling me?"

Ye Pengfei pretended to be surprised, and then immediately pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said, "I'll go, sister Xiangyun. Don't you want to be with me now..."

Ye Pengfei didn't go on, but his eyes immediately became bad, and he also laughed. Then he quickly lowered his head and looked at Liu Xiangyun's deep gully and swallowed.

"What do you think?"

Liu Xiangyun stares at Ye Pengfei.

"I'm thinking, our children in the future have a big job. They won't be hungry."

"You Liu Xiangyun was defeated at last, and then he said with shame and anger: "Xiaoye, if you really like Xiangyun sister, listen to Xiangyun sister. Wu Feng has strength and background. Although he is not a formal contract worker of the company, he is the son of Wu group. You can't beat him."

Ye Pengfei's hand was quietly rubbing Liu Xiangyun's waist, and then he said with a smile: "how do you know that I can't fight him? Isn't that the 18 million list? I've created 50 million lists for publicity these days. "


Liu Xiangyun said with a smile: "Xiaoye ye, you are very good at joking. Don't mention the 50 million list. If you can get the 500000 list this month, sister Xiangyun will be happy for you."

"Sister Xiangyun doesn't believe it?"

With a little effort, ye Pengfei takes Liu Xiangyun to his arms and immediately makes Liu Xiangyun flustered.

"Xiaoye, what are you doing?"

Liu Xiangyun didn't expect that ye Pengfei was so bold and intimate with her.

Ye Pengfei did this on purpose, because she suddenly found that Liu Xiangyun was a little strange. Although she looked very coquettish on the surface, her legs were tightly closed when she walked, as if she could hold a needle.

At the moment, Liu Xiangyun was held in his arms by Ye Pengfei. Liu Xiangyun's heart beat rapidly, and a blush rose behind his cheeks and ears!

"You are a virgin Ye Pengfei was shocked.

Because Liu Xiangyun is at least 30 years old, and isn't she married? Why are you still a virgin?


Liu Xiangyun suddenly exclaimed, and then he was a little flustered: "you What are you talking about? "

Ye Pengfei responded quickly, then said with a smile: "nothing, I mean sister Xiangyun, you are so beautiful today!"

Immediately, ye Pengfei held Liu Xiangyun for a while. Then he quickly let go of Liu Xiangyun and did not dare to be so bold. Before, ye Pengfei didn't pay attention to it and didn't think about it in that way, so he flirted with Liu Xiangyun without any scruples.

But now found that Liu Xiangyun is still a virgin, ye Pengfei certainly dare not do any action.

However, the two different attitudes of Ye Pengfei moved Liu Xiangyun's heart!

"This smelly boy, it's time to talk about principles."

"Do you remember what I just told you? Don't be hard with Wu Feng in the future. You have to learn to bow your head! "

Ye Pengfei said: "sister Xiangyun, you don't believe your brother. Since I won 50 million yuan for the company, I certainly didn't cheat you. In fact, the cooperation between yeting international and Yamei group in the past two days is what I pulled from it. "

"Ah? Is it true or not? " Liu Xiangyun looks puzzled.

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "also, I have never lowered my head in my life!"

In an instant, a strong self-confidence and charm appeared in Ye Pengfei's body, which made Liu Xiangyun's heart beat rapidly, like a young woman's heart, suddenly turned into a girl's heart."Well, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, sister Xiangyun will always be on your side."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "sister Xiangyun is so kind to me. I really want to invite sister Xiangyun to my home for dinner. No matter you are eating or eating noodles, I will make it..."

Liu Xiangyun's pretty face turned red, and then quickly spit: "little rascal! I like to take advantage of my sister. "

Ye Pengfei is not happy in his heart.

However, just when ye Pengfei thought that he had won, Liu Xiangyun quickly stood on tiptoe and came to Ye Pengfei's ear and said, "when the time comes, you'll give it to your sister, and you'll have it..."

"Damn it

Ye Pengfei was shocked at that time!

Even though he has already exposed Liu Xiangyun's virgin identity, he never thought that Liu Xiangyun would dare to be so bold!

Isn't she afraid that she can't help pushing her down?

"Cluck, cluck..." Liu Xiangyun quickly laughed. Of course, he also felt that he was too bold. Then he twisted his waist and entered the office area.

Suddenly, an angry voice came from the office area.

Then, everyone seemed to be very indignant after hearing about it, and then Tang Rou was crying.

"This Wanzi premium product is too much. I promised to sign the contract, but I didn't expect to break the contract. Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu..."

Other employees in the office expressed their indignation one after another, saying that this Wanzi superior product used to look very good, but unexpectedly it was this kind of character.

But all the people complained, which made Tang Rou feel more unhappy and aggrieved when she thought about it, so she began to cry and look very sad.

Standing at the door of the Ye Pengfei, not from a Leng, then quickly walked past.


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