Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 289: I want to take advantage

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With this flash of lightning and thunder, all the "people" in this town rushed to watch, but they only looked at the front part. As soon as the sky-pillar-like wind and thunder fell out, the terrifying voltage potential difference and the sound exploded. The sound made everyone horrified, and they all ran away again.

These are some orcs who don't wear much clothes because of their strong hair, but I believe they will change this habit soon.

"Your Excellency Peach God, I like your magic very much, so how about we go back to the palace and talk about it slowly?"

"No, I want to watch Garcia rise to the sixth level, Tony, you go and talk to King Frey on my behalf."

"Okay, old man."

After Tony and Frey left, Peach God took Garcia and returned to the outskirts with many boulders.

"Father, let Tony pick a handsome male **** to seduce Nancy?"

"...Good idea, send a private message to Tony."

After practicing for a while, Garcia said, "Father, there is a need for a mage in the crack space. Why don't you open up the mage class earlier? We don't have a mage in Taoyuan Town. What if we really can't beat those Qiruita stars? Do you have no phobia of lack of ignition power?"

"...Garcia, but I think you are still very powerful, the Qiruitas can't beat you..." Tao Shen touched his head and bald.

"What if? What if they have a boss? You see, this was our battle with Big Eye and Xun Ying at the time. What if they had this thing? Or even more terrifying than these two things? Old? Dad, your children will scream and wail in hell..."

"Fuck off, what is the number, it won't be that way."

Garcia sent a thought video to Peach God. After Peach God saw it, he wiped his mouth and said: "Garcia, after I go back, grab one for me and let me study it. These two new monsters will definitely be fine. Extract some more practical skills, as for high-level monsters... that’s because you haven’t seen any high-level monsters. If you have been in contact with Domam, you will understand that these big eyes are just drizzle, and what kind of magic it is. Compared with Domam's magical javelin that resembles a heavy rain, the blade is tickling."

"But daddy, we don't have the same experience as you. It's more realistic to have more magicians, at least you can open the shield to help block the gun."

"Hehe, Garcia, come on, I am optimistic about you."

"Daddy~~~~ Daddy~~~"

"Don't learn from Nancy! Aso! Garcia, I will tell you that the level 9 genetic enhancement is actually very scary. Its color is just like -272 degrees ice, and Domam is at level 7 or 8. There is nothing terrible. After you reach level 6, your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. Haven't you seen Hulk before? Do you think Hulk is there, and you are still afraid of the big eyes? Okay, shut up. , Hurry up and practice, you’ll almost rise to the sixth level, where there are so many words."

Garcia had no choice but to punch again, this training, until the sunset, there is still a distance of about one thousand and nine.

It will take about two days.

The surrounding boulders have all been done to her by her, and they have all become fine gravel or sand, and they will change places tomorrow.

After returning to the city, Garcia hurriedly went out looking for food.

Came back after a while but came back with Tony.

"Father, good news, I have negotiated some conditions with King Frey. He can provide us with five tons of spar and 30 tons of brilliant spar. In addition, he can provide us with 20 young goddesses and three **** men. , Planning to use a princess and priest to marry us. In addition to some magic provided by you, we have to select at least ten relatives to marry the Warner royal family. After the event is completed, he can open the Warner Heritage Library to us. "

"What does he mean?"

"He intends to bind us more firmly."

"But I have no relatives."

"No, father, the people in Taoyuan Town are all your relatives." Garcia quickly put down his heart and hugged his hand.

"No, I refuse. He is an equality treaty. I don't accept it. I have to take advantage. Tony, you will talk to them again tomorrow. The Philosopher’s Stone will be doubled, and the Goddess will be doubled. At most, we can only have one... a man married After they go back, they will compete to marry people, and whoever is the last will marry him to Warner! All these guys don't know how to make progress..."

Tony froze for a long time before saying: "Father, what are you going to do with those goddesses?"

"Isn't there a wrench competition in Taoyuan Town? It will be held again, and the top three can choose a goddess to marry."

"Father, will there be segregation that will cause infertility?" Tony worried.

Tao Shen grinned, "No."

"How do you know?"

"The top three in the game, I can give them the genes of Warner or Asa Protoss."

Tony's eyes lit up, "Daddy, can I participate? Uh, I mean I don't want a goddess, I only want a goddess gene."

"Of course."

"Father, how about you? Didn't they have a princess to marry a priest? You are just right!" Garcia said excitedly.

"Fuck off, it's not appropriate at all, don't bother! Replace it with a Philosopher's Stone!"

"Father, are you dying?" Garcia looked up and down his father.

"Jia~Si~A! You look at me like this again, I'm going to blind you for two, is your male surname still functioning normally?" Garcia asked unwillingly.

"If it's normal, I would have a child long ago, so I don't want any boar driver. Anyway, it is a waste to me. It is more practical to replace it with a Philosopher's Stone. It is worth tens of thousands of tons per person, right? Tony, they are Calculated in tons? Not in grams?"

"Tons! I actually measured them. One ton of them is equivalent to about 1.3 tons on our planet. It's a human being, oh no, it's a god, we earned it."

"Change! Tony, change all to Philosopher's Stone, understand?"

"Okay, father, but I also think it would be better for you to have a wife with you."

"I'll have a wife soon. Will I have my ex-wife resurrected?"

"But dad, as far as I know, it is difficult for divorced couples to get back together again. The success rate is only 10%. If you resurrect her, she may not be willing to follow you."

"I'm the ten percent, believe me, dad is good at it."

"Father, can you tell me about your ex-wife?" Garcia's gossip fire began to burn.

"She's Xu Xiuhui, she is so beautiful that she makes people salivate."

"Is it more beautiful than Nancy? And then?"

"Then? Then the temper is not good."

"Anything else?"

"No more."

"Impossible, old man, don't be shy, you are so old, I won't laugh at you, tell her quickly?"

"...I can't remember the others."

"Impossible, daddy, can't remember, can you still dig the tomb to her?"

"How did you know I was digging her tomb?"

"Alphago's big mouth said it."

"Athos! It just can't cure Alphagou, why did that fool Wanli do it..."

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