Beautiful wife ten years later

Chapter 096 I'm not allowed to move

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Beautiful Wife Search Novels Ten Years Later ("!Soon, the group rushed to the riverside warehouse.

According to the house number, they easily found number 118.

In order to avoid emergencies, the Sun family brought a lot of cars this time and brought a lot of people. When they got off the car, they surrounded the warehouse to ensure that a fly could not fly out.

"Chairman, madam, we are ready, we can rush in at any time!" The staff ran to report.

Sun Qingdong nodded, and then asked Wang Bing again: "The gang of Xiao Zheng you sent, where are they now? Can you see the specific location?"

When Wang Bing turned on the positioning system, it showed that Xiao Zheng and the others had arrived, and the red dot was in the warehouse!

"Hey, this shouldn't be right? If Xiao Zheng and the others have arrived, they will definitely call me back. Why don't they say nothing? Besides, I also looked around the warehouse, and there is no car, Xiao With so many people, Zheng and the others, at least they have to come by in three cars, which is too strange..." Wang Bing rubbed his chin and became surprised.

Hearing this, Sun Qingdong, who has always been cautious, also felt that there was something strange.

Although he doesn't know where the problem is, he just has an unspeakable feeling in his heart that something is wrong with this warehouse, it is really wrong!

But at this time, Wang Yan couldn't wait.

"What's so weird? Hey, I said you guys are still grinding something. Now that you are here, you still dare not go in? So many people have already surrounded the warehouse. What else is there to be afraid of? No matter what jackals and leopards he has, rush in and clean up together!"

Wang Yan was eager to save the girl and was very emotional. She couldn't manage so much.

Besides, so many people came to the Sun family this time, all of them were elite soldiers and fierce combatants.

What if there is a trap?

I'm afraid, no one in Jinling has this kind of strength, so he can destroy so many people at once!

So, don't look at Wang Yan being so impulsive, but in her heart, she is still very confident.


The warehouse door was smashed open.

A group of people armed with weapons rushed in!

As a real estate giant in Jinling, the Sun family, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, is naturally not a general generation, but they are all strong people with strong martial arts.

They moved quickly and had a high level of combat literacy. After entering the door, they quickly rushed to the second floor of the warehouse, which was the commanding height, overlooking the whole view of the warehouse.

After the commanding heights were taken, the entire warehouse was easily occupied.

The whole process went very smoothly, no soldiers were consumed, and no resistance was encountered.

Let alone a human being, even a dead mouse has not been touched.

"I found it, I found the lady!" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

In a room on the corner of the second floor, everyone found Sun Tiantian lying unconscious on a bed.

It's just that everyone dare not step forward to take first aid measures rashly, because they are afraid of being blamed, they can only wait for Sun Qingdong and Wang Yan to come up and deal with it.

"What, find Tiantian, hurry, take us up!" The two were so excited that they rushed upstairs.

Wang Yan takes care of her children at home all year round, and she has also learned nursing for a while.

After a simple examination, Tiantian was not a serious problem, but because she was too weak, she was in a coma, pinched two times, and after artificial respiration, she immediately became sober.

"Tiantian should be fine, but we'd better go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination. After all, Tiantian's body has not been very good since she was hit by a car last time..." Wang Yan saw her daughter. He looked weak, said distressedly.

When Sun Qingdong was excited, he didn't dare to neglect the mistake, so he immediately shouted: "Yes, right, go to the hospital, go to the hospital! Hurry up and drive, hey, Xiao Wang, have you heard that, why are you still standing still here? What?"

While Wang Bing stared nervously at the tablet screen, it was the satellite positioning system displayed on it, while he looked around vigilantly, and said seriously:

"Chairman, look, the signal displayed by this tracker is right here. I use the most advanced positioning system with an error of no more than 50 meters. But you see, in such a large warehouse , There was no one. Where did Xiao Zheng go? Isn’t that strange?"

"Furthermore, we rescued Tiantian this time, it was too smooth, not even a guard, just put a little girl here? How is this possible?"

"I always feel that something is going on here... we, it seems that it was designed by someone!"

Wang Bing's worry is not without reason.

But Sun Qingdong didn't think so.

It was the happiest thing to be able to find the baby girl, and she was generally okay, so Sun Qingdong didn't think so much.

"Oh, if they are gone, they will be gone. If you can't lose the more than a dozen big people, let's send Tiantian to the hospital first!" Sun Qingdong waved his hand and said.

Father, like son.

No matter how much Wang Bing said now, neither the chairman nor his wife would hear it.398 novel

In that case, he had no choice but to protect them from here.

Just when the group was about to leave the warehouse, another subordinate came to report:

"Chairman, Brother Bing! A major discovery!"

Then, the subordinates took up a bunch of locators with red dots, but the locators had been dismantled to pieces, and only the power cord and signal sending device were still usable.

"Where did you find these?" From this look, it was obvious that they were demolished by violence. Wang Bing was anxious and asked quickly.

"I found it from the ceilings on the first and second floors. There are many more over there. We counted them. There are almost a dozen!" Minxiahui reported.

"What, more than a dozen?!" Wang Bing was taken aback, "Where is that person? Did you find anyone?"

The subordinate shook his head, "No one was found, not even half of the gui shadow, only this bunch of positioning devices..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Bing subconsciously glanced at the dozen red dots still flashing on the tablet.

Suddenly, when he thought of something, he was shocked!

"No, we got caught. It's a trap, deliberately to lure us over!"

"Quickly, protect the chairman's wife, and the young lady to leave, quickly, everyone, everyone, get in the car!"

With his professional sensitivity for many years, Wang Bing has already smelled a dangerous breath in his nose. The enemy is bright and I am dark. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You must leave quickly!

But when Wang Bing greeted everyone to leave,



The sirens were blaring outside the warehouse, and several patrol cars with flashing lights rushed in.

A dozen policemen jumped from the car, they took their weapons and rushed in.

"Okay, you daring fanatics, in broad daylight and in the sky, you dare to kidnap Miss Sun Jia! But you have been caught!"

"Everyone, raise your hands, don't move all of them!"

Seeing the police are coming, although the Sun family's men are crowded and powerful, no matter how courage they are, they dare not fight the police.

They gave up resistance, all raised their hands and surrendered, then squatted obediently on the ground.

What Wang Yan had previously boasted about was the fierce fighting force.

Now they are all soft-footed shrimps.

Indeed, few people in Jinling have this kind of strength and can destroy so many people at once.

However, the police can.

At this time, the appearance of the police caught Sun Qingdong and Wang Yan off guard.

It is estimated that the policemen were also investigating Tiantian's disappearance, and they came here all the way. Unexpectedly, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and they beat their own people.

Seeing that there was a misunderstanding, Wang Yan smiled and tried to explain the situation.

But as soon as she came up, before she had time to speak, one of the police recognized her.

"Hey, you, aren't you the one this morning..." He was the policeman who received Wang Yan at the door of the police station this morning.

"Didn't you rush to call the police, saying that your daughter was kidnapped? Why now..." The policeman pointed to Sun Tiantian who was standing next to him, not to mention too much surprise in his heart.

"Oh, I see! It turns out that you directed and acted by yourself, and then came to report the false case. How about it, is it fun to play with our police?"

"No, no, it's not like that, you have misunderstood, in fact..." Wang Yan hurriedly wanted to explain.

But at this time, another policeman next to him shouted: "Want to quibble? I have checked it through the real estate system. This riverside warehouse No.118 is written in your name, Wang Yan! You self-directed and performed this kidnapping The drama, it’s really painstaking! Do you know that by doing this, you are suspected of obstructing official duties, come with us!"

Wang Yan was frightened.

But at this moment, when he heard this, Sun Qingdong could be regarded as a reaction.

"Damn, let me say, I said, why does it sound so familiar? It turns out that this warehouse was a gift I gave to Wang Yan when I got married, but because of the age, I forgot it!"

At this moment, his all-time worry finally came true.

No wonder, I always feel that something is wrong.

It turned out that this was calculated by someone!

Damn, who is so vicious and painstakingly set a trap to harm me?!

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