"Xiao Ye, tell me honestly, how did you do it?"

At the moment, Liu Xiangyun also knows about ye Pengfei's help to Tang rou. The eight million dollar contract really gives Liu Xiangyun a fright.

Before, she thought that ye Pengfei was just joking.

As a result, when ye Pengfei and Tang Rou came back, she finally understood that Xiao Ye was so mysterious.

"If you kiss me, sister Xiangyun, and I'm in a good mood, I'll tell you!"

Ye Pengfei a face of bad smile, and pointed to his right face.

Liu Xiangyun immediately said: "well, you little leaf, you know how to take advantage of your sister."

However, Liu Xiangyun had never kissed anyone before. At this time, he suddenly summoned up his courage and took a kiss on Ye Pengfei's face, blushing with shame.

Ye Pengfei was very happy and said, "I told you before that I won the 50 million orders of Yamei and yeting group. You still don't believe it. Now you believe it."

Liu Xiangyun's eyes twinkled with splendor, and then the corners of his mouth slowly stirred up an intoxicating radian.

"Xiaoyeye, you are really mysterious. I'm more and more interested in you, my sister. Maybe one day I'll make a promise."

"Hey, hey You have said before, let me give you something to eat next. "

Liu Xiangyun was very shy and angry, saying: "hooligan!"

Immediately, but quickly came to Ye Pengfei's ear, temptation: "it's under your sister to eat."

"I'll go!"

Ye Pengfei's heart leaped wildly. Then he looked up and looked at the goblin, hoping to beat him down immediately.

But Liu Xiangyun quickly away from ye Pengfei, and then threw a wink at him, this left Ye Pengfei, and returned to her own seat.

At the moment, the marketing director's office.

Bingqinlan was shocked when she learned that Tang Rou had won the order of 8 million.

Because Wu Feng had won eight million orders before, bingqinlan quickly reported to Xiao Ruxue. Naturally, Xiao Ruxue was very happy and was ready to let bingqinlan hold a celebration banquet for him. By the way, she agreed to let the other party join her.

But don't want to, this just how long, Tang Rou unexpectedly in one afternoon time, got an 8 million contract, this is simply than her this marketing director also cattle.

Therefore, bingqin LanDang even calls Tang Rou and asks her to come to the director's office.

Tang Rou's heart is a little excited, but she knows that it's all thanks to Ye Pengfei, so she decides to tell director Bing everything, because if ye Pengfei didn't help her, she couldn't get the list at all!


In the process of Tang Rou going to the marketing director's office, ye Pengfei stops her.

"What's the matter?" Tang Rou asked suspiciously.

Ye Pengfei coughed and said, "well, you don't need to mention me about the afternoon."

"Ah? How can I do that? That's what brother ye did for you Tang Rou quickly flattens her mouth.

Liu Xiangyun on the side also shook his head helplessly and said: "Xiaoye, even if you want to hide it, do you think it can be concealed?"

But ye Pengfei said with a smile: "Rourou, just tell me, I took you to meet the customer, and then I left. After that, you fight for everything!"

"I don't want to lie, because it's all thanks to brother ye," Tang Rou said

No way, ye Pengfei had to whisper: "in fact, I don't want the director and the president to be suspicious of me, and then come to investigate me. You know, I prefer to keep a low profile."

Tang Rou blinked her beautiful big eyes, then blushed and said, "brother ye, do you have a very strong background?"

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "yes, but you can take this as a secret between us, OK?"

Tang Rou's heart suddenly rose a very strange feeling.

Especially the words Ye Pengfei used before - the secret between them, as if their relationship was very close.

"Mm-hmm..." Tang Rou nodded quickly, very clever, and then said, "for brother ye to keep a low profile in the future, I I'll work hard for brother Ye. "

"Well, go!"

With a smile, ye Pengfei rubs Tang Rou's head and makes her mouth sound like a child. Then he raises his head, blushes on his face and purses his lips slightly. He is as happy as a child in his heart.

After a while, Tang Rou came to the marketing director's office.

"My Lord!" Don drew his feet together in a timid voice.

After all, every time I see the director, the other party always looks very dignified, either criticizing them or giving them new tasks.

Just this time, Bing qinlan looks at Tang Rou, but her eyes are obviously full of appreciative smile.

"Xiaorou, you did a good job."Ah?

Tang Rou even thinks that she has heard wrong.

After all, in her impression, the director has never appreciated others.

And still so, with a friendly smile, even let Tang Rou have a kind of flattered taste.

"My Lord, this That's what I should do. "

Tang Rou said shyly.

Bingqinlan nodded, and then asked Tang Rou to tell her how to win the customer.

By the way, I asked Tang Rou about the new company's products and asked them about them.

Bingqin orchid frowned. Yunyange has always been very strict with the suppliers' products, but in Tang Rou's mouth, it has become so irresponsible?

Could it be that Is this related to the colleague of the other party?

"By the way, who is your colleague?"

Tang Rou knew that it was impossible for her to hide this, so she lowered her head slightly and said, "Ye Pengfei!"


Bingqin Langton was startled.

Ye Pengfei?

Is it true or not?

"Well, I see. You go down."

"Oh." Tang Rou's heart is very guilty, because she didn't tell the director that this contract is entirely due to brother Ye.

When Tang Rou leaves here, bingqinlan quickly reports it to Xiao Ruxue.

"What? Ye Pengfei took Tang Rou from the marketing department to meet a customer and immediately signed an eight million dollar contract? "

Xiao Ruxue can't help but brighten her eyes. After knowing some details, Xiao Ruxue hangs up the phone and starts to inquire about the background of Yunyan Pavilion on the Internet.

Soon, Xiao Ruxue noticed some clues. When Xiao Ruxue gathered these clues together, Xiao Ruxue was shocked to find that there was support from yeting international behind the Yanyun Pavilion many times!

Yeting international!

Yeting international again!

This ye Pengfei, now I see how you still deny it!

Close the computer, Xiao Ruxue came to the window, immediately made a mysterious phone call.

"Check out a person named Ye Pengfei! I used to be a veteran. I'll give you his ID card information later! "

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ruxue's mouth slowly stirred up a smile.

Last time, Zhang Heyuan was saved by this guy.

"This stinky boy is really pretending!"


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