You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Beautiful Wife Search Novels Ten Years Later ("!Seeing this, Ma Dong nodded, feeling relieved.

He still believes in Aunt Shen's strength.

Actually, Shen Junxia also thought about it.

It's easy to let Bai Lu go. Anyway, even if I go back, I will take Ma Dong's car after waiting for a while. When Bai Lu gets in the car, how can I help her?

However, this Jiang Feng is a big trouble, he follows behind his ass like a brown candy.

I'll have to think of a way to get him away later!

This meal, plus red wine, cost a total of 13,000 yuan, and after a 50% discount, it costs more than 6,000.

Six thousand yuan, a newest Apple mobile phone.

Don't mention Ma Dong feels distressed.

But even so, he forced a smile: "It's okay, it's all small money, as long as you eat happily."

Then, dripping blood, took out the bank card,

With a beep, the card swipe was successful.

After paying, Shen Junxia suddenly patted her head and shouted:

"Oh, my earrings seem to have fallen in the upstairs box! Lulu, that's the token of love that your father gave me back then. Although it is not valuable, it is a priceless treasure to me!"

Bai Lu was taken aback when she heard this, "Ah? How can you not be optimistic about such an important thing, mom? Let's go up and find it for you."

But Shen Junxia shook her head: "No way, no way, you are wearing high heels, it is not convenient to run, you may be taken away by the waiter when you go up!"

"Well, Jiang Feng, are you free now? If you are free, go up and help me find earrings."

Jiang Feng is of course willing to help. Originally, his mother-in-law had a bad impression of him, and he hadn't been able to catch up to perform well.

So Jiang Feng immediately said: "Okay, I'll go up immediately!"

After speaking, he turned and ran upstairs.

"Oh, yes, I went to the toilet halfway through. You can look for me in your box, on the corridor, and in the toilet. You must find it!" Shen Junxia also deliberately shouted from behind.

In fact, she had already received the earrings in her handbag. It would be strange if Jiang Feng could find them.

This move is to support Jiang Feng.

It seems that the goal has been achieved, and Jiang Feng will be unable to get off for a while.

Shen Junxia is in a good mood.

Thinking that there is still plenty of time, when she walked to the parking lot in front of the door, she rushed to Ma Dong on a whim:

"By the way, Dongzi, what keyless comfortable entry you told me before, can you show it to me again?"

"Also, my aunt has been taking a driver's license test at the town's driving school recently. I have now practiced to subject two, but I don't have a car at home, so my heart is itchy. Can you give me a try? I have never I haven't driven a Buick!"

After Bai Lu heard this, she hurriedly persuaded: "Mom, you have just learned Subject Two, and you have just started. Just your skills, let's forget it!"

When Shen Junxia heard this, she said rather uncomfortably: "Oh, I just want to go up and touch the steering wheel and put the car out! I just learned it a few days ago when I reversed the car and put it in the garage. Block, go back, what's the problem? You look down on me too!"

"It's okay, Aunt Shen!" Ma Dong smiled. He saw that Shen Junxia said so. This is the future mother-in-law. Naturally, she should be satisfied in all aspects, so she naturally met this requirement.

"Now the key is in my pocket, and I'm standing next to the car. You can just go straight to and pull the door."

Shen Junxia tried.

Sure enough, she didn't use the key, walked over and pulled it,

The door actually opened!

"Wow, that's too advanced!"

"The key is not on my body, and it can be sensed. This is really convenient! Buick is Buick, it's worth more than 200,000 cars!"

Shen Junxia was so excited.

She quickly got into the car.361 reading

"This car is really big, just like a boat!"

"This interior is so luxurious, it's ten blocks away from the coach car of my driving school!"

"And this steering wheel, I rely on it, it feels so good to the touch! If Dongzi became my son-in-law, wouldn't I be able to drive Buicks every day!"

"When the time comes, drive back to the village and take a round. Aunt Li's aunt Zhang and his second aunt will definitely envy me!"

Shen Junxia was praised again.

Later, Ma Dong also got on the co-pilot and began to command her to reverse.

Because the Buick has a reversing image, Shen Junxia does not need to look at the rear-view mirror, but directly at the display in the middle. Reversing goes smoothly.

"It's too easy, hahaha, if I had a Buick drive when I was driving at school, I guess I can pass the test with perfect score in subject two!"

Just when she was smug,

Suddenly, with a sound of didi, the reversing radar sounded.

A white Alaska without a rope suddenly jumped out!

The dog owner was following behind and hurried to chase the dog.

"Hey, be careful, someone, quickly step on the brake!" Ma Dong hurriedly reminded loudly.

With such a shout, Shen Junxia was nervous at first, and coupled with her inadequate skills, she forgot to step on the brakes.

But in order to avoid the people behind, she moved the steering wheel aside.

With a bang, I hit a car next to me!

"Damn!" Shen Junxia's heart sank, and she had a premonition that something bad happened. She could hit Dongzi's Buick. The repair fee would cost a few thousand!

Even if I sell it, I can't afford it!

Shen Junxia panicked.

After getting out of the car, she did not check the situation of the crash, but eager to shirk responsibility, and rushed to the dog owner angrily with her waist in front of her, cursing:

"Hey hey hey, how do you raise a dog? You dare to walk the dog without even holding the rope? Let's talk, what should I do if I hit my Buick now? You have to pay the money!

The dog owner is not a good stubble, but a fierce-looking middle-aged woman wearing pajamas and slippers.

"Damn, are you crazy? Your own skills are not good enough, and you hit someone's car. It's my shit? That's how my dog ​​is raised, what's the matter?"

"You even want me to lose money? Could it be that it wasn't you who drove just now, was it my dog? Stupid!"

Shen Junxia was half-dead with anger, and she stretched out her finger: "You, you, you, who are you scolding for a dog? I tell you, it's because you didn't take a good look at the dog, otherwise I can hit it?"

"Also, you think I am a countryman, so bully, right? Tell you, our countrymen are not easy to mess with! Today you don't want to leave without taking money!"

When the game meets opponents, the rogue meets the rogue, and Shen Junxia directly ranted and abused the dog owner.

Just when the two of them were arguing very hard, the husband of the dog owner ran after him out of breath.

"Hey, what's wrong, what's the matter? Why are you arguing?"

With that said, he also noticed the scratching accident that happened here.

"Damn it, what a car, it's long and domineering, and it's been rubbed. What a shame!"

"Why did you write a bunch of English? Range, rover?"

The dog owner's husband didn't know him.

But Bailu knew him.

She is an insurance company and has handled a lot of car insurance, so she still knows a little about car brands.

"This, it seems, it seems to be a Land Rover..."

At this time, Ma Dong got out of the co-pilot, his face turned green when he saw the situation:

"Damn it, it turned out to be a Range Rover!"

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