Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Ice Magic II

  After driving Nancy away, I can calm down and study magic, alas...

   After the identity was announced, there were pros and cons. On the one hand, I ate well, on the other hand, there were too many female dogs and children, which made people so noisy.

   I have always been the most handsome person, there is no way.

   I decided to disappear for a few days and concentrate on developing my magic refrigerator. For this, I brought plenty of dry food-Level 3 high-energy food Sivins 1.

   After having the space ring, I went to the desert to experiment, and I didn’t have to be as embarrassed as before.

   I can take out the parasol, the wicker chair, the small coffee table, the ice cream that Nancy Dogleg just gave...


   Take a few mouthfuls of ice cream, take a nap, and wake up to do research...

  A fairy-like day, comfortable...

   When I wake up and feel refreshed, what should I do?

   Oh right, my magic research.

Ice magic, isn’t it just like the starting point fantasy channel turned around, freezing, snowing, and making ice blades with ice cubes, these are not difficult. It’s just to shape the shape into the corresponding thing. Thin.

   squeezed a dogleg knife and shot it out with a Meteor Fist when it was launched. A weed grass was hit and uprooted and shot away from a distance.

   Khan, there’s no such thing as a throwing knife skill. The dogleg knife flies out sideways. It seems that this skill is not suitable for me. I leave it to the doglegs to practice. Otherwise, why use astronomical proficiency?

   It's easy to handle when it snows, and there is a large space to cool down, and then wait for the water vapor to condense, and a little fluff will float down after a while, but...Is it useless? It's a good background board when picking up girls to confess.

   Oh yes! I don’t know in which movie or anime I’ve seen it. There is also a trick to summon forest-like ice cones pierced from the ground. This trick is terrible. It is used to deal with groups of enemies. The Tathagata palm comparison is two opposite extremes.

   The ice cone is easy to handle. It is copied into a matrix and tied into a whole. The direction and position of the action are modified. The initial velocity is still beaten with a meteor punch.


A dense one-and-a-half-meter-high, thick-fingered needle forest pierced from the ground, like a hedgehog exploded, and shot into the sky with the cold, the old man chrysanthemum tightened, and said: Fuck. !

   Run quickly!

   The teleportation array was turned on, and after a few hundred meters away, I saw a burst of ice arrows descending from the sky with twinkling light in the sun and landed on the ground.

   When I came back, most of the ice vertebrae were broken, but a part of it was stuck on the ground and it went in 20 or 30 centimeters.


   This is a dead-end shot.

   Hurry up and add these magics to the magic library. Don’t forget. Ice magic is a bit lethal. It depends on the lack of imagination. Uh... I just copied it, let’s not talk about this sad thing.

   Another ice shield...

   Fuck! The shield is so heavy that the lever doesn't move. Which Asso thought of the idea that I have to shrink it, but does the lever affect the skin after a long time? My handsome skin.

   Change it to an immovable ice wall...

  Uh, it’s better to make it into a house, so that one can be used as a temporary camp in the wild.

   is too small, bigger, do you want to have three bedrooms, one living room and two bathrooms? ...


   Let’s design this magic photo to summon different shapes at different levels, a small hand shield at the first level, an ice wall at the second level, a small igloo at the third level, and one bedroom and one living room at the fourth level? The fifth level, three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms? Sixth level, come a building or a bunker?

   Suddenly summon a huge castle to be placed between the two armies. The enemy must be desperate.

  Some ancient castles in Europe are actually good war fortresses, just follow that style? Or let the wizards play freely?

   Well, let them play freely. The style is not fixed and the magic is not colorful anymore.

   Uh... I take it for granted. Without water, I can't call a room or a living room...

   There is a prerequisite for these magics, that is, there must be a water source.

  The solution is to provide a huge space for the mage practicing this magic to hold water, otherwise, when will the water vapor in the air condense?

   This space is set to expand with the level of mental power...

   This is equivalent to carrying an ammunition depot with you, but, is this mage called a water mage or an ice mage?

   I don’t seem to see any water magic.

   Ice Blade can also be set to multi-level, ten dogleg knives at level one, and ten additional knives for each level thereafter. After cultivating to level ten, this density is not easy to escape.


   This ice dog leg knife shattered as soon as it was squeezed. If it weren't for the terrible speed, this kind of ice blade wouldn't be lethal.

  Is there any way to increase the hardness of ice cubes?

   Ask Banner about this...

   The answer is to lower the temperature and increase the purity of the water.

   The purity of the water is easy to handle. From now on, I will be a pure water mage. With this mage, the whole team members don’t have to worry about the water used in their daily lives.

   But... will this cost too much?

   How much water does an ice castle get?

   No, no, I have to study how to use magic to purify water, otherwise, just installing pure water once will probably bankrupt an ice mage.

In the original transmission code of the    transmission array, the transmission object is actually a collection object, and there are subset objects in the collection, which is a structure that can be nested infinitely.

   is like teleporting a person. In fact, it transmits a collection of objects, and it transmits all the objects in the space where the person is.

   For example, when sending a person, all the things on his body will be packaged and sent together. After arriving at the destination, the person and the items on his body remain unchanged.

   Then, if I only extract this collection for transmission, will it be possible to achieve the purpose of purification?

   I opened a small portal to the supermarket and stole a bottle of water, a small packet of salt, and a basin. I know the supermarket. It is clear where the hole should be opened. I have committed many crimes. I have already experienced it.

   Open the water, take a few sips, pour the salt into it, shake it, and let it dissolve.

   When I opened the teleportation array and selected the teleportation target, I paused and took a closer look at the teleportation target.

In addition to water, there are also salt, dozens of trace substances, and a few It may be that I was infected when I drank the water, which proves that the water is still a bit impurity, but the amount is very small. The instrument can't detect it, it can only be seen here.

   It's alright, except for the water, kick the other objects away and teleport!

   The water reached the basin, and there was something like mist left in the bottle. It was probably salt crystallites, but they were too fine to float and not fall.

   Amazing. My chemistry teacher used to have this ability. Maybe I can win the Nobel Prize. Believe it or not?

   This proves that my idea is feasible.

   Then, it becomes feasible to make this kind of purified teleportation array.

This dedicated teleportation array is called the pure water teleportation array, which is bound to the ice mage’s space. When used, it transmits pure water of the same volume as the space from the external water source. The teleportation array cannot transmit continuous objects, so There is no way to pour water into the space like a boiling faucet, only one-time transmission, so you must find a sufficient source of water before transmission.

You know, my setting is that a magician can only teleport the largest teleportation array of her level about five times when her mental power is sufficient, and her mental power will be exhausted to prevent those little ladies from using this teleportation array as a stage show. Up.

   The water taken when casting a spell is not counted in the number of teleportation arrays.

   However, once teleportation is involved, the ring has become a means of restraint, magic material...


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