Beautiful wife ten years later

Chapter 098 Let's make a bet

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Beautiful Wife Search Novels Ten Years Later ("!It was no one else who came out, but Zhu Shengshou.

After he took off the mask, he frowned, his face was sallow and ugly. Needless to say, he could guess that Tiantian's current situation is very bad, and the treatment work is not going smoothly.

But even so, Qiu Ruoya and the others went up with expectation and asked: "Zhu Shengshou, how is my daughter now, is she awake?"

Originally, Zhu Shengshou was going to shake his head and sigh, telling the truth.

However, when he saw Qiu Ruoya's nervous and expectant look, first he couldn't bear to hit her, and secondly, if he was to be honest, wouldn't he appear incompetent?Wouldn't a dignified genius doctor of the sacred hand become an ordinary person who has lost his reputation?

So Zhu Shengshou made up a nonsense, re-pretended to be confident, and smiled: "Sorry, my expression scared you guys, I'm just too tired..."

"Don't worry, everything is under control. After my treatment this morning, at least Miss Qiu's heartbeat has stabilized, and it has returned to more than fifty. There is no life threatening for the time being!"

"But ah, because of some special reasons, the best treatment time was delayed, and it also caused irreversible side effects. It is very difficult to treat! Alas, if you invite me earlier, it will be fine, and you don’t have to do it now. So passive!" At this point, Zhu Shengshou sighed.

"I don't have enough utensils here. I'll go and make a call next to me and ask the assistant at home to bring some more."

"President Qiu, Dean, please rest assured, although it is very difficult, the parents of the doctors, no matter what, I will save Miss Qiu! Nothing else, because this is my basis as a doctor. Minute!"

After speaking, Zhu Sheng wiped his sleeves and left firmly.

Seeing this, the eyes of the medical staff next to him were already showing admiration.

"Wow, take a look, take a look! This is the real genius doctor! With a compassionate heart, he is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles!

"Yeah, how am I fortunate to live in an era with Zhu Shengshou? People like him are really great!"

"Yes, that's right, Zhu Shengshou is really our role model, it's worth studying for a lifetime!"

Of course, while everyone was singing praises to Zhu Shengshou, the female doctor who had just cursed Jiang Feng as a pervert, snorted disdainfully:

"Hehe, Zhu Shengshou is certainly great, but you don't even think about it. How could things that Zhu Shengshou could solve with ease were made so complicated?"

"Who is it that delayed the best treatment time? And who is it, I don't know how to pretend to understand, and make a blind treatment, causing irreversible side effects!"

When she said this, the female doctor stared at Jiang Feng coldly.

That meaning couldn't be simpler, it was accusing Jiang Feng of not knowing how to pretend, and treating him indiscriminately. This caused Miss Qiu's condition to deteriorate, so that even Zhu Shengshou could not help it!

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was speechless.

He said to his heart, I rely on, this Zhu Sheng's hand is really insidious. Obviously he doesn't have the ability to cure, but this ability to push the pot and blame is first-class. In case he really misses, he can completely do it by then. The responsibility is all on me!

He, who said that just now, is already looking for a way out for himself!

Jiang Feng certainly refused to admit it, he wanted to explain.

However, in the eyes of the female doctor, Jiang Feng had already become a pervert who entered the void. First of all, the first impression was much worse, plus the words of Zhu Shengshou just now...

Who is Zhu Shengshou? He is a benevolent and benevolent Chinese medicine expert, an old expert whom everyone admires and admires!

So, Zhu Shengshou and Jiang Feng, who should be trusted when these two people are put together?That is simply a judgement, without even thinking about it!

After listening to the female doctor's words, everyone around him also felt reasonable and criticized Jiang Feng.

"Before I wanted to monopolize the credit and drive us out of the ward, but now I'm still adding trouble to Zhu Shengshou. You are enough!"

"Yes, look at Zhu Shengshou's character, and then look at yours. Why is there such a big gap in life?"

"That's right! If this time, because of your problem, Miss Qiu has some shortcomings, you are a murderer!"

"Yes, murderer! You dare to come over, didn't you let you go? Get out, we don't want to beat you, if we don't leave again, don't force us to call the police!"

Everyone originally harbored resentment and jealousy towards Jiang Feng, but now all the emotions exploded.

At the scene, some people yelled at Jiang Feng, and all kinds of ugly words were sprayed out.

"Don't worry, don't get excited, everyone listen to me..." Qiu Ruoya thinks that the situation is not right, she came up with a few good things to help Jiang Feng, and explain what happened before, in fact, Jiang Feng is not a pervert, he is giving himself Refresh and rejuvenate!

However, so many mouths were opened and so many excited emotions all gathered together and turned into a raging wave!

Before Qiu Ruoya could finish her words, someone around immediately shouted:

"Mr. Qiu, we all know that you have a good heart, but this kind of garbage man is not worthy of you to say good things for him!"

"Yes, Mr. Qiu, he even dares to be frivolous, and we can never spare him about this!"

At this time, two male doctors couldn't help but rushed up, grabbed Jiang Feng's collar, and started to move.

It was a good opportunity, they wanted to show themselves well.Fubooks

As a result, they are both single, and want to leave a good impression of bravery in the minds of these female doctors and nurses.

Secondly, this time, they were out there for Qiu Ruoya's affairs. They could give the Jinling woman the richest man a lot of help, let alone fights, but they were willing to eat shit, and they were still smiling!

These two male doctors usually like to practice fitness, and they often play football together. It can be said that they are strong and fit together.

"Heh, the two of us, can't we still get rid of you?"

The two of them looked at each other, and then rushed up from left to right.

Prepare to subdue Jiang Feng to the ground.

But who would have thought that Jiang Feng's speed was much faster than them.

He punched first on the left, then extended another kick on the right.

This speed is so fast, in the eyes of others, the speed of punching and kicking is almost simultaneous!

In an instant!

In only a few tenths of a second, Jiang Feng lay the two male doctors on the ground and yelled.

The people behind were all stunned when they saw this scene!

"Hey, you two, what are you doing? You are so casual, don't you want to trouble me, come on, stand up and continue!" Jiang Feng sneered at them.

"Huh! If it weren't for the fact that you two are doctors and can treat illnesses and save people, that punch, that kick, I would have gone to your heart long ago!"

The speed of the attack just now was so fast that the two of them did not react, and they fell to the ground, and their whole body was sore, and their bones were about to fall apart.

Don't forget, this is just a bite, the other party hasn't been ruthless yet, so he has to kill them all!

At this point, they had an understanding of Jiang Feng's strength.

This is simply terrifying!If the chaos comes again, it is estimated that even a small life will not be saved!

At this time, the best choice for both of them is to be soft and quickly return. After all, the hero doesn't suffer the immediate loss. The most important thing is to save his life!

But at this moment, they turned their heads and looked behind them. The expectant female doctors and nurses in the eyes...

If, just like that, then I will definitely be looked down upon when I go back, let alone find someone, even if I want to talk to female doctors and nurses, it will be difficult!

Now that it's all here, so if you pretend to go out, you have to finish pretending in tears!

"Boy, don't be crazy, if you have the ability, you can move us and try!"

"Yeah, it was my master's negligence just now. This was the result of your sneak attack. Now I am ready to see how I will fight you all over the floor looking for teeth!" The two male doctors uttered a slap in the mouth. Tao.

In fact, they are guilty of death at this moment in their hearts, and saying these words is totally emboldening themselves.


In his throat, he was still swallowing.

"Brother, what do you want to do now..." one of the male doctors and his companion whispered.

"Wait a minute, you go up and hold me, I, I put my phone in my pocket, take the opportunity to call the police, as long as the police come, this matter will be easy! Remember, you must stand up to me, don't let those The girls are reading a joke!" Another male doctor replied.

But when I heard this, the first male doctor who spoke was unhappy, "Why should I go up and hold him? You are older than me, and I will call you brother, you should go first!"

"No, no, let's go first. I put my phone in my pocket, and I can type without looking at the screen. Can you do it? You can go quickly and let me call the police. Don't worry, brother, I will always be your strongest backing. !"

"Brother, it's okay for me to be a backing, and I will support you too, you go up and you go up!"


In this way, the two bucked their arguments, neither of them dared to go first, and they were arguing for half a minute on the spot.

And all of their whispers were naturally heard by Jiang Feng.

With the blessing of the tiger-shaped pendant, Jiang Feng's ears are now becoming more and more sensitive, so that he can hear some very small voices, not to mention the dispute between the two.

Jiang Feng smiled and said: "Okay, stop fighting, you two want to call the police and arrest me, don't you? No trouble, I can do it for you!"

With that said, Jiang Feng pushed them away, and walked to the gang that made the most noise just now.

"Didn't you say that I am a murderer? You want to convict me? All right, you can call the police now!"

"We can make a bet!"

"The nearest police station is about three kilometers away. Give me ten minutes. If I can't cure the girl within ten minutes, let the police arrest me!"

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