Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 196: Wakanda Five

   "The temperature is 27, no change higher than 1 degree, stable."

   "Voltage: 110 volts, stable."

   "The current power consumption is 46,732 kWh, the normal range."

   "The lumen has not changed, Your Highness, our instrument may not be accurate enough."

  Su Li nodded. If Mr. Murphy hadn't lied, there would really be trillions of energy in it, and only 40,000 degrees is really just a drop in the bucket. It is normal that the lumen change cannot be measured.

   But at this time, the convenience of this Philosopher’s Stone can already be seen. A power plant that supplies the power of nearly 300,000 people in the capital is as large as half a container.

They now have a fusion power plant. That’s because they have the strongest and most magical metal—vibration. They have achieved a nuclear fusion power plant that the scientific community cannot easily do outside. It can be used as a superconductor and as a high temperature. The material can also be used as the hardest shell and so on.

  Su Li's recent research is to find ways to miniaturize fusion.

   Tony Stark did it. There is no reason that Wakanda, who possesses advanced materials, can’t do it.

Now the power station is half a container, but she is pretty sure that if she gives her time, she can reduce the volume to one-fifth, because the coils and spare parts currently used are only ready-made. After special customization, it takes up a lot of space. If it is designed ingeniously, the space can be compressed to one-fifth without pressure.

   This thing is simply the ultimate spaceship energy source! In addition, it can be cut as desired, and there are more applications. There are hundreds of applications in her mind.

   But now, she still feels to measure its lumen change first, that is, the energy change, so as to get how much energy it contains.

This requires high-powered guys to consume its energy. At present, in Wakanda, the most powerful is the sky screen, but if you need to switch the power supply to the sky screen, the sky screen will fail for a few seconds. This has to be calculated by the sky satellites. At this time, find a window period to switch.

   And the power of the converter currently built is not enough to support the sky screen.

   has to make a bigger one.

   The structure of the converter is relatively simple, the materials are available, and the manpower is sufficient. She budgeted it for a day and a half. She had to find a way to let the father drag Mr. Murphy for a few days.

She sent a message to her father on the bracelet, and after a while received a positive answer, she immediately began arranging staff to prepare the materials, and also arranged two other shifts to prepare. Inform her.

After the king invited him again for a few more days, Sherik knew that they must do a big experiment, so he agreed. The king sent a guard and personally took him to the grassland to hunt and kill the time. Sheik also did. Have a good experience of the wild grasslands of Africa.

They are not allowed to use firearms for hunting. They can only use primitive swords, arrows, spears, etc., and they do not hunt large and rare animals, but only hunt some relatively fast-breeding animals. Wakanda believes in several gods, the leopard god, Gorilla god, crocodile god, lion god, and hyena god, except for these kinds of taboos, other basic things are fine.

Sherik asked for a bow and arrow, and his physical fitness now looks like a normal young man. This is the welfare of the clergy cursor. His arrow skills are very bad, so two days have passed and he has not been able to hit any prey. But the fun of hunting is not here. The key is that the process is very interesting. Sherik underestimated King Techaka, his skill is actually very agile, not like a light old man at all.

   Three days later, they returned to the royal capital, and they had a relatively large understanding of the strength of the forces of both sides.

   And Su Li also gave Techaka a very satisfactory report.

   There are already two power supply systems in the canopy, and the energy used by the magic stone is already in use at this time.

   And the energy in the little Philosopher’s Stone is indeed in the trillions. A rough estimate is that there are millions of billions of energy in this little Philosopher’s Stone. Cut it into ten small pieces, each of which can support the entire kingdom, including the sky, for hundreds of years.

   Its value is really much higher than the value that Zhenjin has researched now, so they make a lot of money in the transaction.

   Techaka soon called the Senate Council and took the little one to talk about it.

Their meeting only lasted for a long time, and Sherik saw the 2.7 tons of vibrating gold prepared by Tchaka for him. Of course, it was not pure metal, but a vibrating gold mine. The characteristic of vibrating gold was smelting once. After that, smelting is basically impossible, so giving rough ore is the correct way of trading, and giving Zhenjin Metal directly is the trick to cheat money.

   Don’t look at 2.7 tons in tons, in fact, the volume is not large.

   After seeing that the weight was correct, Sherik secretly handed the Big Sorcerer's Stone to Techaka, and then he left and prepared to return to Taoyuan Town.

   Princess Su Li brought a batch of equipment and asked him to take her to the teleportation array. She was going to visit Taoyuan Town.

Sherik asked his father in the Taoyuan system, and after his father agreed, he smiled and said to Princess Su Li: "His Royal Highness Su Li, it is still snowing on our side, and there is still a lot of snow that has not melted. Do you want to Bring more clothes and luggage."

Su Li hurried to prepare her luggage again, but what worries her is that she doesn't have many winter clothes, only a few sets that she bought when studying abroad, which are the styles several years ago, and the maids helped her find out. Of.

   But in order to ride the teleportation array, she couldn't take care of it, put on them, and hurried to Sherik's.

Sherik naturally saw Su Li’s embarrassment and smiled: "His Royal Highness, it’s okay. Go to Taoyuan Town to buy it again. The goods there are pretty rich. Recently, many Chinese merchants have come to town and opened. A few supermarkets and shops are not, are we leaving now?"

   "Yes, are you ready?"

   "Wait a minute, I'll turn on the machine."

   She hurriedly turned on the accompanying equipment, and Tchaka frowned as she looked at her: "Sherick, can you bring him some maids? She obviously needs some helpers."

   Sherik asked his father again, and nodded after receiving the answer: "Yes, who will go? You also have to prepare winter clothes."

   Te Chaka asked several maids: "Whoever has winter clothes, follow Lily."

   A few maids ran away excitedly.

   After a while, they changed into slightly weaker "winter clothes" and came back, each carrying a small bag on their backs. Obviously they hadn't traveled far.

   But there are everything in Taoyuan Town, so I don't have to care too much about what to bring.

   "Sherick, wait a moment for me."

   Techaka walked for a while and came back immediately, with an extra vibrating stone in his hand that was the same as the two boxes on the ground, and handed it to Sherik, "Sherik, please take care of Lily on your behalf."

   This standard piece is ten kilograms! "No, no! Your Majesty, this is no good! Our clergy cannot accept this, sorry."


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