Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 228: Domam

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It seems to be foolproof...

Dommam looked at the size of the moon and the size of a fist. I calculated that it would take about 30 billion fists to submerge it.

This is not a small number. I have to complete so many absolutes when he finds out and attacks me... Judgment of the Aurora Goddess (Afterwards, I will change to Judgment of Aurora, this name is too long, although I like it, but typing is tired... …), this is a bit difficult.

It takes time to start a thread.

So I made sixteen vibrating gold beads and made them a special teleportation array, which can ensure that they present an enveloping state, enclosing a moon-sized volume.

They have their own teleportation array. When they enter the position, no matter how the external force moves their position, it will return to the original place every three seconds.

Each of these vibrating gold beads will continuously start a new thread that emits aurora judgments to random points within the enclosure, and it will only terminate when the thread it has launched emits 1.9 billion aurora judgments.

I calculated the time, it will take about half an hour.

There is a speed limit for casting spells, and it is not the program that limits the play.

The 30 billion Aurora Trials, multiplying 30 billion by my small body, is about the size of Dommam, he should be able to bear it, right.

Then I can slowly dissect to understand his frozen body.


He is so powerful, I really feel sorry for him.

If you can speak well, then I won't have to make such a move.

Everything is ready, start?

Wait, what if Domam insists on eating this trick?

I still have to have a back hand.

Another set of Aurora Trials?

Would you like to change a set of heating?

Can he catch a cold even if he doesn't kill him?

However, the maximum temperature of the fireball technique has not been practiced yet, and it feels like there is no upper limit. How many degrees can it be lethal to Domam?

How about 30 billion degrees?


After a tremor, you still have to be conservative. If it affects yourself, it will be over. This is how my Einstein died. You can't make this kind of mistake again!

By the way, where did I bury the gems?

I have to dig it out. In case I die someday, I don't have the godhead to pass it on to Garcia and the others. It would be good to leave a shining, real gem.

After all, the energy of the Philosopher’s Stone is limited, and the infinite energy of the Infinite Gems is true...

Wait, the energy of the infinite gems doesn't seem to be infinite. After Thanos draws it twice, they are like a fifty or sixty-year-old man who has overdrawn several times.

How many times can this magic stone be charged?

Forget it, for the sake of safety, it is safer to throw the energy back into the dark dimension. In case the Philosopher’s Stone is not resistant to charging, bursts, and interrupts the magic, it is not meat buns and dogs. These precious vibrating beads are all cheap. Domam?

I only have a ton and a half of vibros now, and the other half let Banner and the others go, saying that they will be experimenting, and he said that maybe we can mass-produce vibros in the future.

He coaxed my old man again, but it is worth encouraging and supporting young people who are motivated. Money is something outside of the body.

Next time I find an excuse to ask for a little more from Wakanda, these golden black chickens, guarding the mine and crying poorly with the old man, thought I couldn't know the same.

Vibration let them use it crooked. This thing is obviously the best magic material, but let them be used as conductors and armors. They also plan to use vibrating to build spaceships. What a fuck?

Can't let them do this, the mine is said to be small, but not too big, let them be so miserable, what else will the old man use to make saint clothes in the future?

Tony is a good boy. It has only been a few days and he has made a lot of progress. He has helped me build a helmet. Although it is completely different from the cartoon, it still looks pretty cool.

Sure enough, professional matters should be entrusted to professional people. This Tony is a blacksmith, Tony is not a barber, Tony is very good at ironing.

Should I wait for him to finish all the parts before going to trouble Domam?

But a **** wears saint clothing...

Or Andromeda.

Yeah, why does Tony make the Andromeda saint?

This saint suit is obviously more suitable for women.

For Annie?

Why? Annie will follow the path of the magician.

Forget it, my own person, no longer peeping at secrets.

Annie can be regarded as my little doggie. After I die, things will be divided among them after all.

Will the fairy sacred clothes be separated by one person?

Which part does Annie choose?

I guess she picks a skirt.

Smelly little bastard, quack...

In the future, if she is old and dead, and I want to send her to the soil, how can I cry?

By the way, those pink diamond slippers! Get my space from Lao Bulu’s house. This is a memorable pair of shoes. The old man actually wore it to parade, tusk tusk, and I will put this pink diamond slippers in your coffin in the future.

I hope I will still remember this at that time.

Hey, no, I can write on this slipper board.

"Put it in Annie's coffin."

The one on the left is done. I love the elegant font that I copied. I will not think too far, she is only 14 years old.

But what if I die first?

Well, the one on the right says: "Pass it to Annie."

Perfect, the words given by the mother-in-law are like this.

Oh, you can't have long dog legs, No, you can't have children.

I have to get on the road. Bah! No, I'm on the move.

Compared with Domam, doglegs will not be able to practice for hundreds of years, unless they have infinite gems, so this matter has to be played by the old man. If you want to be lazy, there is no way to do it. Besides, I have to avenge him for his turbulent arrows. .

Gu Yi set up a labyrinth-shaped mirror space. If Dommam wants to find the true body of the Earth-Moon system, he has to solve the mystery of this space. Random collisions will only increase the strength and insolvability of the mirror maze. .

Now I can only stay on the periphery of the maze, thinking of other ways.

And Gu Yi couldn't help him, he just hoped that his patience was exhausted and he could leave earlier.

Following the road, finally saw its huge body again.

Huge is truth, and this may be his creed.

I gave a gift the last time I met, and this time I also brought a gift.

Opening the 18-layer super protective shield, 16 Aurora Judgment beads were collectively transmitted to it.

It seemed to be a little crooked, and some of them were submerged in his body, but now they can't control it anymore.

Because he found me!

Start the beads!


Happy Popsicle Day! Asodomam.

That's it! Forgot to throw the fireball!

Go back and throw it!

Damn it! It's so cold!

Stay away!

It seems that teleportation magic is not unavailable in outer space. It’s just that this teleportation distance is difficult to locate in outer space where the unit of calculation is light-years. If it hadn’t been for Gu Yi to set up several teleportation holes here. Mirroring space, the transmission will fail, so it seems that it is very tasteless in outer space...

From afar, I saw that Domam seemed to be frozen!

But this guy is so insidious, I can't take it personally.

Slip first, and then come back to visit him in half an hour.

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