Beautiful Man

Chapter 370 Nationwide Wanted!

A few minutes after the two men left, the Washington police and nearby garrisons were all out in force.

Riot vehicles, barricades, and police officers ...... blocked off all streets near the White House to all pedestrians and vehicles.

The Washington medical examiner came to the scene for careful identification and determined that Mr. President was dead.

With the current medical technology, there was no way to save him.

Soon after, the ruling team of the current administration also arrived at the White House by helicopter, which also included Mr. Vice President.

They formed a circle and looked with heavy expressions at Mr. President who was lying on the lawn, dead and unconscious.

What happened in the past few days was really bizarre and twisted, and it bored their heads to fry.

First, a Hydra organization appeared out of nowhere, wanting to engage in some 'insight program' to kill tens of millions of humans.

When they just got the news, Hydra's plan was crushed by several colorful superheroes teaming up.

To honor them, the president decided to honor the two.

But on this day of national celebration, the legendary hero of World War II, Captain America, Steve Rogers, actually killed the president who honored him with his own hands in front of hundreds of millions of people.

Top officials had a headache and wondered what other light and strange things would happen next.

Just then, there was a strange sound from the sky.

The crowd looked up, only to see Tony Stark staggering over in his battle armor.

The original brand-new nano battle armor, has become tattered, the flying machine under the feet has been damaged one, can only rely on a single foot slowly landing.

Tony swept a glance at the high officials present, then looked at Mr. President lying on the lawn and whispered, "Sorry, I lost!"

At that, the senior officials began to whisper.

I didn't expect Steve's Hulk state to be so powerful that even Iron Man, who was equipped with nano battle armor, couldn't beat him.

The vice president looked at him with a serious expression and asked, "You lost? So where did Steve escape to now?"

Tony said: "I do not know, I have lost the fight how can I know. But at least it is certain that he has escaped from Washington."

This statement is the same as not saying, the crowd shook their heads in disappointment.

The vice president sighed and said, "Immediately order that Steve Rogers is wanted nationwide. If there is any resistance, kill him on the spot."

Tony looked up, surprised, and said, "Mr. Vice President, I have no problem with a nationwide manhunt for Steve. Is it too much to kill him on the spot? This matter is suspicious, we still need Steve's confession and testimony to understand his motives."

The vice president pointed to the corpse on the ground and angrily rebuked, "What is suspicious? Hundreds of millions of people witnessed Steve kill Mr. President. An American hero killing the President of the United States is simply the biggest scandal of the 21st century."

Tony continued to argue: "That's precisely why we need to investigate the matter to the bottom of the barrel. No matter what, Steve is Captain America, the hero of World War II. If we don't execute him for nothing, we can't give an explanation to the American people."

The vice president snorted, "Hero? He was frozen in the glacier for decades, who knows what brain freeze out of the problem. And even you Iron Man could not capture Steve alive, the army alone could not possibly do it."

Tony sighed, no longer continue to defend Steve.

He was sure that those idiots could not find Steve, just that talk just to test the attitude of the top.

It seems that before giving Steve to turn over the case, he absolutely can not be exposed.

Otherwise, the military mass siege, unless Steve opened a killing spree, it is difficult to escape.

Seeing that Stark no longer refuted, the vice president said, "Repeat my order, Steve Rogers is wanted nationwide, and if resistance is encountered, he will be killed on the spot. In addition, if anyone from any organization dares to harbor him, they will be punished for treason."

The senior army official standing aside nodded silently, then stepped aside to give the order.

According to the constitution, if the president meets with an accident, then the vice president will temporarily perform the duties of the president.

Until the end of the term and into the next election year.

In other words, what the vice president says now is tantamount to a presidential order.

Tony's face was expressionless, and nothing was said.

He knew in his heart that these politicians only cared about their own interests and did not care about the truth of the matter, especially this Mr. Vice President.

What he urgently needs to do now is to avenge the president and raise the public support in one fell swoop to get re-elected in the election year a year later.

As for what the truth is, and what about Steve ...... who really cares.

The atmosphere here is almost frozen, several senior officials obviously not welcome him.

Tony smiled to himself and turned to leave alone.

Looking at Tony's back, the vice president suddenly said, "Send two F22 fighters to follow him immediately!"

At that, the senior official said in surprise: "What! You suspect that Tony Stark also ......"

The vice president shook his head and explained, "I'm not suspecting that he teamed up with Steve to kill the president, but I'm worried that Tony will cover him up. Steve and Howard Stark are friends, and the two of them have experienced life and death, Tony also gave Steve a set of nano battle armor. The friendship between the two is deep, I have to make such a suspicion."

"Makes sense, I'll go arrange it right away!"

A few moments later, a hearse drove into the White House.

Medical personnel in white coats carried Mr. President's body in and iced it up.

The body was an exhibit and could not be buried until the incident was cleared up.

In retrospect, Mr. President is really poor.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. incident was handled decisively by him, so his approval rating rose instead of falling, and his re-election to the next term was already a nail in the coffin.

Just when he thought he was going to be on the top of his life, he was killed by his most trusted warrior himself.

The most saddening thing is that he did not understand the truth of the matter until his death.


Tony, wearing his tattered battle armor, walked alone on the street, his back slightly forlorn.

The President's medal is a happy event, but the result is hard to pretend to be a funeral.

The culprit is undoubtedly the Joker organization, but he has no evidence, more can not do anything about them.

Tony's pace was heavy, and his body was full of powerlessness.

Not long after, a helicopter bearing the logo of Stark Industries, landed in front of Tony.

Tony pulled open the cabin and sat in, rushed to the empty cockpit and said: "Go to Stark Industries headquarters!"

Jarvis: "Yes, sir."

The propellers spun rapidly, and the helicopter slowly lifted off, then hurriedly headed in the direction of New York.

A few dozen kilometers away from the helicopter, two Marine Corps F22 fighter jets followed them closely.

Jarvis warned, "Sir, there are two military fighter jets following behind us."

Tony sneered, seemingly unsurprised by the incident.

"Don't pay any attention to it, just control this helicopter and land on the internal tarmac of the building."

After saying that, he pressed the button on the seat, a set of steel battle armor extended from behind the seat and quickly wrapped him up.

The battle armor activated stealth mode to avoid detection by fighter radar, then changed direction and flew towards the Stark base.


In order to prevent accidents, Tony changed direction twice midway and called in a few more guardian battle armor to assist in detection.

To determine a hundred kilometers around the range of no suspicious targets, he landed to the base tarmac hidden in the jungle.

Pepper Peper stood anxiously waiting in the same place.

Seeing him, Tony unloaded his battle armor, walked over and asked, "Pepe, what's wrong with you?"

Pepper raised the tablet in his hand and said loudly, "You still ask me what's wrong? The news is blowing up! Steve actually killed the president! ......"

Pepper spoke so fast she couldn't breathe.

Tony patted her on the back and said soothingly, "Calm down, slow down."

Pepper shrugged off the scowl and said, "I can't be calm! How can you bring Steve back to the base after such a big incident! You know what kind of crime this is!"

As the saying goes, only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

Pepper Pepper's nickname is really true to its name.

A set of life-threatening chain of nine consecutive questions, dislike Tony's headache, really a family of tough women ah.

Tony put his arm around her shoulders, slowly explained: "Although the specific things still need to be investigated, but I can be sure that Steve is not a bad guy! I want to believe him, and more importantly, to believe me."

After venting, Piper's anger subsided for the most part, also decided to believe Tony once.

Tony asked, "Where is the captain now?"

Pebbles said: "He is in the lounge, I'm afraid that he will have a fit, and also arranged for the guardian battle armor to be nearby."

"Hahahaha ......" Tony shook his head in good humor and amusement, and asked Jarvis to remove the guardian battle armor.


Break room!

Steve sat in his chair, browsing the news on his computer.

It had been less than an hour since the incident occurred, but the number of readings on the related topics had already exceeded one billion.

No way, the president was killed is an earth-shattering event, hundreds of years of history is only so two or three times.

Not to mention the murderer is still in the glacier sleep for seventy years of the legendary hero of World War II, Captain Steve Rogers.

These two were already hot in their own right, and it was the collision that created a ride of conversation.

Steve logged on to Facebook and kept sliding the scroll wheel to see what the netizens were saying.

"Ohmygod! This thing is so shocking that my pants are falling down!"

"Am I dreaming? Captain America is actually Hydra!"

"Crushed, I actually fan him for more than ten years!"

"I want to know, what will be the outcome of this matter? Will the captain be arrested and sentenced, or just shot to death indiscriminately?"

"The difficulty of capturing Captain America alive is too great, I guess the probability is directly shot on the spot."

"Watch the video, feel really good irony ah! The president just gave him a medal, and he backhandedly killed the president!"

"Dead is dead, what's the fuss! I'm very unhappy with the current president anyway."

"Everyone is concerned about Steve and the president, doesn't anyone care about poor Tony? He obviously did nothing wrong, and then he got slapped in the face."

"Iron Man and Captain America are both a hill of beans, arrest him too!"

"Hydra, go to hell!"

That last comment was accompanied by a picture below.

A man rushed to the screen and angrily raised his middle finger, and at his feet was a poster of a burning Captain America.

Whenever he saw these kinds of comments, it was as if a needle had been stuck into Steve's heart.

He frowned and quickly toggled the scroll wheel, skipping over the screen full of vicious words.

After going through hundreds of comments, he finally found one that made Steve feel slightly better.

"Have you all gone crazy? Can you calm down! He is Captain America, the man who saved the world."

"I watched the live video several times over, in slow motion footage, I found that the captain's face expression is a little unnatural, this is because in front of so many media, his heart slightly nervous."

"But look closely at the moment he did it, his face suddenly showed a weird smile. This expression is too abrupt, so I concluded that there must be a hidden agenda! Please calm down, don't bad-mouth our hero."

There were more than 1,000 replies below this tweet, and Steve clicked on it to see how angry he was.

The comment section was filled with vicious words!

Those who had lost their minds insulted the speaker with abandon, and some even issued death warnings.

Steve was grateful that the speaker was able to say something relatively sensible, but at the same time he was also worried for him.


Knock, knock, knock!

At that moment, a knock sounded at the door, and Steve hurriedly closed the web page.

"Please come in!"

Tony Stark pushed open the door and walked in with two glasses of juice.

He took off his suit and changed into a gray and black T-shirt, the favorite of the tech guru.

"Thanks!" Steve reached out to take the drink and asked, "Is your chest wound okay?"

He just watched the video, the weight of the punch is extremely heavy, it could be fatal.

Tony smiled and shook his head, patting his chest hard and said, "Much better, just a nasty bruise on my chest, no way to go surfing in Miami for a while."

Steve smiled slightly, looked up and took a sip of juice.

Tony said these words to comfort him, which Steve knows very well.

But he was a grown man, and what he needed most at this time was not comfort, but programs and actions.

Tony moved a chair and sat down, and Steve asked, "Have you got any ideas about Stanfield?"

Tony put the juice cup aside and said, "To unravel the truth of the matter, you must catch Stanfield, but he is currently missing."

"I sent out all the guardian battle armor to search along the vicinity of Washington. Jarvis is also listening to communication signals across the United States, especially to Africa."

If Stanfield was really from the Joker organization, then he must have contacted the organization's headquarters far away in Africa, and Tony's thinking was not wrong.

Steve asked, "This is too passive, what can I do?"

Tony said, "You can't do anything now! The vice president has issued an order that you are wanted nationwide, and if you resist, you are to be killed!"

At those words, Steve was silent.

This was the worst possible outcome, and he was already mentally prepared for it.

The army's weapons could not hurt him, of course, but he was worried that he might injure the army by mistake.

He had already killed hundreds of agents in the White House and didn't want to drive up the casualty figures.

The bottom line was that if his trail leaked, there was a good chance it would implicate Tony and bring him deadly trouble.

This is what Steve firmly does not want to see.

"All right, I'll stay here for the time being!"

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