Beautiful Transmigrating Librarian: Supreme God's System

Chapter 72 - When the Beauty Weeping Even the Script Goes Awry

Qing Tian put his firmest expression but before he could shout his heroic words that he wants to protect Mu Xuan Yin no matter what happens to Bai Liang Su, someone already shouting first behind him.

"I cannot stand this anymore! Even if I must lose my head today, I will protect Miss Mu at all cost right now!"

Mu Xuan Yin and Qing Tian were very startled by the shout and they slowly turned around to find who's the one that shouted.

One of the Black Dragon Cavalry Captains that escorted Mu Xuan Yin and Qing Tian before, stood tall full of heroic spirit with a wrathful expression on his face then he slowly walking forward then stood valiantly in front of Mu Xuan Yin like the hero in fairy tales.

"Do not worry Miss Mu! Although I am a nobody but I, the 1st Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry sworn to protect you at all cost! Prime Minister, there is no need to continue your acting anymore if you dare then come and face me!" 1st Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry unsheathed the sword on his waist and pointing it to Bai Liang Su courageously.

Mu Xuan Yin was so shocked and do not know what to say but she felt touched with this 1st Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry manly statement. She silently gave a thumb up for this captain in her heart.

Qing Tian's face turned dark in unpleasant when this captain took his line and limelight. Qing Tian wanted to scold this captain but before he got a chance to do so, another sound came from behind him once again.

"Ahahahaha... As I expect from my brother! Well said! Then I, the 2nd Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry will support you and Miss Mu too with my life at stake! How an innocent beauty like Miss Mu could do something disgraceful like that! I will never believe it!" the 2nd Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry walked and stood in front of Mu Xuan Yin and unsheathed the sword on his waist then pointing it to Bai Liang Su too.

Qing Tian was fuming with rage until his face turned red, he was pointing his index finger toward the two captains but before he could say his words, another voice interrupted him again.

"Who are you two?! This matter does not concern the two of you so please step aside or do not blame me for becoming ruthless!" Bai Liang Su face turned ugly in anger and annoyance. He and his daughter make every effort to put this acting to sway the crown prince but do not know where these two scoundrels came from and messed up the situation that they have been set up before.

Qing Tian opened his mouth to rebuked Bai Liang Su but before his voice come out...

"Hahahaha... If Prime Minister and his daughter really did not feel any guilt, why Prime Minister must be so fierce, right now?! All of the officials in Nanshu Empire already knew how cunning and ruthless the Prime Minister is. So the Prime Minister words right now are actually not convincing at all!" Another captain came forward and rebuked Bai Liang Su words.

"3rd brother... All of you... There is no need for you all to join the two of us too. If all of us executed then no one will be left in charge of Black Dragon Platoon anymore other than the Black Dragon General." 1st Captain's eyes reddened a bit, it looks like he felt touched too.

"Silly 1st brother... How could we let only the two of you take the limelight and protect the beauty by yourself?! Let us join in too! For Miss Fairy Mu, no matter crossing the sea of fire or dive to the ocean of sword, we are willing!" The 4th captain patted the 1st captain's shoulder while said it firmly.

"Yes, if we live then we will laugh together and if we die then we will be buried together! Besides that, how could a man stood still on the corner when the girl as beautiful as Miss Mu crying because of being bullied by that cunning prime minister! At least I, as the 5th Captain of Black Dragon Cavalry cannot stand it anymore!" The 5th captain turned his gaze toward Bai Liang Su as his expression turned savage and his bloodl.u.s.t aura gushed out from his entire body.

The five Black Dragon Cavalry captains were laughing out loud together and bumped their fist together. Their expression was enlightened as if they already prepared them self for their final battle.

The five of them unsheathed their swords and pointing it toward Bai Liang Su as their killing auras that they already sharpened to the extreme in the battlefield burst out like a tide pressuring Bai Liang Su made him shudder.

Mu Xuan Yin: "..."

'Where are these bystanders A, B, C, D, E sprouting from? I did not even aware of their presence before. Well, they are pretty handsome I guess and they also look really valiant like the general in three kingdoms novel.' Mu Xuan Yin nodded her head in approval and gave two thumbs up and five like to each of all the Black Dragon Cavalry captains in her heart.

'I need to calm them down first or from their solemn expression right now, there is no doubt that they will chop the prime minister to pieces and commit suicide after that...' Mu Xuan Yin wiped the tears on her beautiful face then stood forward to stop the five captains.

"Thank you to all brothers for all of your support. I, Mu Xuan Yin really appreciate it and will always remember it in my heart. However, violence will not solve our matter and will only make it worst so please calm yourself down first.

"I always think that every problem must have their own solution." Mu Xuan Yin clasped her hands and said to all the captains calmly but her reddened teary eyes made all the captains heartache but they also felt even more awe with Mu Xuan Yin since even in this condition she still could think properly.

"Miss Mu... There is no need to be polite to us. We want to help you with our own free will after all! You just need to say what we need to do! When all of these come to worst later, we are ready to fight by your side until the end. Hahaha... It's a big honor for us to fight and die alongside a peerless beauty like Miss Mu!" The 3rd captain said to Mu Xuan Yin while pounded his own chest with proud.

"3rd brother is cheating! You took that line from our mouth! Hahaha... I also agreed with 3rd brother. Miss Mu, please tell us what's on your mind and we will do our best to help you?!" 4th captain patted 3rd captain shoulder and said it to Mu Xuan Yin with a gentle smile of his face followed by the other captains nodded their head in agreement.

"Thank you, everyone... I believe no matter how good the prime minister covered this case, some clues still definitely left behind. 4th brother and 5th brother, please help me and bring your squad to search for some evidence in this prime minister residence especially Miss Bai room and kitchen." Mu Xuan Yin said to 4th captain and 5th captain with a firm tone.

"You! You dare!" Bai Liang Su was staring at Mu Xuan Yin resentfully with the reddened face because of his anger.

"2nd brother and 3rd brother, please hold the prime minister and his daughter in this hall until we find the evidence and witness! 1st brother will follow me back to Long Autumn Palace, there must be some evidence and witness too there, I also manage to arrest a black-clothed man yesterday. I believe that he also involved in this case." Mu Xuan Yin instructed politely but all the captains were staring at her in even more awe right now.

While Bai Liang Su could only pointing at Mu Xuan Yin with his forefinger but he already runs out of words right now, Mu Xuan Yin and the others also ignored him completely. As for Shao Qing, she could only stare right and left in puzzlement since this situation was already completely out of their prediction. Even the red armored captain can only hide at the corner of the room hoping that no one noticed him.

"Let's go now! Uhhh... Why do I keep feeling like I forget something important? Whatever... I will try to remember it on the road back to Long Autumn Palace." Mu Xuan Yin walked exit the Prime Minister residence escorted with the 1st captain by her side.


"....." Qing Tian still stood like a statue with a deadpan expression on his face. He never thought before that he, the crown prince will meet the day like today where all the people in the room completely forget about his presence.

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