Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 252: Super cow

   Dear fellow former earth fellows, how are you doing now?

   It’s been a long time since I wrote to you. Recently, my body feels almost dying. This last meditation coin may be my last words.

I should have written many last words to you before (crossed out), Mingbi, but this one may be the last one. It has been more than a hundred years since I crossed into this world, and my body feels more and more old. Like a Wuling van that has been driving for more than 100 years and 3 million kilometers, it rang everywhere, creaked everywhere, shaken vigorously, and dropped parts.

   Has Wuling fallen?

   I can’t see it anymore. I’m sorry. I miss my Wuling van. Except for it is noisy, slower, and unsafe. Others are pretty good. After I came, I didn’t know who was cheaper.

Some time ago, I actually forgot the function of writing Mingbi, so I haven’t written it for more than ten years. There have been a lot of things in more than ten years, but in summary, I have occupied a village here and become a village tyrant. , I don’t pay for food, I don’t pay for things, I even print money, they still call me Dad, and live out what you most envy in the novel.

   Maybe it’s really old. When I said this, it was a bit like when I was a kid holding a new toy gun to show off to the kid next door. Even the mood is very similar. I am a very nasty person.

   Where will I go after I die?

Nanwu Aminiu Lanfo, don’t go to the world with Frieza, please bless me to cross to the starting point of the world of Xianxia, ​​the girls there are amazing, as long as there is no problem with the eyes, they are not color blind, those who wear robes Fairies will not be regarded as ghosts, but when the lights are turned off at night, they must change into modern pajamas or swimsuits.

   The big idiot Pete brought me back a god: the legendary Thor, the son of Odin. His luck even I envy.

   After I learned magic, I disguised myself as a god. So far no one can see through it. You don’t know that magic can actually be programmed, and you don’t know if it will work on the original earth.

There are real gods here. Their lifespan is really super long. It’s not that their planet or the world is short in a day. The actual difference is almost the same. They really have lived for thousands of years. I have a super ability to view and modify other people’s brains. I don't know if I told you before, so those memories must not be falsified.

   Looking at the women in the fairy palace in Thor's mind, they look a bit ancient and European in dress, and I don't know how effective they are when they sleep.

   To help Thor up to the **** of Taoyuan, Thor didn't do it for long, because Odin couldn't allow him to do so. The wheel of history was rolling forward, and my old bone blocking the front might be run over.

Let him be in front of him. After the death of Odin, Thor will be a new **** king. After I am old, he will always take care of him in Taoyuan Town. What he learns is the routine of XX, which is our reputation on earth. .

Another deeper reason is that I am a mortal, and the modified body does not have a matching soul, so it’s not good for me. Thor is a genuine god, has a long life, and is more experienced in resisting beatings. The extraordinary power of Taoyuan Town I didn't control their thoughts with these dog-legs before they gradually revealed them. If anyone loses their minds and commits genocide, I will definitely die if they count on me at that time.

   So let Thor be the **** of peach first, and see what the situation is. He is the **** of thunder and is not afraid of thunder. No one is more suitable than him.

  Although I'm dying, I haven't had enough of the remaining happy old age.

I saw a handful of time gems passed to his disciple, so I plan to go back to China to look for the gem I hid after finishing the handover. In case I really die, this gem is to be taken care of by Thor. The salary of the dogs in Taoyuan Town is definitely not for comparison with Gu Yi.

  Weird thing, why when I was writing Mingbi, many memories that I can't remember suddenly appeared?


   After writing the last letter, I feel like I can live a while...

   Fuck! what's the situation?

   I thought I was dying before, could it be because I hadn’t written this **** of a coin for more than ten years?

   Or to say... Burning Ming coins to the folks on the earth is the way to extend their life?

   Try to burn a blank...


   Try burning this one...


   After the last one, it seems a bit of a feeling. Is the number of words written too few?

   Then I write it longer?


   wrote a small essay-style meditation letter for you to burn. I hope that when you receive the letter, there will be an order, otherwise it will really fall into your crotch. I'm a serious person, so I don't know how to write such small essays. Unlike the dreamer of "Hong Lou Chun", who actually went through the previous life before finishing reading it, did you burn a few chapters to show me?


   Take the last picture, "Happy Days for My Local Master and Eighteen Wives"

   No, I can’t write a small composition like oh and ah, it has no effect. Or is it...I am not educated enough?

It shouldn’t be. When writing a small composition in the previous life, no matter how you change the vest, the starting point seems to know which network cable is in my house. "Entertainment Flower Rooster"... No matter what channel you send... Once you find one, they are all locked in a small black room and never see the sun. This proves that the starting point attaches great importance to me and pays special attention to me! Athos, forcing the old man to be so poor that he could not pay the electricity bill, he could only become a procedural dog from a good reform.

   I shouldn’t be able to control me now, so I’m going to start with the title party. The title of this Mingbi is called...Look at the above.

   I have to write something related to the subject, right?

   This kind of small composition should be full of passion when writing, but this is what the old man lacks now!

  No, I opened my eyes to take a look at Natalie and their training routine! Natalie was not raised since she was a child, and she won't have any psychological problems, so she just took a look.

   Today they are closed...

  Look where she is...

   By the way, my current super abilities combined with magic can be seen everywhere with pinholes. If it is not for fear of long pinholes, believe it or not, I have already reached the pinnacle of life you envy... Cross out and change it to: Happiness Terminal!

   She is sleeping, and her sleep looks really bad! Still drooling...

  Poor Shall I take a picture of her now and attach it to Mingbi to burn it? Have I ever done this before?

   Where's the camera? Where's the old man's camera? Where's the old man's baby camera? What about the old man’s baby camera that specializes in taking pictures of his girlfriend’s private videos?

   After a few hours of searching through boxes and cabinets, I didn't find it. People ran away early. Forget it, maybe today is not a lucky day.

   can't bear it anymore, let's burn this one first to try the effect.


   Small composition: "My Beautiful Maid"

  The pro-test is effective, and the soul life span is at least five years longer! Be sure to post a moving photo next time to enhance the effect.

   What scientific principle is this? Oh no, what magic principle is this?

   Could someone like it?

   Someone still took my meditation letter to write a book?


  Don't let me know, otherwise you must be good-looking when you go back. Old man is not easy to provoke!

   I have to move to a place. I use the current image to get into and out of the old Bulu’s house. One day I was discovered. It must be difficult to explain. Fortunately, there is a space ring now, and moving is not that troublesome.

   Shall I arrange for Momoji to pass away? I'm planning to travel. Alpha Gou has been inviting me to stay in her Guanghan Palace.


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