Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

Chapter 118:The Teacher (116)

Babs was walking down the street to the bus stop. She had just bought two books one on pregnancy and child birth and the other one Raising a healthy child 101.

She was not paying attention, looking at one of the books, when a big black car pulls up, and before she knew what was happening she was pulled into the car.

"What are you doing?" She yells at the big man in the car.

Babs was getting scared but luckily she was one that could text fairly good without looking.

Bella and Betty were out for the evening. Ben is still hurt. Dad and Bert were out doing something but she could not remember what they said. So the only one she could think of was David.

[Help me kif naprd] Babs

David heard his phone go off and looked at a text from Babs. What was she trying to say?

[?] David

[In bkack car heasiing for ??] Babs

[Babs what is going on I don't understand] David

Babs could not see the phone to see if he understood but soon she figured out where they were going.

[Yout mom kid naoes me Help] Babs

David looked again Babs had been kidnapped by his mother.

[I'm coming hang in there.] David

David headed to his mother house. He could not believe what she was doing now.

When he got there his mother had gaurds at the door.

"Sorry sir the Madam said she did not want to be disturbed."

"Tell my mother I need to talk to her about the baby." David said.

"Sorry sir she said no one can disturbed her."

David then called 911 and met two officers down the block he showed him the text messages and told them how crazy his mother had been.

The officer decided to check it out.

"Sir we need to talk to Mrs. West" the officer said.

"Sorry sir Mrs. West is not home right now." The gaurd said.

"Call the owner now." The officer ordered.

David waited in the cop car then opened his phone. "Neil get your dad to come back to the mansion. Mom kidnapped Babs and her goons won't let anyone in. Your dad can give permission to enter."

"We'll be right there. Sorry"

It only took a few minutes for Mr. West and Neil to arrived along with a few more officers. The gaurds were cuffed and placed in cars and Mr. West opened the door for everyone to enter. Every room was searched. The first thing they found was her bag and phone. Then when they went upstairs Babs was found locked into one of the guest rooms.

"Are you all right?" David said wrapping his arm around her.

"She said I was going to stay here till I give birth. She took my phone. I'm glad you got my messages." Babs stayed in his embrace and did not want to let go.

"Do you know were she is?" Neil asked.

Babs turned to look at him. "She said she would get a doctor here for an exam."

"Can I take Babs home now,?" David asked the lead officer.

"No, you can take her down to the living room to give a statement to officers Thomas. Then you can take her home."

David walked her down and sat with her during the interview. A Little red haired officer took her statement.

Officers arrested David's mother as she came home.

Neil followed his mother to police station.

She was in a fit screaming at everyone. When she attacked Neil they had to stun her and send her to the hospital lockup.

Looks like Mrs. West would be sent to a mental hospital for treatment again.

Neil remember when he was around ten his mother had to go away for a few years because of a break in reality.

David drove back to his apartment and helped Babs in. Babs was still shaking and would not let him get to far away.

"Can I stay here tonight. I don't want to be alone." Babs asked.

"Any time, Move in if you like." He said.

"Don't start please I just want to stay one night."

David made some tea and they curled up together on the couch.

"Why is she like that?" Babs said.

"She has a screw loose. She was hospital for a few years after our sister died. She has never been the same. I know it will be hard to agree but if Neil's Dad puts her back into the hospital will you drop the charges?" David asked.

"If you really think it will help." She said sipping the tea.

David picked up the book on Pregnancy and looked at it looks like the baby is the size of an orange now. It says here we could find out the sex. Do you hope for a boy or girl?" David asked.

"I would like a boy. Every little girl needs an older brother." She said.

"You want more kids?" David pulled her with her back against his chest.

"Yes, I want a few. If I found a husband who I can get along with." She said.

"I want a few kids and would love you to be their mother." He whispered into her ear.

She shivered. He looked through the book some more. Then he placed his hands on her baby bump.

"I really want this child to be ours. I really can't imagine having a family with out you in it."

"I've been thinking..."

"About what?" He asked.

"Let's get married." she said turning to look up at him.

"Don't tease me, Do you mean it?" David asked.

"Yes, I mean it do I need to get down on one knee?" She laughed.

David was so happy he kissed her. Then he kissed her tummy, "I'm going to be your daddy little one. Your mommy is the best."

"When can we marry?" He looked up at her.

"You pick, I did the asking." She said.

"Then Monday we take the day off and go get the license and head to the Justice of the peace. Then you can be Mrs. David Cameron."

"Then I guess tomorrow we tell our family."

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