Beautiful Man

Chapter 302 Iron Man Targeted by Everyone!

"We and the clown organization are old rivals. How many times have you seen them escape without a fight?"

Nick Fury's words revealed emotion and sadness.

Because the other meaning of this sentence is: We have been fighting with the clown organization for so many years, and when we have the upper hand, we are the only ones who fled without fighting.

Upon hearing this, Natasha's expression was taken aback, then she showed a bitter smile and said, "Yes, I don't know what will happen this time."

The opponent is the clown organization, who dare to say that it is 100% sure.

"Which? What should I do?"

Everyone was assigned the task, only Sol stood by and had nothing to do.

"Sol, take a break for a while, there will definitely be a big battle afterwards." Nick Fury was afraid that he would think too much, and quickly calmed down a few words.

This master is the number one power in the Avengers, so he can't be offended.

"Oh, okay." Sol didn't think too much, turned around and was ready to go back to rest.

"Wait." Nick Fury thought of something, and hurriedly stopped him.

"Sol, you and Loki are brothers and know his personality preferences. Do you think that if Loki's plan is successful, where will he choose to open the door of time and space?"

"Hmm..." Saul frowned and thought carefully, and said, "Rocky has a low self-esteem, so he is eager to succeed, likes to show off, and especially enjoys the worship or awe of others. I think he will choose places with many people, and this The place must be famous. The floor must be high. He likes to look down on others."

Nick Fury said: "It turns out to be like this. I see. Go back and rest."

After Saul left, Nick Fury walked to the bed of the aircraft carrier and looked down at the city and mountains at his feet.

There must be many people, the place must be famous, the floor must be high, and I like to look down.

There are many places in New York State that meet these three conditions.

What exactly is Loki's goal?

Could it be...

Nick Freymouth suddenly started, and an answer emerged in his heart.

"Sir." Natasha tilted her legs and turned the chair and said, "I think of a place."

Nick Fury said: "Let's talk together."

"Stark Tower!"

"Stark Tower!"


Tony put on a new generation of fully automatic armor and flew to a ranch not far away.

Focusing on the task, he didn't know that his mansion had been spotted by Loki.

Half an hour later, the pasture appeared in front of us.

Tony didn't dare to get too close, maintained at a height of about three kilometers, and then launched a miniature detector to conduct a close-range investigation.

"No, not here... nor here... There is only a herd of cows here... Ah! I found it, it was hidden here!"

The probe searched hundreds of meters above the ranch, and finally locked an ordinary wooden house.

The house has two floors on the ground, with obvious traces of residence, while the underground of the wooden house is a group of reinforced concrete buildings.

The building complex covers a huge area, almost covering the entire pasture, and the building depth is as high as 100 meters.

Now that it is not the headquarters of the clown organization, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

"Huh! I finally found you, a bitch!"

Tony scolded, then manipulated the detector to record all the data.

Back on the aerospace carrier, Tony reported on the results of his investigation.

"Banna is right. This place is the headquarters of the clown organization. God knows how Jason evaded satellite surveillance and built such a large underground complex."

Banner recalled the days when he was detained, and said with emotion: "Jason has many skilled craftsmen, plus the wealth of the enemy's country. This little thing is not surprising at all."

Enemy rich?

Tony was a bit aggrieved.

If this guy hadn't stolen my armor and Ark reactor, he wouldn't be so rich in ten years.

Nick Fury asked: "Stark, is there anything else to find?"

Tony shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that I'm scared by the grass, so I didn't dare to investigate at close range."

Saul: "With that said, it is still uncertain whether Jason really has an accident."

Yes, based on a base alone, you can't even be sure if Jason is or not, let alone other things.

"Not necessarily." Natasha said suddenly.

She tiptoed, the chair backed half a meter to the right, letting out the computer screen.

"The air traffic control data shows that since last night, there have been a large number of suspicious flight records in airports across the country."

The crowd gathered around to watch, and Sol, who could not understand, asked directly: "Where is the suspicious?"

Natasha said: "Although these flight records are well-disguised, some are for travel, some are for medical treatment, and some are for team building... But there is one thing that cannot be disguised."

She pointed at a line on the screen: "Destination!"

"The destinations of these planes are all at the same place, at an airport 50 kilometers away from the ranch. I investigated the use of vehicles in the local city. Intelligence showed that more than 300 buses were temporarily requisitioned by the government last night, and their whereabouts are still unknown. "

Sol did not understand: "The government? How can the government help the clown organization."

Tony helped explain: "The clown organization is domineering. Many local governments and consortia have been infiltrated and bought by them, and they have become accomplices in their crimes. Collusion between officials and bandits should not be a special product of the earth. Have you been to so many planets without knowing it?"

Saul shook his head blankly.

I went to other planets to fight a war, no matter the good or the bad, it was a one-shot deal anyway.

Nick Fury: "Don't worry, none of these people can escape after today."

Hearing this, Tony's mouth curled up, and his contemptuous expression obviously did not believe his words.

There are too many individuals and organizations that provide help to the clown organization. S.H.I.E.L.D.

And the fact that they can be seen by clown organizations shows that they have a certain use value behind them, the most of which is funds.

Tony, who is also a capitalist, is very clear about the power of capital in this country.

Let's put it this way, if it was not him who developed the steel armor, but a grassroots scientist with no background and no capital.

I'm afraid not to mention the steel armor, even personal freedom cannot be maintained.

Even after today, the clown organization eventually fell.

The government will only catch some unfounded substitutes for dead ghosts to quell popular anger.

Those big capitalists who hide behind the scenes will not hurt their experience at all, and they will be a hero after a few years of low-key.

Banner operated the computer and browsed the flight records of the air traffic control: "With so many people mobilized in one night, it seems that something happened to the clown organization."

Natasha shook her head and said, "But this doesn't mean that Jason must be the one who had the problem."

After that, she turned to look at Tony, raised her eyebrows aggressively, and asked, "Hey, genius. What do you think?"

Tony accepted the title generously and said seriously: "Contrary to you, I think it was Jason who had the problem."

"Think about it in another way. If I am in this position, I will definitely mobilize all my strength to protect myself. This is the truest response of people in the moment of danger."

Natasha continued to tease him: "So you have been working hard to make steel armor these years, just because you are afraid of this day."

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