Beautiful Man

Chapter 397 Soul Gem! Painful cost!

Womier Star is one of the hundreds of millions of dead stars in the universe.

It is very distant from the stars in the galaxy, plus that most of the light is blocked by another planet, causing this planet light insufficient, low temperature, everywhere is a desert.

So even if the planet has clean water resources and air, there is no civilization is willing to settle here.

After one and a half months of long sailing, Jason led the three major fleets, and finally appeared near Womer Star.

"Surround the planet, start monitoring!"

Walgi is standing in the cockpit, commanding soldiers to fly around the planet and perform comprehensive monitoring.

The most advanced probe instruments are equipped on the spacecraft, and the surface image, life reaction, air quality, weapon defense, etc.

This is the necessary preparation measures before landing an unknown star.

After a few hours, the monitoring ended.

"There is no large-scale life reaction, the air quality is good, no weapon defense ..." Walkyr reported monitoring results while projecting the surface image of Womier Star.

Carton walks forward to slide the image, looking for the location of the hiding soul gemstone drawn on the drawing.

After a while, she pointed at the image: "The location of the drawing shows here!"

Jason is looking at the past and found that this is a low mountain peak that is less than kilometers, and there is a trace of artificial explosion.

"I hope it is not bad." Jason worked on the coat and turned to leave.

"Jason, do you need to let the three fleets landed in Womier Star?" Walkyli asked.

"No! Since there is no ground armed, send a fleet can't play a role. You will have two times with me." Jason said with the mouth.

"That ... Dasta Triada?"

"This trip doesn't know how long it takes, just let him sit in the town, once there are outsiders, immediately annihilated."




The belly of the commander number is slowly opened.

A small spacecraft flew out from inside to Womier Star.

When the spacecraft is close to the peak, it will begin to decelerate, and finally landed on a flat place near the top of the mountain.

Open the door, Jason's first stepped aircraft.

"It's dark."

Jason looked up.

I saw a round of red and was blocked by the planet, causing the Womer Starlight in the dark, and the air was icy.


He took a deep breath and then spit out a group of white fog.

"Oh, this is really cold!" Walki and Ca de la followed the spacecraft.

Two sisters were frozen, and they were treated with force.

Seeing, Jason raised his hand to release the energy cover to protect them.

"Now much now."

The energy shield can not only defense attacks, but also heating through transformation of thermal energy, and two people feel warm.

"A lot, thank you."

"Let's go, here there is a road from the top of the mountain."

Three people walk along the ladder of artificial, step by step.

Warji opened the road in front of the front, and the card magic was responsible for the arbitrarily, and what did occur to prevent accidents.

On the way, the wind is calm, but when they are going to pay, the black shadow suddenly appears in front.


Warji reacts very quickly and immediately pulled out the dragon sword.

The black shadow is covered with a cloak, can't see the face, and the whole person floats in half of the air, as if to meet the death of the death, he opened his face toward three people.

"Welcome, Jason, Warki, and Keller."

"Do you know us?"

Jason patted the shoulders of Walgi to express her relaxed and then stepped forward.

Near some, he finally saw the face of the black shadow.

That is a red, thin to only the ugly face left.

Jason wants to think, make sure you don't know this person.

But if Steve Rogers stand here, he recognizes his eyes.

This black shadow is the veteran of the nine-head snake, the death of the American captain, 'Red Shu' John Schmidt.

The red scorpion said: "I am a curse, I know everyone here."

Jason didn't talk nonsense, asked directly: "Where is the soul gem?"

Hong Hou: "You should know that it is necessary to pay a heavy price."

"I'm ready."

"We originally thought it was ready ... Unfortunately, we are all wrong."

I heard the words, Jason did not frown: "Don't be in the ghost, except for the three-year-old child, you can't scare anyone, hurry to take me to find the soul gem, otherwise I really let you become a ghost."

"In this case, you will come with me."

Red snoring turned to the top of the mountain, Jason three people quickly followed.


There are dozens of stone columns in the top of the mountain, and the surroundings are all corpus.

Warji followed the red snoring in the forefront, curiously asked: "Do you seem very well?"

This is complex here, but this guy is as easy as it is on the road.

The red sueds: "I have also chased the infinite gem, even personally grabbed one. But it abandoned me, put me into the road here."

"Because for my own person, the most brutal punishment is to guide others to treasure hunt, but they will never get it."

The last life of the Red, is referring to his final decisive battle with Steve on the spaceship.

After he was defeated by Steve, he wanted to grab the universe's magic cube intention of the Jedi counterattack, and the results did not know that the gem had a wisdom.

People can't see him at all, and transfer him to Womier Star, the road to the soul gemstone to stay for more than seventy years.

A glacier to be frozen in a cold, a planet waiting in a cold lonely, this is a destined enemy, and there is a bit similarity.

Several people walked to the end of the mountain, blowing the cold wind in your face, and the foot is a thousand meters high.

The red sueds stopped, turned around: "You must face the treasures to be looking for now, but also your inner fear."

I saw the strange and unknown pattern of the foot of the mountain, Jason asked: "What is it?"

The red draft said: "The soul gem is lofty in infinite gems, because it has unique wisdom. To ensure that the owner understands the power of gems, it needs your sacrifice."


The red scorpion: "In order to get the soul gem, you need to sacrifice the people, change the soul with the soul."

Wen said, Jason's mind has a smile of two children.

Tender, true, cute ...

It is undeniable that Jason is a self-private brilliant person.

In order to achieve the purpose, he can sacrifice anyone's life.

Even if he born the brothers or the same party, he will not be soft.

But his ice is like a stone-like spirit, there is also a soft place, this location is two children.

For the child, Jason is willing to sacrifice everything, destroy everything, give up everything ...

Now there is Zhang ugly face but said in his ear: As long as you sacrifice the two children, you can get the soul gem.

I am going to your mother!

A group of anger burned in his heart!

Jason turned to anger red, a huge energy claw grabbed the red body in the air.

"Ah! Don't ... Don't kill me ..."

Jason's five fingers slightly hard, and the bones of the red-headed bones were suddenly loud, and the pain was unbearable.

"Let your shit! You are ugly, you must want to swallow the soul gem, so I want to have these ghost ideas. Say! Where is the soul gem?"

"No, I am really true!"

"Hey! Dead to the head is still not willing to tell the truth. It doesn't matter, I have a way."

Jason stared in red, and the pupil turned into a golden color.

The dead dog, wait for me to use the soul law to control you, see if you say not to tell the truth.

After a while, the red scorpion still mobt hard at the giant claws, completely without the absence of the soul being controlled.

"This ... how would be like this?" Jason wrinkled.

"Scorpio, you already have the soul gem. Then you should understand that the effect of gemstones and gems will be offset each other." Hongshen quickly explained.

"I can't escape here, I have received the curse of the soul gem. As long as this curse continues to stay on me, how do you want to control me with a heart gem? This is evidence."

Jason immediately stared at his eyes and wanted to judge whether he was lying.

However, let him disappointed that the red eyes and body movements are fully compliant with the normal response of normal people under nervous fear.

After he hesitated, Jason suddenly reached his left hand, and a purple energy wrapped in red.

This is the force of the rules contained in the strength of the strength.

Jason has been experimenting, and the results can be used to describe - no stenosis.

Unfortunately, the purple energy is immediately dissipated in the air when touching the body of the red.

This bastard is actually true!

Jessen's face is relieved, and the mood is very calm, it seems to have a boulder pressed above.

Escape in the red, escaped to a life, and immediately tied to the top of the mountain.

Jason is standing on the edge of the cliff, the whole person is decadent.

Warji and Caemora are very uncomfortable with each other.

If you can help Jason get the soul gem, they will be willing to die.

Unfortunately, they are clear that Jason's love is not them at all.

"No! I don't believe! There is always a sense of motion between gemstones and gems, even if you don't offer anyone, I will definitely get it!"

After finishing, he spilled with energy and flew out alone.


Jason doesn't eat, I don't eat it, I look for ten days and ten nights in Womer Star, and the result is nothing, can only go back to the spaceship.

Everyone wants to comfort, but I don't know how to open.

After Distorting in Walky, they all know the situation of Womier stars.

So everyone got together, and the group of groups came up.

I can think about ten days and ten nights, but I can't think of a way worth a try.

If you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice love, this is already determined.

Although Jason is not sacrificed, the universe can always find people who are willing to do.

Even if the other party is unwilling, you can also control them with your heart.

However, most people are unqualified by the mortal of gems.

Even if they are willing to sacrifice their love, the final result is just a corpse on the top of the mountain.

And the ability to control gems, almost all indifferent people, they selfish selfishness, it is impossible to have people.

Such as Luo Nan, the stream of tyrants.

This seems to be caught in a ring-deducted death, there is no way to break out.


In the bathroom of the commander, Jason is bubble in the water, silently wipe the body.

The same movement did not know how long it did, until the door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, he came out from the state of the fascinating state.

"How is you?" Jason curiously asked.

"Who are you thinking?" Ca de launched.

Jason's thought is Walky, the rough female man of the appearance, in fact, there is a gentle heart, and I like to be a happy sister.

"I thought ... Forget it, what are you doing?"

"Warji put himself in the room, I came to see you." Ca de launched from the room to find two bottles of wine, sitting in the bath.

Jason took a bottle, and the arrogance of the boldness into a larger, then sighed.

"Don't sigh, talk to me."

Caucasian lady's drink.

"Say what?"

"Talk about your love."

"Oh ..." Jesson smiled: "I love you with this kind of person, I only love myself."

"I used to think so, but I saw your reaction, I only knew that I was wrong." The Ca de launched a lie to the lie.

"What is this? The intuition of a woman." Jason is somewhat speechless.

"You just do it. That let my instinct, guess, your love ... is your child." Carton said.

Jason is slightly, then admire the thumbs up: "Power!"

Ka Dera laughed: "This is not difficult to guess, I used to love my parents. As long as I am good, they are willing to eat."

"When I think about childhood, although a family has been hard, I am the happiest at that time."

"Direct to the tyrant invaded my home, cruelly killed half of the residents, including my parents."

Talking about the childhood tragedy, the card devil is painful, and there is no talk for a long time.

After a long time, Jason took the initiative to break this quiet.

"Okay, tell me what you and I broker. The star mistaken is more than once, saying that the tyrant is simply love to you."

"Hey! Love!" Cartoon laughed: "I could live in the original, because he looked at my battle talent."

"The tyrant sent me a knife, let me have no training in the night and the night, and finally turn us into a cold murder machine, so I help him plunder another planet."

"For so many years, I deepen my hate to the tyrant, and now I have deeply entered the bone marrow. As long as I can kill him, I will be willing to lose everything!"


After listening to the narrative of the card, Jason frowned.

Suddenly, his eyes were bright, and the mood suddenly opened.

It seems like a traveler in the desert, and I found a lake in the lake.

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