"Ah, Miss Bing, you are the one who attracts the most attention at our reception tonight. Even our young master Xia Hou, who is staying by your side, is really enviable."

Xu Ziyan changed the topic and flattered xiahouchun by the way. He secretly pointed out that xiahouchun was the most honorable person here.

As for ye Pengfei, that is a small role that is totally out of fashion.

"It's very talkative." Xia Houchun looks at Xu Ziyan and likes him more and more. Although he is a bit coquettish, he is very smart. He can be his own Secretary and help him do a lot of things.

Originally, bingqinlan and ye Pengfei danced together, which hurt Xia Houchun's face. But with Xu Ziyan's performance, Xia Houchun felt as if he had completely suppressed Ye Pengfei.

Later, the party continued, but in the middle of the way, Xu Ziyan said he was too strong to drink, so he left.

At this time, Xu Ziyan gave Xia Houchun a room card, and touched Xia Houchun's chest without any trace, threw a wink and licked her sexy lips.

Xia Hou Chun eyebrows a pick, the same no trace touched the other side's ass.

"It's slippery, tut tut..."

Xiahouchun put away the room card, looking at Xu Ziyan's shy expression, can't help feeling more and more heart.

"It looks like we're having fun at night."

Finally, the reception is coming to an end. Bingqinlan takes this opportunity to get to know many people. Of course, many of them are introduced by Xia Houchun.

At this time, Xia Houchun suddenly said in a loud voice: "everyone be quiet. Liu Changyun and Wang Demi are coming. I will introduce them to you later."

Seeing people's adoring eyes, Xia Houchun immediately felt a great sense of achievement, especially bingqinlan, who seemed to be looking forward to it. Xia Houchun felt that he was absolutely charming.

However, Xia Houchun doesn't know that Xia Houchun is actually for work, because she once heard Xiao Ruxue say that this kind of art group will invest in the future.

If you can get to know them, their group companies like Jianbao will undoubtedly have more authority.

"Well, we welcome these two great figures who came to study in the ancient world." Xia Hou Chun immediately said with a smile.

Soon, two tall waiters in cheongsam brought Liu Changyun and his wife out.

"It's really them."

Here are some people who know Er Lao.

After all, they are big men in archaeology. Even the top families in Beijing regard them as sitting guests.

Today, they are brought by Xia Houchun, of course, not because his Xiahou family is stronger than the eight families, but because Xia Houchun usually soaks in the antique market, so he happens to have something in his hand that interests them.

"Mr. Xia Hou."

After they came here, they quickly nodded to Xia Houchun.

Xia Houchun immediately became light, no matter how he was worshipped and praised by others before, he could not say hello to the two old people.

"Ha ha Mr. Liu and Mr. Wang, you are the great figures in archaeology. Today, I can invite you here. It really makes me shine here. Oh, by the way, there are many people here who worship you very much. "

Two people are slightly a Leng, quickly looking around, only to find that there are their acquaintances at the scene.

"Yes? Lobules

Two people immediately called, obviously very curious appearance.

They were all in a daze. They didn't understand who they were talking about?

While Xia Houchun and others are wondering who is the real-time couple, ye Pengfei is helpless to shake his head. It seems that he can't keep a low profile.

Sure enough, he saw not far away from the two old went straight to the side of Ye Pengfei came.

All around them were stunned. They didn't know who the two old men were looking for?

Until the two finally came to the front of Ye Pengfei to stop, the public did not understand.

It's him! How is that possible?

Those are two great figures in archaeology.

The whole room was almost petrified, completely stunned.

"Xiao Ye, why are you here?" The joy on Liu Changyun's face is obviously that he knew Ye Pengfei, and the look in his eyes is unspeakable kindness.

As soon as the other side opened his mouth, they all confirmed that the other side was really looking for ye Pengfei.

"NIMA, play the pig and eat the tiger."

"It seems that these two elders obviously know him."

"Who is this guy?"

No wonder bingqinlan will choose the other side. It turns out that the other side is not a driver at all. It's obviously a big start.

Hou Pengfei had just gone to see ye Chun, but he didn't even pretend to go there?

"Ha ha, it's grandfather Liu and grandmother Wang."Ye Pengfei's smile, in fact, is also very surprised. Unexpectedly, their identities are even higher than what they imagined.

But the thought that Er Lao could even crack the key to the ancient tomb made me feel relieved.

"Ha ha, there are a number of antiques here that we are more interested in. Come and have a look. Xiao Ye, you can join us later. Yesterday I found that you know a lot about this. Maybe I'll improve your knowledge in this field. "

Ye Pengfei nodded and said, "it's better to be obedient than respectful."

After all, ye Pengfei seems to be very stable at any time. This kind of quality is very rare.

"It's also great to be able to put on this part."

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be so deep."

"This guy should be some kind of top kid."

"It's ye, isn't it..."

People began to guess the identity of Ye Pengfei. Unfortunately, ye Pengfei didn't hear it at all.

In this way, they invite Ye Pengfei to the stage. Xia Houchun clenches his fist. Although he is very upset, he can't say a word no.

"Mr. Xia Hou, you invited a master like Xiao Ye tonight, do you know? His knowledge of archaeology is no worse than those of our students, and even better in many places. "

After all, when they chatted with each other yesterday, they found that ye Pengfei was very knowledgeable in archaeology, so they praised him so much.

Xia Houchun is naturally all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. Of course, he didn't say it. He just pretended to be surprised and said, "my God, Mr. Ye is really powerful. Maybe we will depend on you later."

In fact, Xia Houchun's anger has already risen in his heart. His grand young master of Xia Houchun's family even wants to flatter him now. NIMA, when she thinks about it, is very upset.

"Well, don't talk nonsense. Let's get to the point. My young master just shows his talent."

Ye Pengfei's face was forced, and he almost didn't make Xia Houchun sick.

"Grass, you are cruel."


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