Mu Xuan Yin and the others gaped in awe with the scene in front of them. Holy Light Sect headquarter is truly majestic.

The Holy Light Sect's headquarter design was like Forbidden City in Beijing, China but it is far more grand with some buildings like several pagoda and tower. All the buildings decorated by golden ornament, all the pillars and tiles are made from smooth white stone like jade, and all the building's roof are shiny silver like it was made from pure platinum.

While Mu Xuan Yin and the others still stunned by the majestic scene in front of them, the flying ship was slowly descending down on the wide empty land and there are many other flying sh.i.p.s here.

When Mu Xuan Yin awoke from her awe, she spotted several flying sh.i.p.s already arrived before them and many more still descending down like them while the others were ascending up to leave. There are many tens of flying sh.i.p.s in this place right now that are coming and going busily. Many of them brought new disciples like their flying sh.i.p.s, some of them brought foods, wines, weapons, and many more. It looks like this place is like an airport in her world before.

One of the examiners ordered Mu Xuan Yin and the others to follow him then they jumped down from their flying ship.

"Big Brother, where will we go now?" Mu Xuan Yin asked the examiner that leading them.

"I am also still a disciple here so inside the sect, we are the fellow disciple. My name is Chang Wuxi and you all can just call me Senior Brother Chang." Senior Brother Chang explained while smiling gently.

"Disciple division in our sect almost same with another sect, they are divided into three sections. The first section is for you all new disciples called outer disciples area. All outer disciples are Body Tempering Stage and once you reached to Qi Condensation Stage like me, you will be promoted to inner disciple also you can enter the second area. Lastly, if you manage to reach Acupuncture Opening Stage, you will be promoted to core disciple and you can enter the third area." Senior Brother Chang explained to them while keep walking and leading them.

"I could only escort you all until here since I must report to the elder as soon as possible. You all just need to enter that building over there and wait until the elder came. There are many other new disciples like you inside and some of them are arrogant since they came from the big family so be sure to not make any trouble inside later. See you all later and good luck to you all!" Big Brother Chang bid them farewell after gave his last instruction to them.

The others maybe confuse at what Chang Wuxi said but Mu Xuan Yin understood what it's meaning completely. The authorities in this world from the lowest to the highest are family, sect, and clan. Even though big family's authorities less than the sect but it was still not someone ordinary like them can provoke.

Mu Xuan Yin's first step to enter Holy Light Sect already a success but it was only the beginning. She really had a headache when she remembers the main character scenario later on but she had no choice but to follow it if she did not want the story going awry and she cannot read the plot anymore in the future.

Mu Xuan Yin and the other eight people enter the grand building and inside the building, they greeted by a large hall. There are many people inside the large hall when Mu Xuan Yin and the others enter the large hall, all the people inside staring at them only for a moment then they ignored Mu Xuan Yin and the others.

Mu Xuan Yin walked to the corner of the hall and stood there silently while keep thinking and looking around. In the novel, the real Jian Chen had his first contact and conversation with his main heroine, Feng Ying Yue right away after he entered the hall then Feng Ying Yue's fiancé got jealous and started to look trouble with Jian Chen.

However the problem right now, Mu Xuan Yin did not know which one is Feng Ying Yue!

Mu Xuan Yin was having a terrible headache now. Should she ask the people around or should she start the conversation with a beautiful girl that she chooses randomly?

Mu Xuan Yin chose to ask the people around and started with the people near her but no people know about the girl named Feng Ying Yue.

After thirty minutes asked around and got nothing, Mu Xuan Yin slapped her forehead. How could she forget about the battle royale? In the novel, there was no battle royale format exam in Dongzhou City and the exam proceeds like usual with the tournament format.

The real Jian Chen fought with Sun Xiang in the final and got his ass kicked by Sun Xiang but at the last moment Jian Chen manages to breakthrough to seven-star body tempering stage turned the situation around and win dramatically. However, in that scenario, Sun Xiang also managed to pass the exam and enter the Holy Light Sect then become Jian Chen's rival on many occasion.

Not like in Mu Xuan Yin's scenario today, where Sun Xiang not only failed to enter the Sect, she even managed to cripple him. When Mu Xuan Yin remembers Sun Xiang tragic incident before, she felt really guilty about it.

Long short, she concluded that Feng Ying Yue and her fiancé must be still on their way and not arrived here just yet.

While waiting, Mu Xuan Yin tried to remember Feng Ying Yue's trait that mentioned in the novel. She had long black silky hair to her waist, wear a set of pure white ancient Chinese dress, smooth white skin like a jade, and a really beautiful face.

After waiting for several hours, many other groups entered the hall one after another but Mu Xuan Yin still did not find Feng Ying Yue. However, when Mu Xuan Yin almost goes to sleep in bored, there was another group came in.

Anyone in the hall could easily tell that this group is different than them. Their clothes look neat and expensive. Their aura was also stronger than anyone in the hall before. Anyone in the hall can easily tell that all of the people in this group already reach high-level body tempering stage.

Amongst this group, there is a very beautiful girl wearing white clothes stood up proudly like a beautiful lotus but her demeanor is very cold as an ice in winter.

Mu Xuan Yin knew the moment she laid her eyes upon this very beautiful girl. This girl must be the main heroine in this story, Feng Ying Yue.

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