"Little Bingbing, did you have a boyfriend before?"

In order to divert bingqinlan's attention, ye Pengfei quickly asked.

Bingqinlan struggled for a while, but she couldn't get rid of it. Then she said angrily, "why do you ask? I tell you, even if all the men in the world are dead, I won't be your girlfriend."

Ye Pengfei said with a smile: "usually when the heroine says this kind of words, it means that she will be conquered by the hero in the future. Now I am the hero, little Bingbing, you can't escape, because I already have feelings for you, you will become my woman sooner or later!"

Bingqinlan was almost mad!

"Ye Pengfei, I now find that you are not only a hooligan, but also an egomaniac!"

"Thank you for your compliment!" Ye Pengfei looks complacent.

Bingqinlan is completely defeated, and then said: "Ye Pengfei, when do you want to hold me?"

"Well, actually I want to date you, OK? Is this handsome guy flattered to date you

"Just you, handsome guy?" Bingqinlan a disdainful look, and then simply stop struggling, she does not believe, this ye Pengfei can always hold her?

It's like being bitten by a dog!

As a result, seeing that bingqinlan did not move, ye Pengfei quickly said, "little Bingbing, have you been conquered by me?"

"You Bingqinlan extremely angry way: "go to die!"


At night, the candlelight restaurant.

This is a very romantic restaurant with candlelight as its selling point.

The outside is full of lights and noise, but here, it seems quiet and beautiful.

"How about, little Bingbing and little Xuexue? Are you surprised by the environment here?"

Originally, bingqinlan was very reluctant to come here to have dinner with Ye Pengfei.

But ye Pengfei said that he didn't cook at night. After he got used to the food Ye Pengfei cooked, bingqinlan's appetite was as bad as Xiao Ruxue's.

Therefore, chef ye went on strike this evening, and they had to come here for dinner.

But they never thought that the bad situation here was so unique that they conquered the two girls in an instant!

"Ye Pengfei, how did you find here?"

Xiao Ruxue likes it very much. Even bingqinlan murmurs at first, and then doesn't speak.

"It's the power of love!"

With that, ye Pengfei quickly looked toward bingqinlan.

Bingqin orchid heart that depressed ah, Xiao Ruxue is a chuckle: "Ye Pengfei, I advise you to die this heart, Xiaolan's vision is so high, you want to pursue Xiaolan, I think it's very difficult."

Ye Pengfei turned his head and looked at Xiao Ruxue and said, "Xiaoxue, in fact, you misunderstood that the person I like is you!"


Xiao Ruxue was stunned, while bingqinlan almost laughed.

"Well, Xiaolan, you dare to gloat ~! I was trying to help you before! "

Xiao Ruxue is very angry.

As a result, ye Pengfei said with a smile: "well, xiaoxuexue and xiaobingbing, actually, I like both of you!"

"Go to hell!" Both of them were angry and quickly let Ye Pengfei shrink his neck.

For a moment, the three took their seats and casually ordered something.

But every time they took two mouthfuls, they said they couldn't eat any more. Then they looked at Ye Pengfei one after another and obviously missed his cooking skills.

Ye Pengfei said with a straight face: "haven't you ever been to primary school? Weeding day in the afternoon, sweat drops under the soil, who knows the plate of Chinese food, grains are hard! It's a waste of you not to eat two mouthfuls of it

The two girls were taught by Ye Pengfei with a straight face. They were angry in their hearts, but ye Pengfei stood at the commanding height of morality, which made them unable to refute for a while.

And because ye Pengfei's voice is very loud, many people nearby are looking towards this side, which makes the two women want to strangle Ye Pengfei!

"Who said I didn't eat, I just said No appetite

Xiao Ruxue quickly explained a sentence, then bitter face, began to put things into his mouth.

Anyway, I don't want to eat it

"Cut, you know how to show off!"

Ye Pengfei quickly sniffed, but suddenly found that not far away, is facing a rich young man!

"Why? Isn't that President Xiao and director Bing? "

All of a sudden, a young man with elegant demeanor came over jokingly. Beside him, a tall and beautiful woman was holding the young man's arm, and her eyes were looking at the three people here curiously.

Xiao Ruxue and bingqinlan were all in a daze, then turned their heads, and then their forehead was frowning.

"Marquis Xu!"

The son of the Xu family of the Xu group, nicknamed Xiao Hou ye, is arrogant and arrogant, but he is the best in the upper class of Binjiang city.Soon, Xu Hou came to Ye Pengfei.

"President Xiao, director Bing, it's against the rules."

Xu Hou smiles and stares at them, then he moves his eyes to Ye Pengfei, then he is stunned.

"This is..."

When ye Pengfei was just about to introduce him, a cry of surprise came from behind him.

"Cousin, why are you here?"

At the moment, Xiao Ruxue's younger brother, Xiao kaize, happened to be at the same table. When he heard Xu Hou say that President Xiao and director Bing immediately attracted his attention, because that was the reaction.

But when he saw Ye Pengfei, who had dinner with Xiao Ruxue, he almost didn't feel so scared that he almost couldn't stand.

"Yo, Ozawa, are you here too?"

Ye Pengfei looks at Xiao kaize with a pretentious look, as if he is very strong.

Xiao kaize was obviously very scared, but he had to harden his head and said, "Ye Shao, you are here, too."

Xu Hou on the side was surprised. Xiao kaize naturally knew each other, and they were still good friends.

But he never thought that when he saw this man as Xiao kaize, he would be like a mouse meeting a cat. Could he say that What kind of leaves does this one have?

"Cousin, that I have something else to do. Let me go first. "

With that, Xiao kaize quickly takes the girl he brought with him away and disappears in the candlelight restaurant like lightning, which makes Xiao kaize completely stupid.

"Ha ha, Hello, my Marquis Xu, Xu group!"

Xu Hou nodded to Ye Pengfei and stretched out his hand. He obviously wanted to make friends.

After shaking hands with each other, ye Pengfei said: "Ye Pengfei! Jidong city yejiagou people, love women, but also beautiful


Jidong city yejiagou people?

The corner of Xu Hou's mouth gave out a fierce puff, and then he said with an embarrassed smile: "Ye Shao talks and laughs. Since ye Shao can have dinner with President Xiao and director Bing, is he an ordinary person?"

And in the heart of Xu Hou, is also quickly way: "when this young master silly?"? Xiao kaize ran away like a mouse when he saw you, but I don't know who Xiao kaize is? "


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