Soon, ye Pengfei, Liu Changyun and Wang Demi went to a quiet room.

Before they did not use tools, but miscellaneous, three people are holding a special knife, magnifying glass for careful observation.

It was not until the dirt and rust on the outside were completely removed that the three men found that the thing was shining in brilliant blue.

"This It's not glass at all... "

Three people have reached this conclusion, and then continue to observe, found that the material is uniform, and almost transparent.

"Is it..."


Three people several with one voice of shout out, and ye Pengfei is very confused way: "since it is dug out from near the sea of death, why only one piece."

"Maybe there are still some that they haven't dug up."

For this explanation, ye Pengfei didn't say anything. He just weighed the crystal in his hand and seemed to want to feel it.


Suddenly, ye Pengfei's face changed greatly, as if he had seen something terrible.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ye?"

See ye Pengfei's condition, Liu Changyun two people can't help asking.

Ye Pengfei's eyes gradually narrowed and said: "this crystal is strange, because I am a martial arts student, and there is real Qi in my body, so I can feel that there is an extremely huge energy in this crystal."


Both of them are slightly changed, but they both believe that ye Pengfei, since the other side said so, it must be true.

Later, they observed again and seemed to want to know what the difference was.

"There are defects around this crystal. It should not be complete, just one of the corners." Liu Changyun quickly came to this conclusion.

Ye Pengfei looked carefully and found that, as the elder said, the shape of this thing is very strange and uneven. It should have been broken by something.

"What is it?"

Ye Pengfei racked his brains and couldn't think of it at all.

Later, ye Pengfei went to the side to drink water. When he turned around, he just saw the back of Liu Changyun's skull.


Ye Pengfei immediately stay, eyes quickly in the back of each other's head and the mysterious crystal body swept to and fro, and finally almost wanted to clap the thigh.

"I see."

Ye Pengfei quickly ran to find someone to ask for paper and pen, and began to draw at random.

Liu Changyun and his two elders were very curious. Until ye Pengfei drew a complete skull and marked the position of the crystal stone, they came close to the exit.

"This How is that possible? "

"Yes, it's the back of one's head."

"Take my notebook."

Liu changyundang even used his notebook to search on the Internet, and soon got some three-dimensional images, and finally took a deep breath.

"It's so surprising that it's really the back of the head."

"Well? Wait It comes from the depths of the sea, and people have become crystals. Doesn't that mean... "

"The legendary great west!"

Everyone felt a tremendous shock, eyes full of incredible look.

"It's really surprising. If it's spread, it will definitely cause a huge sensation."

"Yes, after all, these rumors have made those foreign people crazy for many years. Once they get out, there must be countless people pouring into the Great West Sea."

Ye Pengfei finally sighed and said: "to tell you the truth, I know that the descendants of Daxi Kingdom did survive. I just didn't expect that they would be in that place."

"Ah? Are the descendants of Daxi still alive? Xiaoye, you didn't cheat us

It's not that they don't believe in Ye Pengfei. It's really surprising. Until now, both of them are shocked.

"Cough It's a long story. If I have a chance, I'll tell you about it. But now, how do we deal with it? "

Liu Changyun quickly said: "this thing, I decided to take away, presumably xiahouchun will not stop."

Ye Pengfei immediately said with a smile: "this is the best. I guess these people think it's just an ordinary object. The more serious you are, the more they will feel it."

"Yes, after all, there is a big secret about it, and I will start to study it as soon as I take it back."

When ye Pengfei three people out of the room, Xia Houchun quickly forward, seems to want to know the result.

However, ye Pengfei three people actually a face of depression.

As soon as they saw the three people's appearance, they immediately felt happy. Even Xia Houchun did the same, not to Liu Changyun, but to Ye Pengfei.

After all, before the other party and Liu Changyun two taishanbeidou equal, how can xiahouchun cool?At the moment, see three people depressed appearance, in the heart immediately a burst of pleasure.

"Ah, Mr. Xia Hou, I'm really sorry that we haven't worked out a reason after studying for so long. However, please rest assured that as long as you give me a certain amount of time, I will work out him. So, I ask you to give him to me for safekeeping."

Seeing that the other party is so serious, Xia Houchun has some contempt after all. After all, if this thing is really just a scrap, no matter how to study it at that time, it is useless at all.

Of course, xiahouchun does not dare to talk nonsense.

"Ha ha ha What Mr. Liu said? Since you want to study, I'll give you this thing. Besides, you can pick these treasures at will. No matter what you like, you can take them away. After all, I don't know what they are without you. "

They looked at each other, but they didn't expect that ye Pengfei's method worked so well. Xia Houchun was easily deceived, and he also asked the elder to choose antiques.

As a matter of fact, Xia Houchun is a real treasure, but he completely missed it.

"In that case Then we'd better be respectful than obedient. "

Liu Changyun is not affectable, seriously said: "as for other treasures, we will not take, we are only interested in the last such thing, and we will soon be able to study its secret."

Smell speech, Xia Hou Chun secretly sneer, on this scrap, even if you study for a hundred years, I'm afraid it's useless.

After the reception, Liu Changyun and ye Pengfei whispered a few words and left quickly with Wang Demi.

Ye Pengfei has long been tired of staying, and also left the hotel with bingqinlan.

"You guys, follow up and find out who that kid is. You can get to know Mr. Liu Changyun. I'll get the result tomorrow. Do you understand me?"

Xia Houchun's eyes gradually narrowed, and the cold look in his eyes flashed by.

"I understand!"

After getting the order, several of the men left the scene soon.


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